Diary of A.L.J. 1965

The work of a curious fellow

This page is a year's entries from the diary of Alice L. Jones, who was my father's mother. She kept a diary from 1909 into the 1970's. I have recovered 7 volumes of her effort and transcribed her very legible handwriting into these web pages. I have not corrected her word usage, abbreviations or spelling. Please send an email to jdj@mcanv.com if you would care to question or comment.

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Diary of Alice L. Jones


Fri. Jan. 1st

Clear and cold. Mary went up to Susie's to dinner. Had several callers – Faye and children in P.M. The Everard’s in eve.

Sat. Jan. 2nd

Cloudy most of day. Jr. Young and Arleen came in early P.M. and stayed to supper. Dickey Owen (Lura's youngest) fell doing tricks on ice and taken to CMG hospital with skull fracture. Susie and Fay called in eve.

Sun. Jan. 3rd

Fair. Caller’s in P.M. and eve.

Mon. Jan. 4th

Good day. Callers – Everett and Freda up in eve.

Tues. Jan. 5th

Mostly fair – mild. Shirley Harmon and children spent P.M. with us. Several callers in eve.

Wed. Jan 6th

Beautiful day. Bill and Sue called in A.M. Lewis took Mary to Dr. Rock’s office in Lewiston in late P.M. I stayed at Stewart’s.

Thurs. Jan. 7th

Nice day, colder. Evelyn took Mary to CMG in A.M. for cardiogram. Margaret Logan called in P.M. Everett took me home in eve. for 24 hr. “leave”

Fri. Jan. 8th

Dark day, started raining in P.M. Everett, Freda and I ate supper at Sandra's (having our kitchen remodeled). Everett, Freda and I went to town in P.M. shopping, etc. Had supper at “Clare’s” then went up to see Bill and Sue (roads icy). They left me at Mary Young’s. The Everard’s here in eve. Mac Dunn and Lewis went rabbit hunting (got 3). Katherine stayed with Mary.

Sat. Jan. 9th

Rainy in A.M. Callers – Susie spent eve. here while the rest played “Scrabble” at Alberta's. Marlene, Louise, Larry and Holley here in eve. also Bradley. Faye’s family moved to Augusta.

Sun. Jan. 10

Dark day. Louise, Marlene and children called in A.M. Dickey Owen and Lura called in eve. Faye called.

Mon. Jan 11

Cloudy part of day. Callers in P.M. and eve. Harry, Jr. and Winnie called in P.M.

Tues. Jan. 12

Fair, 10° in morn. - 40° during day, heavy wind. I cleaned windows in kitchen. Shirley and children over in P.M. – Margaret and Deano. Several callers in A.M. and eve.

Wed. Jan. 13

Cloudy, several callers. May Everard up in P.M.

Thurs. Jan. 14

Fair. May Everard took Mary to Brunswick in P.M. to see Dr. Bettle. Lewis brot her home after works. Bill came over in eve. to take me to Edith McIver’s to a baby shower for Joan Curtis. Had trouble with car coming home. Charlie Coskery brot me home from his house. Several callers – very cold evening.

Fri. Jan. 15

Nice day -16° in morn. Bill called in A.M. Several callers in P.M. Lura here to supper.

Sat. Jan. 16

8° below zero in morn. 2° below highest during day. Started snowing lightly about noon. Bill came after me to take me to Sue's for wk-end. Buddy Labbe’s car smashed on front part when chain broke Russell McIver was towing it with.

Sun. Jan. 17

Light snow most of day, clearing in P.M. zero in morn. Bill took me back to Young's in P.M. Called in to see Lola. She came home from Augusta hospital about a week ago after a bad ankle break while out sliding. Joe and Shirley called in eve.

Mon. Jan. 18

Mostly cloudy. Callers. Betty, Evelyn and Mary trying to solve one of Mary’s mysteries.

Tues. Jan. 19

Nice day, zero. Mary heard (thru Dwight) that Marlene and children went to his house Mon. morn. to hunt for rooms and a job. Several callers – Grace Small Casey and husband – May Rideout in P.M. Small girls – Everett and Freda in eve. Lewis went to Yarmouth in eve. to see his father and sister Ethel.

Wed. Jan. 20

Snowed nearly all day (about 4 in.) Shirley left Mark and Melodie here while she went to town. Susie, Evelyn, Patty, Alberta and Shirley came in eve. to celebrate Mary’s birthday (45 yrs.).

Thurs. Jan. 21

Nice day. Betty did up Mary’s hair. Lewis took Mary and me up to Harold’s in eve. Susie and Harold’s 47 wedding anniversary.

Fri. Jan. 22

Nice day, 40° in P.M. Lewis and Mac Dunn went rabbit hunting all day. Evelyn took Mary to Parkview in P.M. for blood test. The Everards up in eve.

Sat. Jan. 23

Dark, cloudy day. Faye and two children called at noon. Lewis and Mary went up to Louie Adams’ place to see Marlene and children who were up there for the day.

Sun. Jan. 24

Snowed most of day. 8° - 10° most all day. Sir Winston Churchill died. Lewis washed and took clothes to Falls to laundramat to dry. Bradley called.

Mon. Jan. 25

Partly cloudy, warmer. Brad here to breakfast (on week’s vacation). Margaret, Deano and Winnie here in P.M. Susie, Evelyn, Patty and Shirley here in eve.

Tues. Jan. 26

Nice day, snowed in eve. Brad here to breakfast and most of day. Marlene and children here to lunch and in P.M. Bill and Sue called in P.M. – callers.

Wed. Jan. 27

Mostly fair and mild. Brad here part of day. Callers. Alberta here in eve.

Thurs. Jan. 28

Snow flurries in eve. Brad here part of day. Susie, Evelyn, Patty and children called in P.M.

Fri. Jan. 29

Clear morn. – below zero – soon clouded up. Brad here part of day. Marlene started work at “State House”. Lewis took me home in eve. Freda’s kitchen remodeled.

Sat. Jan. 30

Clear and cold. Ernest over in A.M. He and Mayota came to supper after she finished work at the Library. Freda had caller in eve. Byron Shea had accident.

Sun. Jan. 31

Nice day. Sandi went to Sun. school and church. I went to church. Leo's family came down at noon. Had picnic lunch here. Ernest and Mayota over in P.M. Everett took Freda and Mayota to Meth- church service in eve. and took me back to Young’s to work.

Mon. Feb. 1st

Mostly cloudy. Shirley took Mary to Yarmouth about noon. Horace Huntington and wife called in eve.

Tues. Feb. 2nd

Snowed about 2 in. during night, fair day. Callers. May Everard up in eve. also Winnie and Margaret Stewart.

Wed. Feb. 3rd

Clear and cold, below zero. Callers. Dr. Mendes called to tell Mary she had an appointment at “Peter Bend Brigham Hospital” in Boston for 11 A.M. Sunday.

Thurs. Feb. 4th

nice day, 12° below zero. Evelyn took Mary to Brunswick in A.M. to have her hair cut. Bill and Sue called in P.M. Alberta played “Scrabble” with us in eve. Lewis baby-sat for Shirley. Callers.

Fri. Feb. 5th

Cloudy, 16° below – Began snowing in eve. Eugene, Alberta and Genie called in eve. – callers – Joe Harmon, etc.

Sat. Feb. 6th

Beautiful day. The family all called to see Mary during day. Lewis took her to Everard’s in Topsham. May took them to Yarmouth to Ethel’s. She took them to Helen’s in Eliot to stay over night. Harry, Sr.. brot Winnie over to Mary’s to stay with me overnight (Mary headed for “Peter Bent Brigham” hospital in Boston).

Sun. Feb. 7th

Dark, cloudy day, very mild. Harry, Sr. came up in P.M. Took Winnie and me over to Bill’s (no one home). then we went to Vera's (she and Ray gone) then we called at Sadie Garland's. The Stewarts stayed til 9 P.M. when Lewis came home from Boston. Shirley came over in eve.

Mon. Feb. 8th

Rained hard in A.M. Betty came over. Lewis went to Shirley’s in eve. Everett came up in eve. after taking Freda and Sandra to baby shower on Bath road. Geraldine Webber died in hospital.

Tues. Feb. 9th

Clear and colder. Betty called in P.M. We played “Scrabble”. Joe Harmon called in eve.

Wed. Feb. 10

16° above all day. Began snowing in A.M. – sleet in P.M. Betty over.

Thurs. Feb. 11

Beautiful springlike day. Margaret Logan called in A.M. on her way to Portland with Shirley. Bill came in P.M. and took me to Falls. Called at Stewart’s. Betty called, Alberta called in eve.

Fri. Feb. 12

Sleet and rain part of day. Lewis and Mac Dunn went rabbit hunting (got 3). Betty over several times.

Sat. Feb. 13

Nice day. Harry and Winnie over in P.M. and took me over to Margaret’s to get my hair pin-curled and brot me back to Mary’s. Susie, Evelyn, Joe Harmon and Shirley here in eve.

Sun. Feb. 14

Partly cloudy. Shirley over at noon. Betty called in P.M. also Grace Coombs. 6° above.

Mon. Feb. 15

7° above – very nice day. Shirley took me to her house in P.M. for game of “Scrabble”. Betty called. Shirley, Joe and his mother called on way to school to vote or talk over about joining with 3 other schools to build a new high school. Mary called saying she could come home from Mass.

Tues. Feb. 16

Nice day. Lewis went to Boston with May Everard to bring Mary home from hospital. Margaret brot Winnie over to have dinner with me. Betty and Mary Murphy over in P.M. also Shirley and children. Eugene and Alberta called in P.M. Susie, Evelyn, Nancy, Patty and baby here in eve. also Joe Harmon.

Wed. Feb. 17

Nice day, colder. Shirley took Mary to Dr. Mendes in P.M. and left me at Stewart’s. Then they came back for “Tea”. Arlene Butcher at Winnie’s also Anita Sawyer and her husband. Alberta came in eve. also Everett and Freda. Mrs. Chase died (May Rideout’s mother).

Thurs. Feb. 18

Snowed most of day, soft sloppy snow, squally in eve. No callers.

Fri. Feb. 19

Fair, colder. Harry, Jr. and Winnie came over in A.M. Shirley and children over in P.M. – the Everards up in eve.

Sat. Feb. 20

Nice day, 2° above in morn. Harry, Sr. , Winnie, Margaret and I went to funeral services for Mrs. Chase at Leonard Jepson’s funeral parlors in Richmond. Faye and five children called in P.M. also Everett and Freda on their way to Litchfield. Lewis and Mary took me to Bill’s and Sue’s in eve. for wk-end.

Sun. Feb. 21

Fair. Wm. and family came down to supper. Emil and Verna came in P.M. Sue and I went over to Myrt’s. Bill and Sue took me back to Young’s in eve.

Mon. Feb. 22

Snowed most of day – our biggest one so far - 6-8 in. Betty over. We went up to Harold’s in eve.

Tues. Feb. 23

Clear and cold. Callers in P.M. Shirley took Mary, Lewis and me to Marlene’s in Augusta. Irene Babb very low in Maine Medical Center (Portland).

Wed. Feb. 24

Below zero in morn. Beautiful day. Shirley and children took Mary and me up to Evelyn’s to dinner. Betty over. Bill, Sue and Lola called while we were gone.

Thurs. Feb. 25

Began snowing in A.M. the turned to sleet and rain and heavy wind in P.M. and early eve. Harry, Winnie, Margaret and Deano came over in A.M. Very slippery in eve.

Fri. Feb. 26

Partly cloudy, very mild. Betty over. Everett and Freda came after me to go home (all through work at Young’s). Jim, Sharon and children arrived about 10 P.M. for Windsor Locks, Conn.

Sat. Feb. 27

Fair, colder. Jim and Sharon went to town on “Biz”. Mayota over in A.M. Had supper party. Eben, Jennie Carlson and Lola, Mr. and Mrs. John Herd, Hugh Johnson and Phyllis. Music in eve.

Sun. Feb. 28

Nice day. Freda, Sandra and Richard went to Sun. school. Everett, Freda, Sandi and I went to church at Bailey Is. then we all went to church dinner at our church. They all went out in P.M. (except me). Gramp Small came down in P.M.

Mon. Mar. 1st

Cloudy, 40° - 50° most of day. Jim, Sharon and Sandi went to Brunswick in A.M. to dentist’s Everett and Freda went away after 11 o’clock dinner. Jim and Sharon left for Conn. about 11.45 A.M. Sandi set my hair in P.M. Mayota and Ernest over in eve.

Tues. Mar. 2nd

Nice day. Marion and Estelle Smith took Freda and me to WSCS meeting at Ethel Linscott’s at 9 A.M. (12 there). Mr. Medgarentz called in at meeting. Mayota and Sandi went to town in A.M. Freda stayed with Mrs. Dumont in P.M. while her daughter was on business.

Wed. Mar. 3rd

Warm day. Everett and Freda were away most of day. Ruth Wilson had dinner with me (working for Sandi). Everett took Freda and me to Ash Wed. Lenten service at Bailey Is. (7 there from Bailey’s, 5 from Orrs).

Thurs. Mar. 4th

Nice warm day. Sandra went to Mayota’s in A.M. I ironed and mended for Sandra. Everett and Freda went to town in early P.M.

Fri. Mar. 5th

Cloudy, mild. Everett and I went to Falls in A.M. on “Bank Biz”. Mayota spent day here. She and Ernest here to supper. World Day of Prayer – our church invited to Brunswick Episcopal.

Sat. Mar. 6th

Showery, just a few patches of snow left. Everett and Freda gone part of day to town meeting. Mayota at Library. Ernest here most of P.M. He and Mayota stayed to supper. Freda had company in eve.

Sun. Mar. 7th

Cloudy and dark. Everett, Freda, Sandi and I went to church. Sandi went to Sun. school. Mr. Medgarentz had dinner here. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. and Mayota came to supper.

Mon. Mar. 8th

Mostly cloudy, very mild. Mayota here all day. She and Ernest stayed for supper. Bill and Sue came in P.M. Franklin Rufus Curtis born at St. Mary’s hospital.

Tues. Mar 9th

Cloudy. Granville, Shirley, little Delmar and Gramp Small came down in A.M. Mayota took Sandra to dentist’s in A.M. to have her back teeth out. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Wed. Mar. 10

Partly cloudy. Mayota spent day here. She and Ernest stayed to supper. Freda and I went to Lenten service at our church.

Thurs. Mar. 11

Nice day. Mayota and Freda took Marion and Estelle Smith to town to see Dr. and go shopping in A.M. Mary Bangs called in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Fri. Mar. 12

Nice day, cooler. Mayota here most of day. Everett and Freda went to funeral services in Brunswick for Alice Sylvester in P.M. then they went out to supper.

Sat. Mar. 13

Mostly fair, cold wind. Ernest Mayota and Freda left about 5.30 A.M. for Windsor Locks, Conn for wk-end. Sandra took Mayota’s job at Library in P.M. Someone set fire to Dr. Swisher’s place.

Sun. Mar. 14

Nice day. Everett worked most of day. Gramp Small called in A.M. Spent the day up at his cottage and came down in late P.M. Everett and I went to church at Bailey Is. The folks arrived home from Conn. in P.M. with Sharon and children. Mayota and Ernest stayed for supper.

Mon. Mar. 15

Nice day. Everett and Freda went to town in A.M. for him to have treatment at Dr. Bailey’s. Sharon and children went over to Grampa Hugh's in A.M. Ernest and Mayota called in eve. Card’s place burned at Higgins’ Corner.

Tues. Mar. 16

Nice day. Mayota took Sandi and Sharon to dentist’s to have some more teeth pulled and Sharon had her new upper ones put in. Freda took children over to Grampa Hugh’s for little call after supper. Heard that Lillian Guenther was in hospital with bronchial pneumonia.

Wed. Mar. 17

Nice day. Mayota took Sharon to dentist’s but he didn’t do any dental work for her. Mayota and Freda getting ready for a birthday party for Diana Hillman in eve. She was sick and couldn’t attend but they had the party at Ernest’s and Mayota’s. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandra).

Thurs. Mar. 18

Cloudy. Mayota took Sharon to dentist’s in late P.M. She came over to dinner. Sandra sick with cold.

Fri. Mar. 19

Very light rain and few snow flakes in A.M. – clear and windy in P.M. Everett, Freda and children went to Bath in A.M. Everett took Sharon to dentist’s in late P.M.

Sat. Mar. 20

Started snowing in P.M. Mayota and Ernest here for dinner. Mayota worked at Library in P.M. Everett and Freda went away after dinner and came back in eve. with another car (Dodge). Ernest took Sharon to dentist’s in A.M. (Dr. Legendre). Snowed an inch or two, much heavier in Windsor Locks, Conn. where Jim is.

Sun. Mar. 21

Fair and colder. Freda and Richard went to Sunday school then Everett, Freda, Ernest, Mayota, Richard and I went to Granville’s for the day. After dinner we all went to sap house to see new log house and evaporator, etc. Gramp Small took Ernest and Mayota on a ride then Everett took Gramp Small, little Delmar, Shirley and me on a ride in his new Dodge.

Mon. Mar 22

Cloudy and P.M. and heavy wind. Freda washed most of A.M. for Sandra, Mayota, Sharon and ourselves. They froze on the line – first time in several weeks. Freda went to take care of Mrs. Dumont in P.M. Everett took Sharon to Dr. Legendre in late P.M. Mayota took Arleen to her house to dinner. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Tues. Mar. 23

Snowed few flakes, cloudy. Granville came to work for Everett. Marion Smith called few minutes (getting up WSCS program for Lenten service Wed. eve.).

Wed. Mar. 24

Clear, cold, windy. Everett took Sharon to dentist in A.M. Freda and children walked over to Mayota’s in A.M. She went out with Everett in late P.M. Freda and I went to Lenten service at our church in eve. (by WSCS) Ruth Wilson here to dinner.

Thurs. Mar. 25

Fair and cool. Ernest and Mayota over in eve. Fire of little consequence up back of Roberta McElman’s place.

Fri. Mar. 26

Began snowing lightly about noon than rain mostly thru P.M. Everett and Freda went out in early eve. for ride. Some of the Purinton family called in early eve. – Bruce, Barbara. The other man who worked on moss plant called in eve. Jimmie arrived about 10 P.M. from Conn.

Sat. Mar. 27

Fair, heavy wind. Everett, Jim, Sharon and Richard went to town in A.M. Mayota took Arleen to the Library with her in P.M. then took her to supper and brot her home in eve. Freda sick in bed all day with sore throat, etc. Everett, Jim, Sharon, Richard and I went to marriage ceremony at West Bowdoin church of Phyllis Labbe and Ernest Rowe. Jimmie traded cars with Ernest Hillman, Sr.

Sun. Mar. 28

Nice day. Sandi and Richard went to Sunday school. Everett and Sandi went to church at Bailey Is. Freda sick in bed most of day. Mayota and Ernest came to dinner. Frances, Clif and Timmie called in P.M. Grass fire near Mrs. Hayward’s on Bailey Is.

Mon. Mar. 29

Very light snowfall. Jim and family started for Conn. about one P.M. Heard of heavy snowfall in Mass. and slippery roads so came back after short ride. Mayota went to Augusta in A.M. Everett and Sandra went to church “Board” meeting in eve. Jim and family went to town in A.M. and got his “Rambler” he got from Ernest Hillman, Sr. Freda in bed most of day.

Tues. Mar. 30

Partly cloudy, cold. Jimmie and family left about 8.30 A.M. for Windsor Locks, Conn. Everett and Freda went to Bath in A.M. Mayota made hurried call in A.M.

Wed. Mar. 31

Clear, cold. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us. Sandi and Mayota went to town shopping. Everett and Freda to supper and to Mayota’s in eve.

Thurs. Apr. 1st

Clear and cool. Mayota over most of day – had hair done – made cinnamon rolls and did her washing. She and Ernest came over in eve. Everett and Freda went to town in P.M.

Fri. Apr. 2nd

Clear and cool. Sandra went to town in A.M. Emerson and Hilda Mitchell down in P.M. Everett and Freda went to town for supper.

Sat. Apr. 3rd

Clear and cool. Everett and Freda went away in P.M. Mayota worked at Library. Mayota sprained her ankle in eve. Alice Norton passed away.

Sun Apr. 4th

Clear and cool. Freda went to church. Sandra and Mayota both unable to attend Sunday school classes.

Mon. Apr. 5th

Nice day. Everett and Freda spent P.M. in town and went to Cundy’s Harbor in eve. Ernest and Mayota over in eve.

Tues. Apr. 6th

Nice day. Freda went to WSCS meeting at Mrs. Hayward’s in A.M. Everett and Freda went to town in eve. Sandi and Mayota went to town in A.M.

Wed. Apr. 7th

Partly cloudy. Freda and Everett went out in P.M. and went to supper later. Mayota took “Willie” to veterinary’s in A.M. for foot that was hurt in some way. Freda went to Lenten service at Orr’s in eve. Ernest and Mayota over in eve. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us.

Thurs. Apr. 8th

Showery most of day. Everett and Freda spent in Portland (at court helping Brian McGowan get a divorce from Sue) then went shopping. Mayota and Ernest called in eve.

Fri. Apr. 9th

Mostly cloudy. Freda went to Mayota’s in A.M. Gramp Small, Statie Allen Philbrook and a friend called in P.M. Everett, Ernest and Mayota went to “Movies” in Portland in eve.

Sat. Apr. 10

Mostly cloudy, warmer 50°-55°. Everett went to Litchfield in morn. to see about work at church at Plains. Everett and Freda and Sandra went to supper at church. I went down after supper to see Joe Harper’s movies of lobstermen at Bailey Island and fishing out of Portland.

Sun. Apr. 11

Partly cloudy. Everett, Freda, Ernest, Mayota and I went to church. Sandra went to Sun. school and church then went with Ernest and Mayota in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. to get our supper (Italian sandwiches). Terrible tornados thru central northern states.

Mon. Apr. 12

Rainy day (mixed with snow) Mayota and Freda spent the day in Brunswick. Everett went to Dr. Bailey’s for back treatment in A.M. Mayota over in eve. while Everett worked on their hot water system.

Tues. Apr. 13

Cloudy and wet part of day. Mayota took Sandra to dentist’s in A.M. Everett went to Dr. Bailey’s for treatment. Everett, Freda and I went to Mayota’s to supper (boiled dinner) then took a ride to “Land’s End”. Freda went up road calling in P.M. Winnifred Fisher died in nursing home.

Wed. Apr. 14

Nice day. Freda had callers in P.M. Ruth Wilson worked for Sandra and had dinner with us. Weston Burnham called in P.M. Everett and Freda went to town in eve. Mayota had “Kaiser” over in P.M.

Thurs. Apr. 15

Mostly cloudy. Began raining in eve. Freda down to Dumont’s to help take care of Mrs. Dumont a few hours (She came home from hospital this week). Mayota helped her mother here and at Dumont’s. Everett, Freda, Sandra and I went to “Communion” service at Bailey Is. church in eve. Rev. Wentworth served “Communion”. Brian McGowan and Leneler’s (Sue) divorce in paper.

Fri. Apr. 16

Rained in A.M. clear at night. Freda went to Dumont’s three times during day to help with elder Mrs. Dumont. Freda, Sandra and Mayota went to “Square Deal” for dinner (opening day). I rode to town with Everett in eve.

Sat. Apr. 17

Nice day. Freda went to Dumont’s in A.M. and eve. She went out with Everett in P.M. Ernest worked with Everett. Mayota over in A.M.

Sun. Apr. 18

About 2 in. of snow fell during night, fair in A.M., cloudy in P.M. Everett, Freda and I went to 6.30 A.M. service and breakfast at Orr’s Is. church then Freda went to help at Dumont’s. Sandi went to Sun. school and church (11 A.M.). I went to church. Ernest and Mayota over most of day. He helped Everett put water in shed to use for wash room, etc. Sandi and Mayota cleaned Gramp Small’s cottage in P.M. then Everett, Freda and Ernest went up there to supper.

Mon. Apr. 19

Mostly cloudy. Freda and Mayota went shopping in A.M. Phyllis Johnson and Sandi went mayflowering in P.M. Everett and Freda took me to Bill’s and Sue’s for visit in eve. Alexander Anderson had supper and spent eve at Sue’s. Helen visiting in Washington D.C.

Tues. Apr. 20

Cloudy and cooler. Sue went to “Parish” house to help clean in A.M. Bill went to cemetery meeting at Nellie Williams’ at Falls in eve. Sue and I went over to Myrt’s.

Wed. Apr. 21

Beautiful morn. cloudy and colder in P.M. Bill, Sue, Lola and I went to Lisbon then to Alvah Campbell’s, then to Falls shopping in A.M. Bill, Sue and I went to Sadie Garland’s then to Lewis and Mary Young’s in P.M. Bill went to Howard Goss’ in eve.

Thurs. Apr. 22

Mostly fair. Bill Sue, Myrt and I went over to June's in P.M. (they were ready to go to Lewiston to see Lila Wheeler who was in hospital having tonsils out) so we went up to Vivian's then to Vera’s. Vera called on her way home from work. Bill went over to Howard Goss’ in eve.

Fri. Apr. 23

Partly cloudy. Bill and I went to Falls in A.M. (Stewart’s) then to Gerry's and Bobby's. Bill Sue, Myrt and I went to see Lila Purinton in P.M. (no one there) then to Sheppard’s and Helen Anderson’s (She got home in A.M. from trip to Washington, D.C.). Mary Feltham passed away (92 yrs).

Sat. Apr. 24

Light fall of snow during night. Bill took Kelley to dentist’s in A.M. and run errands in P.M. getting ready for supper at “Parish” house for benefit of Henry and Alice Webber. – Sue and I went to supper in late P.M. Over $200 for Webbers.

Sun. Apr. 25

Fair. We went to church in A.M. and up to William's and Evelyn's in P.M. and Sue and I went to Myrt’s in eve. Vera, Joel and Tracy called in eve.

Mon. Apr. 26

Light rain mixed with snow. Bert and Myrtle Sheppard came up in eve.

Tues. Apr. 27

Nice day. Bill and Sue took me to Stewart’s in morn. I went top Ruth Tarr's in P.M. Winnie and I walked to Postoffice in eve. and called at Nellie Pattee’s. Harry, Sr. came after us. Winnie baby-sat at Margaret’s in P.M. She fell while cleaning paint.

Wed. Apr. 28

Nice warm day. Winnie and I went to Arleen Butcher’s in A.M. to say “Goodbye”. She is leaving in P.M. for Cundy’s Harbor to take care of an old lady (Mrs. Attwood). We went down St. in P.M. Called to see Dora Dority. We went to Margaret’s in eve. to “Tupperware” party.

Thurs. Apr. 29

Beautiful day. Harry, Sr. took Winnie and me to “Smart’s” Nursing Home to see Nettie Gillespie and Mae Belle Wilson while he went to the old Brunswick Hospital Home to see Lucius Young. We came home by Bowdoinham. Called to see Mrs. Dalrymple.

Fri. Apr. 30

Very nice day. Harry, Sr. and Winnie took me over to Doris' at Danville in A.M. Shirley Young took Mary to Dr. Mendes in P.M. and I went home with Mary for visit. Alberta called in eve. also Susie and Patty on their way to June Wheeler’s baby shower for Doris.

Sat. May 1st

Nice day. Bill took me to Sue’s in A.M. for wk-end. He took Holley to Falls in P.M. Emil and Verna King came down in eve. Lila Purinton and Nan Garland called in P.M. Myrt sick all this week. One evening this week (Sat.) Everett and Freda had a party for Republicans in nearby vicinity. Jack Prince (our representative) and wife attended.

Sun. May 2nd

Nice day. We went to church in A.M. then up to Vera’s to dinner. Lee Jordan took Lyn back to Gorham Normal school in P.M. Heard Della Ordway was in CMG with broken hip.

Mon. May 3rd

Mostly fair. Sue and I went to Myrt’s in A.M. Bill and Sue took me home in P.M. Henry Webber taken to Lamp Nursing Home at Lisbon. Alice Webber taken to “Lamp”. Had paralytic shock.

Tues. May 4th

Fair, warmest so far. The WSCS met here in A.M. Mayota over most of day – down to help with Mrs. Dumont twice during the day and did her washing. She and Ernest here to supper then Freda went with them to Brunswick fire out towards Bunganuc road. Everett took Sandi to dentist’s to have her new upper plate put in in A.M. Sandi and I walked over to Mayota’s in eve.

Wed. May 5th

Nice day. Granville brot little Delmar down to spend the day. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi).

Thurs. May 6th

Nice day. I rode to town in morning when Mayota took Sandi to dentist’s (Dr. Legendre). I went down to Susie Houghton's in eve.

Fri. May 7th

Nice day, cooler. Everett and Freda went to town in P.M.

Sat. May 8th

Mostly fair and very cool. Ernest worked with Everett. He and Mayota here to supper. Freda and Mayota went to town shopping in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Sun. May 9th

Nice day at our Island – Everett Freda and I left about 6.45 A.M. Went to Litchfield to pick up Gramp Small and went to Cecil Wescott’s at Madison to leave “Folsom Genealogy” books that Alice Keegan had. – then we went to Flagstaff Pond (nearly dry) and ate our lunch. Showery up in the mts. – from there we went to Rangely and to Rumford by “Height of Land Rd.” to Canton and called to see Alice Keegan at Colby Nursing Home in Auburn – took Gramp Small home and back to Orr’s Is. Everett and Freda went over to Mayota’s soon as they reached home.

Mon. May 10

Two very light showers. Mayota took Freda to town in A.M. Freda went to party in eve. with Ernest and Mayota.

Tues. May 11

Very light showers in morn. Everett took Sandra to the dentist’s in P.M. and took me to optometrist’s (Dr. DuBois). Sandra had her lower teeth put in.

Wed. May 12

Beautiful day. Mayota here most of day sewing with Freda. Ruth Wilson here to dinner (working for Sandi). Everett took Sandi up to Dr. Legendre in eve. Freda went along “just for the ride”. Sandi had miserable day with her lower teeth. I cleaned my bedroom. Funeral services for Henry Webber.

Thurs. May 13

Partly cloudy, few light showers. Shirley and little Delmar came down to spend the day when Granville came to work.

Fri. May 14

Nice day. Everett went on fishing trip. Eben Carlson came down in eve. to take organ lesson. Mr. Medzarentz called in eve.

Sat. May 15

Nice day. Freda sick in bed all day – stomach – etc.

Sun. May 16

Cloudy. Everett and Mayota took Sandi to “Hair dresser’s conventions” in Portland in A.M. and brot her home in P.M. Gramp Small called in P.M. Ernest and Otie here in P.M.

Mon. May 17

Distant thunder shower about 3 A.M. – cloudy, few light sprinkles during day. Mayota and I went shopping in Brunswick in A.M. Sandi went to dentist’s. Freda went to Mrs. Dumont’s (in Mayota’s place) in A.M. Mayota took Sandra to Dr. Pinfold’s with “Willie” (sick) in eve. Ernest worked with Everett in eve.

Tues. May 18

Showery in A.M. – cloudy P.M. Mayota and Freda went to laundramat with their laundry and shopped most of day. Ernest and Mayota came to supper. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Wed. May 19

Showery during night and early morn. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandra). Cloudy, dark day. Everett and Ernest worked until 9 P.M.

Thurs. May 20

Cloudy in A.M. Sunny most of P.M. Light thunder showers in late P.M. Everett and Sandra went to town in A.M. Everett and Freda went fishing, etc. in P.M.

Fri. May 21

Clear and cool. Freda and Mayota went to Bath in P.M. Mayota over most of the day. Jimmie and family arrived about 10 P.M. from Windsor Locks, Conn.

Sat. May 22

Fair. Ernest and Granville worked for Everett. Mayota and Ernest here for dinner and supper. I went to Brunswick in P.M. with Freda, Everett and Jimmie to get Everett’s car he bot from Ernest Hillman 2nd at Bodwell’s. All of them except me went up to Granville’s in eve. to get posts Ernest bot of Gramp Small to make a fence for their dog “Caesar”.

Sun. May 23

Nice day. Eben Carlson preached in our church. Jennie and Lola came with him and had dinner with us. Jimmie, Sharon, Ernest, Freda, Grampa Small (spent day with us) Sandra (went to Sun. school) and I went to church. After we all had dinner here we went over to Mayota’s except Eben and family. The men built a fence to keep their dog at home.

Mon. May 24

Nice day. Everett took Sandra to dentist’s to have her new under teeth put in in A.M. Mayota here part of day. She and Ernest took Freda, Jimmie and Sharon up to Leo’s at West Gardiner in eve.

Tues. May 25

Good day. Sandi set my hair in A.M. Everett, Freda, Sandra, Jimmie, Sharon and children took me to Bill’s in eve. We took a picnic lunch and ate just beyond “Gurnet” and shopped at Newbury’s on way. Alexander Anderson spent eve. at Sue’s to play “Cribbage”.

Wed. May 26

Partly cloudy. Bill, Sue, Lola and I went to Falls in A.M. Bill, Sue and I went to cemetery in Litchfield in eve. The car wouldn’t start after we set the flowers out so we had a truck from Black’s garage at Pottertown take us there to have it repair. Called at Vera’s and June’s on way home. Doris in hospital waiting for her baby to be born.

Thurs. May 27

Cloudy, light showers in early eve. We went to Myrt’s in P.M. and to Lola’s in eve. Bill took us to Shepard’s in eve. Myrtle getting over “erysipelas”.

Fri. May 28

Nice day. We went to Auburn and Gray cemeteries in late P.M. Lola spent the A.M. with us.

Sat. May 29

Partly cloudy. I went up to Allan Hall’s with Bill in A.M. We spent most of P.M. at cemeteries. Karen Marie Gagne born at CMG (Doris Wheeler Gagne’s first baby).

Sun. May 30

Good day. We went to church in A.M. and to cemeteries in P.M. Emil and Verna King came down in eve. Everett, Freda, Jim, Sharon, Ernest, Mayota and Sandra went to (Maine State pier) to go aboard the submarine “Becuna” that Jim trained on in the past.

Mon. May 31

Good day, very cool. Bert Sheppard, Sue, Bill and I went to Old North Church cemetery in A.M. then to our old brick house in P.M. We all went to Cemetery Ass. meeting at “parish” house in P.M. Vera took Bill, Sue and me to Colby’s in Auburn to see Alice K. in eve.

Tues. June 1st

Nice day, cool. Bill took car to Earle Moore’s garage for repairs in A.M. Sue and I went along to Stewart’s. Winnie working for Margaret Schultz. Nettie Allen visiting at Stew’s. We all stayed at Stew’s to dinner. Bill, Sue and I went to “Lamp” Home to see Natalie Smith and Alice Webber in P.M. Bill and I went to cemetery in eve. Helen and Alexander Anderson came up in late eve. to play “cribbage”.

Wed. June 2nd

A nice gentle rain in P.M. and eve. Bill, Sue and Myrt took me home to Island in P.M.

Thurs. June 3rd

Light showers. Everett and Jim went fresh water fishing. Mayota over. We watched the Gemini 4 space craft start its flight at 11.15 A.M. from Cape Kennedy. Irene Chase Babb passed away after a long sickness at Portland hospital.

Fri. June 4th

Several showers during day, cool. Everett took me to see Dr. DuBois (optometrist) in A.M. Jimmie and Sharon went to New York – Richard stayed here – Arleen at Mayota’s. Freda, Sandra and Richard went out to supper.

Sat. June 5th

Nice day, warmest I have seen here so far this year. Freda and Richard walked down to store in A.M. and went with Everett in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Sun. June 6th

Nice day. Everett took Freda, Richard and me up to Brunswick in A.M. when he washed his car. Ernest, Mayota, Sandi, Richard and Arleen went on picnic at noon. Harry and Winnie Stewart came down in P.M.

Mon. June 7th

Mostly fair, thunder shower in late P.M. and eve. Freda and Otie went to help the Dumonts at Bailey Is. then to town shopping in A.M. Hilda and Brenda called in P.M. We all had a picnic supper outside at table. Ernest and Mayota came over too. Jim and Sharon came home from visiting Hariette and World’s Fair in early morning.

Tues. June 8th

Fair. Everett and Freda spent most of day in Lewiston then went over Mere Pt. way to do some plumbing. Mayota, Sharon and children went to water in P.M. Sandra took Arleen out to supper. Everett took Jimmie to Brunswick Navy Base at 5 A.M. where he took a plane for Cal. (on his way to San Diego to go to school). He called here from near San Francisco about 9 P.M.

Wed. June 9th

Partly cloudy, few sprinkles. Everett and Freda went to town in P.M. to see Dr. Chattergee. He ordered Everett to go away for few days to rest from his work. He and Freda packed up and went to Mr. Herrick’s cottage in Wayne. Ruth Wilson here to dinner (working for Sandi). Mayota and Ernest called.

Thurs. June 10

Mostly fair, windy and shower in late P.M. Granville brot his dinner from home. Mayota and Sandi went to Bath in eve. to bring Ernest home (had to work).

Fri. June 11

Nice day. Mayota came to do her laundry in A.M. and had dinner with us. I was busy most of day getting ready for “Fashion show” for Sandra (Mrs. Joan Barley of Brunswick demonstrated). David brot Marion down.

Sat. June 12

Nice day. Sandra, Sharon and children went out in P.M. Everett and Freda came in early eve. from their vacation at Wayne.

Sun. June 13

Rainy day, distant thunder most of P.M. Everett took all (7 of us) to “Square Deal” for dessert in eve.

Mon. June 14

Cool and showery. Mayota and Sharon went to town in A.M. to get groceries, etc. I walked down to Harriet Huff’s in P.M. with things for sale. She was at Leona Harris’s so I went there.

Tues. June 15

Few sprinkles in morn. then “faired off”. I went to Mayota’s in P.M. Stayed to supper and went to “dump” with them in early eve. Everett and Freda went to Bath in P.M. for supper. Sharon and children went to Grampa Hugh’s in late P.M. Sandra “set” my hair in A.M. Mayota called in A.M.

Wed. June 16

Nice day, cool. Ruth Wilson here to dinner (working for Sandi). Mayota, Sharon and Richard went to Marion’s (Gardiner) to take some orders for “Tupperware” party they couldn’t go to this evening and to take shower presents for Carol Severy on Fri. evening at Wales.

Thurs. June 17

Beautiful day. Mayota took Freda to Brunswick in A.M. She left Freda up there and after dinner came down to get Sharon and children to go to movies to see “Cinderella”. Gramp Small came down in P.M. for 3 o’clock tea. Ernest and Mayota here to supper. He worked for Everett in eve. Sandi and Sharon went out in eve.

Fri. June 18

Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. Freda and Everett went to town in P.M. Sandi and Sharon went to “Square Deal” to supper. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Sat. June 19

Freda in bed part of day. Had callers in A.M. – Estelle and Marion Smith, Marion Small, Leo and his family. Had picnic dinner out door. Ernest and Mayota here to dinner. Nice day. Kenneth Wheeler and June Larrabee married in Richmond church.

Sun. June 20

Very nice day, thunder shower during night (Sat.). We all went to Gramp Small’s and Granville’s with a picnic lunch to celebrate “Father’s Day”. Everett and Freda took a lunch and went out to supper. Sharon and children went to Grampa Hugh’s to supper. Phyllis came over in eve.

Mon. June 21

Nice day. Sharron took Richard and Arleen to spend the day with Phyllis and Hugh. She and Mayota went on a pleasure trip to town. Freda went to Bath with Everett in P.M. and out with him in eve. Brian McGowan working for Everett this week.

Tues. June 22

Nice day. Mayota came in A.M. to do her washing. Mrs. Spahn and four girls came in P.M. and had picnic supper with us out door. Granville didn’t work today.

Wed. June 23

Nice day, thunder shower in eve. Mayota over in A.M. and P.M. and eve. Marion Small had a “Tupperware” party here in eve. (12 here). Everett and Freda went to town in P.M. Ruth Wilson here for dinner (working at Sandi’s).

Thurs. June 24

Nice day. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. Came back in early eve. Mayota and Ernest called in eve. Freda had caller in eve.

Fri. June 25

Nice day. Freda and Mayota went to town shopping. Everett and Freda went out in late P.M. and early eve.

Sat. June 26

Nice day. Everett and Freda went to town in early P.M. and went out in eve. with Ernest and Mayota to Scarboro car races. Granville worked.

Sun. June 27

Nice day. No one went to church. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. Came back in early eve.

Mon. June 28

Nice day. Mayota came to dinner. She and Freda went shopping in Brunswick in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Granville having measles but working.

Tues. June 29

Nice day, much warmer and no heavy wind as we’ve been having. Everett went to play at Topsham Grange Hall. Freda went along. Mayota over to wash.

Wed. June 30

Light showers in P.M. Everett, Freda, Sharon and children went to town in A.M. Ruth Wilson had dinner here (working for Sandi). Harry Stewart and Winnie brot Margaret Beer down in P.M. Freda, Sharon and children went over to Mayota’s in early eve. Funeral services for Marion Douglass Morse at Falls.

Thurs. July 1st

Nice day. Everett, Freda and Mayota went to town in P.M. and came back in early eve. Sharon went over home in eve. Ernest working nights for 2 wks. Came over in P.M.

Fri. July 2nd

Nice day, cooler. Everett took Sharon to town on “business”. She went over to Grampa Hugh’s in eve. with Sandi and children.

Sat. July 3rd

Rained most of P.M. Ernest and Mayota here for dinner (getting ready to go with us to Dexter Pond in Wayne) for wk-end - Everett, Freda, Sandra, Sharon, Richard, Arleen and me. Took “Kaiser” and “Willie” with us.

Sun. July 4th

Nice day. Everett and Freda went down home for the day. Took Sharon and children to Hugh’s. Mayota, Freda and I went to store at Wayne in eve. Ernest had “sparklers” for children in eve.

Mon. July 5th

Foggy in morn. Ernest and Mayota went down home in A.M. (back for dinner). Everett and Freda went boating most of A.M. also Sandra, Sharon and children. Everett and I went up to store at noon. Mr. Herrick called on us in P.M. We all came home in P.M.

Tues. July 6th

Rain during night, beautiful day. Sandra set my hair in A.M. Ernest and Mayota over. Julian Parker came in eve. to talk with Everett about plumbing for his new house.

Wed. July 7th

Nice day. Mayota came over to do her laundry in P.M. I went home with her to supper. Gramp Small, Florence Libby and Elsie Libby called in A.M. Sandi went to town in A.M. Everett went up after her at noon. Richard and Arleen both have symptoms of measles (caught from Granville).

Thurs. July 8th

Rain in early morn, clearing in P.M. Ernest and Mayota over to dinner. Freda in bed most of day. Pam Doughty called in P.M. while Inez was getting hair done. Everett went to “Plumber’s” meeting in P.M. and evening.

Fri. July 9th

Nice day. Mayota over in P.M. and to supper (making a dress). Everett and Freda went to town in eve. Leo and Frances came for water in eve. Don Dyer in Auburn died.

Sat. July 10

Foggy in morn. – light showers in A.M. and early eve. and some sunshine. Everett and Freda went up to Gramp Small’s camp to see Leo’s family in A.M. Chester and Marion down in P.M. Mayota not feeling well (Freda’s disease we think).

Sun. July 11

Good day. Freda spent the day at Grampa Small’s cottage serving lunch (clams) to about 40 Litchfield grangers. Sandra went out on water (gone all day). Mayota in bed most of day.

Mon. July 12

Beautiful day. Everett and Freda went to town in late P.M. (over supper hour). I went over to Mayota’s after supper. Sandra came over and walked home with me. Clara Stevens passed away in Portland after long sickness.

Tues. July 13

Nice day. Everett and Freda went to town in A.M. Sandi set my hair. Mayota called. Winnie called up to tell me Lorena Buker had passed away. All family (except me) had picnic supper at Lowell’s Cove, coffee here later. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Wed. July 14

Nice day. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working at Sandi’s). Cliffie came down with Granville in morn. for vacation. Mrs. Campbell and Sandra went out in A.M. She took Freda and Sharon to Bath in P.M. to take driver’s test and shopping. Bill, Sue, Verna and Emil King made door-yard call in P.M.

Thurs. July 15

Very nice day. Mayota took Freda and me to Lisbon Falls in early morn. Margaret (drove) and Winnie went to Portland with us to funeral services at Peabody – Hay for Clara Stevens. I stayed at Stewart’s to spend the day with the Stewart’s and Peggy Beer. Bill and Sue came down in eve. to take me to their house for few days. Charley Coskery digging a well for Sue.

Fri. July 16

Nice day. Bill and I went to cemetery to water the flower bed in morn. Charlie came to finish his part of the well in P.M. Bill, Sue and I went to Lewiston in P.M. (foot Dr.). Bill took Sue to Vivian’s in eve. to baby shower for Shirley. I went to Wheeler’s and to see Doris’s baby (Karen) then Bill and I stayed at Vera’s til the shower party broke up.

Sat. July 17

Good day. Bill, Sue and I went up to cook-out at Will and Molly Fishers cottage in Monmouth (17 there). We went to supper at West Bowdoin Community House given for the benefit of Woodlawn cemetery. Verna and Emil King came to house from Monmouth til supper time. Lola called in P.M.

Sun. July 18

Misty with light showers in P.M. Bill went to Howard Goss’s in A.M. I went over to Myrt’s. Emil and Verna King came down to a cook-out here with Sue’s new grill. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Hodgkins and boy called in P.M.

Mon. July 19

Nice day. Everett and Ernest came up in A.M. to work on putting in Sue’s pump and water works. Howard Goss here working on filling in. The Fishers and Stinsons came down in P.M. We went over to Center to see Lewis and Mary Young in eve.

Tues. July 20

Nice day. Lola up in A.M. We went over to Vera’s to see Lyn in A.M. and took her to Worumbo to work. Everett and Freda took me out to supper at “Chuck Wagon” in Lewiston then we went to see Alice Keegan at Colby’s. Mr. Erlon Irish (monumental man) here in eve.

Wed. July 21

Nice day. Bill went to Falls with Mr. Irish in A.M. to see people that were prospective monument buyers. I went to Falls with Bill and Lola in P.M. Helen and Alexander Anderson came up in eve. to play cribbage. Bill went to cemetery, Sheppards, Bards and Howard Goss’s in eve.

Thurs. July 22

Nice day. Howard and Raymond Goss worked on the water works with Bill. Leon Bard hauled gravel for the well. We went over to Wheeler’s (June’s) in eve.

Fri. July 23

Mostly cloudy. I went to Myrt’s in A.M. Howard Goss and Raymond came to work in A.M. Worked an hour or so and sand troubled them so in the well they left off til further notice. Bill and Sue took me home in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Gramp Small took Cliffie home in P.M.

Sat. July 24

Mostly fair. Harriet Johnson arrived from N.Y. for vacation. She and Sharon and children went over to Hugh’s in P.M. Everett, Freda, Ernest and Mayota went to Wales church to wedding of Carol Severy. in P.M. then to car races.

Sun. July 25

Mostly fair, hot. Freda went to Baptist church on the hill. Harriet, Sharon and children went over to Hugh’s to Johnson reunion. I went to Brunswick with Everett in P.M. to have the car washed. Gang broke into West Bowdoin Community House sometime in the latter part of the wk. and destroyed most everything in dining room.

Mon. July 26

Fair, hot. Freda and Otie went to town in A.M. and had dinner there. Sharon went driving with Mrs. Campbell in A.M. Harriet took the children to Hugh’s and came back after dinner. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Tues. July 27

Few cloudy in morn. then fair. Mayota took Sharon and children to Oxford to spend the day with Sharon’s aunt. Harriet, Phyllis and some of the others went too. Freda went out driving with someone in A.M. and again in P.M. to bath. Sandra set my hair in P.M.

Wed. July 28

Nice day. Sharon went driving in A.M. Freda and Everett went out after dinner and came back after supper. Mayota here to dinner and Ruth Wilson (working for Sandi).Mayota had a woman here to model dresses, etc. in eve. (10 here).

Thurs. July 29

Nice day. Harriet and Arleen went to town with Frances and David, Jr. and stayed to dinner. Mayota took Sharon and Richard driving then came here to dinner. Mayota took Freda up to Gramp Small’s cottage in P.M. She took a picnic supper. Everett went up to supper. Wells going dry all around Maine and New England, N.Y. etc.

Fri. July 30

Nice day. Freda out riding most of day. Mayota had her and Richard in A.M. - Mrs. Spahn in P.M. Mayota and Sharon out in P.M. Harriet took children over to Hugh’s in P.M. Bill, Sue, Shirley and Harvey Calderwood of Northeast Harbor called in P.M. We all went to Merrill’s Wharf in eve. to see the results of the three day tuna tournament.

Sat. July 31

Cloudy in morn. – cleared away early. Freda went out with Everett in A.M. Everett, Freda, Mayota, Ernest, Harriett, Phyllis, Sharon and Sandra left at 3 P.M. with picnic supper to go to car races at Oxford Plains. Dianna Hillman baby-sat stayed over night with me. Marion Small called in P.M.

Sun. Aug. 1st

Nice day. Everett, Freda, Richard and Arleen went up to get car washed in morn, (not open). Freda and Richard went to church up on the hill. Harriet and Sandi went out canoeing in P.M. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. and had supper at Grandpa Small’s. Jane Donnel and Phil called in P.M. with two older children. Sharon did Mayota’s washing.

Mon. Aug. 2nd

Cloudy, few sprinkles in late P.M. Freda, Mayota and Arleen took Harriet to Brunswick in A.M. to take the Bus for N.Y. then they shopped, had dinner and went up to Bill’s to get my hat and drive round. Ernest and Mayota were here to supper.

Tues. Aug. 3rd

Very light rain during night, clearing at noon. Freda, Mayota, Sharon, Richard and Arleen spent day at Granville’s. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Sandra took her driver’s test in A.M. and passed. She set my hair in P.M.

Wed. Aug. 4th

Beautiful day. Sandi went to town shopping in A.M. Ruth Wilson here to dinner. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. and came back in eve. Took picnic supper. Sharon and Clair ? went driving in A.M.

Thurs. Aug. 5th

Nice day. Shirley and little Delmar came down with Granville in morn. to spend the day. Mayota took Sharon out driving in A.M. They took me to Lisbon Falls Bank and shopping at Brunswick. Freda and Shirley went out driving and shopping all the P.M. Granville bot a red Dodge truck from Ernest Hillman, Sr. Sharon had her first flat tire at parking lot.

Fri. Aug. 6th

Nice day. 95° at Chester’s (Gardiner). I went to town in eve. with Everett and Freda.

Sat. Aug. 7th

Nice day. David called in A.M. Bad fire down Machinas way. Mae Belle Wilson died (84).

Sun. Aug. 8th

Nice day. Everett and Sandra went to Boothbay to go fishing but it was too rough on water to go out. Everett, Freda and Sharon took the children to Tacoma on picnic. I went on picnic and ride with Ernest, Mayota and Mildred Hillman to Portland, No. Windham, etc. and Giant Staircase (first time Mildred ever saw it). Phil, Gertrude Rowe, Mildred and two children called in late P.M. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Funeral services for Charity Carter.

Mon. Aug. 9th

Showery in P.M. Mayota and Freda went to town in A.M. Everett, Freda Richard, Arleen and I went to town in P.M. Mayota and Sharon out driving in P.M. Sandi and Sharon went out in eve.

Tues. Aug. 10

Cloudy, few sprinkles in P.M. Mayota and Freda driving in town most of day. Sharon and children had dinner at Hugh’s. Granville not working today.

Wed. Aug. 11

Some rain during night, fair in P.M. Mayota and Sharon and Arleen went riding in A.M. Came home after dinner. Ruth Wilson here for dinner. Phyllis over in P.M.

Thurs. Aug. 12

Foggy in A.M., then fair. Richard and I went to town with Mayota and Freda in A.M. to practice parking. They all went to Sue’s and Bill’s (but me) in P.M. to pipe Sue’s water into the house from her new well. They took a picnic supper. Sandi sick but working part of day.

Fri. Aug. 13

Nice day. Mayota, Sharon and Arleen went practice driving in A.M. Mayota stayed to dinner. Mayota and Freda went out in P.M. Mayota and Ernest here to supper. George and Irene Hoffman called in eve. Freda went with Everett in late eve. to Bowdoinham to do some plumbing.

Sat. Aug. 14

Nice day. Everett and Freda went away after an early dinner and came back in late eve. Sandi and Sharon an children went to town in eve. to do laundry (our water very low). Fire on Ragged Island.

Sun. Aug. 15

Nice day – hot in-land. Sharon and children went to Oxford for the day. Everett and Freda took me to Doris's in P.M. Catherine and children there.

Mon. Aug. 16

Hot, heavy thunder shower in P.M. (with quite a supply of rain). Doris, Catherine and I went shopping at the “Mart” (lights went out when another thunder shower struck). We went to CMG to see Vera (ruptured navel). Ray, Gale and Bill came in. Mabel Dearley in hospital very badly hurt in car accident.

Tues. Aug. 17

Cloudy and heavy all day. Judy and boys (David and Darrel) came up in P.M. Geo. and Irene Hoffman had supper at Everett’s.

Wed. Aug. 18

Cloudy, muggy. Catherine, Doris and I went to Shirley Rand’s at Danville Jc. to supper party in eve.

Thurs. Aug. 19

Distant thunder shower about 4 A.M. Thunder shower and heavy rain in P.M. Joyce and Carol left in A.M. for Mt. Blue on a couple days camping trip with a crowd of girls. They went with Betty Morrison. Margaret, Deano, Winnie and Mrs. Phinney came in P.M. We took all kids and went to town in eve.

Fri. Aug. 20

Nice fall day. Catherine, Doris, Stevie, Lori, Kathy and I went to Judy’s at Gray in eve. I called to see Bessie and Roy Libby. Joyce and Carol came from camping trip in late eve.

Sat. Aug. 21

Nice cool day. Mrs. Bishop, Shirley Rand, Catherine, Dot and I went to Coles to supper. I went to Earland's in P.M. Jimmie left west coast in A.M. Mayota, Ernest and Sharon met him at Boston airport. Alfred Darrow of Camden at Everett’s for wk-end.

Sun. Aug. 22

Dark, showery day. We all went to church in morn. and Sunday school. Arnold, Galen, Joyce and Stevie went in eve. Joe and Eva, Roy and family and Laura came up in P.M. Jean Thurston and children came in eve.

Mon. Aug. 23

Cloudy in A.M. – cleared away by noon. Doris, Catherine, Lori, Kathryn and Sylvia brot me home in P.M.

Tues. Aug. 24

Nice day. Freda stayed in bed part of day. I went to Bath with Everett then to Augusta and Litchfield in A.M. Jim and Sharon went to town in P.M. - to Litchfield and Mitchell’s in A.M. and to supper in town and spent eve. out.

Wed. Aug. 25

Partly cloudy. Granville, Shirley and little Delmar came down to dinner. Freda went to town in P.M. Everett and Freda took Sandi out to supper and eve. to celebrate her birthday. Ruth Wilson here to dinner. Kelley Wagg went to hospital.

Thurs. Aug. 26

Cloudy, few sprinkles. Jim and Sharon went to town in A.M. Brian McGowan started insulating our shed to make a wash room for Freda. We had a turkey supper – invited Mayota, Ernest and Sandra. Company in eve. to play accordion.

Fri. Aug. 27

Fair. Freda and Sharon went to town in A.M. and in P.M. Sandra gave me a permanent in P.M. Bill and Sue came down in P.M. Mayota and Ernest called in eve. Kelley Wagg had his foot operated on at CMG.

Sat. Aug. 28

Nice day. Jimmie, Sharon, Richard and Arleen left at 7 A.M. for North Carolina for Jim to attend college at Chapel Hill. Everett, Freda and I went to Bath, Brunswick and down Cundy’s Harbor road. Had noon lunch down there. Everett worked on wash room in P.M. Mayota and Ernest came in morn. to breakfast with Jim and family. Hilda, Emerson and Granville Wayne called in P.M. Distant thunder shower in eve. (some rain).

Sun. Aug. 29

Heavy winds in P.M. (light rain). Freda, Sandra and I went to church. Everett and Freda went away in P.M. Came back in early eve. Sandra painted the laundry room in P.M.

Mon. Aug. 30

Mostly fair, windy, few sprinkles. I went to town with Mayota in morn. She did eight double loads of laundry and dried them then she took me to Lisbon Falls to Mrs. Brunt’s to work for the week. Called at Stewart’s on the way. Heavy frost in some places.

Tues. Aug. 31

Cloudy. Dean Logan operated on for hernia. Winnie and Deano came over in P.M. Kelly Wagg came home from CMG.

Wed. Sept. 1st

First good rainy day for months, heavy winds. Winnie and Bessie Lange called in eve. also Ruth Bowie.

Thurs. Sept. 2nd

Nice day, warmer. Mrs. Brunt walked out doors. He two nieces called to see her in P.M. (from Minot and N.Y.). Bessie Lange called.

Fri. Sept. 3rd

Nice day, warmer. Bessie Lange called at noon. I walked over to Stewart’s in P.M. Margaret and Deano brot me home then I walked down St. Winnie called in late P.M. Dean came home from CMG.

Sat. Sept. 4th

Very nice, warm day. Freda came after me after dinner to take me home. Everett and Freda went to car races. Leo, Frances and boys called in eve.

Sun. Sept. 5th

Beautiful day. Ernest took Mayota and Sandra to Brunswick to take Bus for New York (to hair dresser’s convention and World’s Fair – staying with Harriet Johnson). Everett, Freda and I met Bill and Sue at Cook’s Cor. and went to North Haven for the day to Harvey and Shirley Calderwood’s. They took us around the Island in P.M. I came home with Bill and Sue for a visit.

Mon. Sept. 6th

Nice day. Bill, Sue and I went over to Vera’s in eve.

Tues. Sept. 7th

Nice day. Helen and Alexander Anderson came up to play cribbage in eve. I went to Myrt’s in A.M. Lola up in P.M.

Wed. Sept. 8th

Nice day. I went to Lola’s in A.M. We went to Mary Young’s and Sadie Garland’s in P.M. The town filling in from West Bowdoin corner to Cox’s mill pond and putting in culvert over the brook.

Thurs. Sept. 9th

Nice day. We went to Falls in A.M. – up to Fisher’s in Monmouth (no one home) then to Bobby and Gerry’s in Monmouth and to Nellie Goding’s in Wales in P.M. and to June’s and Vera’s in eve.

Fri. Sept 10

Rain during night and early morn. – clearing in P.M. Bill, Sue and I went to Litchfield fair (took Sadie Garland). Charlie Gilliam, Jimmie Cox and boys played in eve. Warm day and eve.

Sat. Sept. 11

Nice day, cooler. We went to Litchfield Fair (took Sadie) after Bill went to falls to get tire fixed in morn. Ernest and Freda in N.Y. to Fair and to bring Sandra and Mayota home.

Sun. Sept. 12

Good day. Bill went to Falls in a.. to get his tires fixed. Harry Stewart came up in morn. to get me to stay with Winnie. She was taken sick the first of the week with a slight stroke (possibly) then her old back trouble. Angie and Elmer Williams here to supper. Larry, Claudette and baby here in eve. also Cal and Dot.

Mon. Sept. 13

Light showers in P.M. and eve. I went to Brunswick when Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in P.M. Margaret working at brush factory in Brunswick.

Tues. Sept. 14

Mostly cloudy. Susie Small, Clara McDonald Billington called in A.M. Dean and Dean-o here for dinner.

Wed. Sept. 15

Dark day, rainy in eve.

Thurs. Sept. 16

Fair. Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in Brunswick for treatment in A.M. Dean drove them to Osteopathic hospital in Portland for X-rays in P.M. Deano stayed with me. Everett and Freda came up in eve. also Patty Elwell and two children and Susie Small. Evelyn and Wm’s second baby was born, Gailene Alice.

Fri. Sept. 17

Mostly cloudy. Rev. Brackley called in P.M. Bessie Lange called in eve. also Cal. Harry, Sr. went up to Bill Clark’s in P.M.

Sat. Sept. 18

Nice day. Harry, Sr. took me up to Sue’s in P.M. Bill Called at Stewart’s while I was up there at Sue’s. Bessie Lange, Mrs. McKay, Angie and Elmer Williams called on Winnie in P.M. Dot and Larry’s Baby called in eve. Everett and Freda called on their way to Oxford car races.

Sun. Sept. 19

Dark day. I went to CMG hospital with Bill and Sue to see Wm and Evelyn’s new baby. Harry, Sr. Win- and I went up to Cal’s for supper.

Mon. Sept. 20

Fair, hot - 80°+. I went to bank in A.M. Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in A.M. Ethel Gouin called in eve. also Shirley Young Harmon. Edna Pike called in A.M.

Tues. Sept. 21

Hot and fair - 87° - 90°. Mrs. Pike called. Mary and Lewis Young called in eve. Everett and Freda called and took me home for supper for the night.

Wed. Sept. 22

Hot, 90°+. Everett took me back to Stewart’s in early morn. June left Jen and Nettie Allen here while she went shopping in P.M. Mrs. Ranson called in late P.M. Bessie Lange called in eve. also Dot.

Thurs. Sept. 23

Hot - 80°. Winnie had hard day. Carmen B____ called in eve. also Calvin.

Fri. Sept. 24

Cloudy, 80°+. Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in A.M. Mrs. McKay called in A.M. and May Rideout. Mrs. Bernard Stein called in P.M. Dot called in eve. Harry, Sr., Margaret and I washed in eve. Everett Freda went to Wesley (in Washington Co.) for wk-end to canoe.

Sat. Sept 25

Rainy in morn. – cleared in P.M. cooler. Winnie had a hard day – vomiting everything she ate, etc. Bill and Sue called in A.M.

Sun. Sept. 26

Beautiful day. Harry went to church. Bessie Lange called in eve. also Dot and Cal. Mrs. Brunt taken to Parkview hospital.

Mon. Sept. 27

Cold and windy. Bessie Lange came in eve. Mrs. Ranson called in P.M. Arleen Butcher called in A.M.

Tues. Sept. 28

Nice day, heavy frost on houses in morn. Winnie invited Dean and Dean-o over to dinner. Freda and Mayota came up in P.M. Mayota took me up to Bill’s and Sue’s for a ride. Mrs. McKay called in P.M. Bessie Lange called in late P.M. and came back in eve. Arleen came about supper time. Larry Hall is at home on 30 day furlough from Cal. Cal and Dot down in eve.

Wed. Sept. 29

Mostly cloudy, warmer. Arleen Butcher called in P.M. Mary Young and May Everard called in eve. Mrs. Pike over in A.M.

Thurs. Sept. 30

Frosty morn. Beautiful day. Arleen Butcher here in P.M. also Clara Billington and her husband. Arleen came in for late supper. Bessie Lange came in eve.

Fri. Oct. 1st

Dark, rainy day. Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in A.M. Mrs. Gamache (and friend) Wilfred Morgan’s landlady called in P.M. looking over Elizabeth Lewis’ clothes to take to Curtis’ nursing home for her. Dot called in eve.

Sat. Oct. 2nd

Beautiful day. Dean, Margaret, Deano, Winnie and I went to Portland in A.M. to get a “Belt” for Winnie’s arthritis at Geo. Frye’s. The Logans had dinner with us. Jeanie Dalrymple and children called in P.M. Bill and Sue called in P.M. Arleen Butcher taking four roomers in from Navy Base.

Sun. Oct. 3rd

Showery in P.M. and eve. Arleen Butcher over in eve.

Mon. Oct. 4th

Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles and few snow flakes, windy. Heavy winds and drifts up on Mt. Washington. We went over to Mary Young’s in P.M. Everett and Freda up in eve. Pope Paul from Rome, It. visiting in N.Y. at United Nations and World’s Fair. Social Security checks took a “rise”.

Tues. Oct. 5th

Cold and windy. I went to Della Ordway’s in P.M. while Winnie went to Laura French’s. Dot and Cal here in eve.

Wed. Oct. 6th

Good day. Harry took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s in A.M. I went along. We went up to “Lamp” Nursing Home in P.M. to see Natalie Smith, Martha Schultz and Alice Webber. then over to Carl Bowie’s in Durham to see Mrs. Brunt – then to Topsham to see the McKays.

Thurs. Oct. 7th

Good day, partly cloudy. We went up to Harold Small’s to see Susie in P.M. (sick with “spot” on one lung) then we went up to Sue’s. Bill working at cemetery. The Chas. Edgecombe place burned (near Stewart’s). Pinette family living there – lost practically everything. Freda went to Rockland to meet Marcia Calderwood.

Fri. Oct. 8th

Dark, rainy day, misty. Harry took me to Laura Smith’s in P.M. (and Carol’s) and came after me in late P.M. Winnie did her first cooking (biscuits and mol. cookies) for six wks. and went over to Grammy Webber’s in P.M. Arleen Butcher was over to supper. Everett, Freda, Cliff Small and Marcia Calderwood from North Haven called in eve. to take me to Bill’s and Sue’s with them. Dot Stewart down in eve.

Sat. Oct. 9th

Nice warm day. Winnie and I went to Lewiston with Bessie Lange in P.M. and to Shaw’s new super market in Auburn.

Sun. Oct. 10

Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles. Harry, Sr. took Winnie and me to Colby nursing home to see Alice Keegan in P.M. then round to Greene to Wm’s. Saw Wm. and Gailene.

Mon. Oct. 11

Partly cloudy, 60°+. Harry took me up to Florence Allen's in P.M. and came after me. He took Winnie and me over to “Kitty-Corner” store to get some of Johnny’s clothing (2nd hand) for Florence Hunt Sheene who was recently burned out. Winnie went to Mrs. Pikes in P.M. Bessie Lange came over in eve. also Dot.

Tues. Oct. 12

Showery in A.M. clearing in P.M. Winnie went to have a permanent in A.M. Harry took us to Bowdoin Center store in P.M. to take some clothing to Florence Sheene then to Mary Young’s (she was laid up with a bad cold) then up to Mrs. Dalrymple’s. Winnie and I went to Arleen Butcher’s to supper.

Wed. Oct. 13

Nice day, Bessie Webber took Winnie to Dr. Bailey’s (I went too) then Bessie came to dinner. Angie and Elmer Williams came in P.M. Bill came down after me to go to their house to go to Topsham Fair with them Thurs. Verna , Larry, Helen and Alexander came to play cribbage in eve.

Thurs. Oct. 14

Good day, cooler. Bill, Sue and I went to Topsham Fair. Took Sadie Garland with us.

Fri. Oct. 15

Foggy and showery. Bill and Sue took me to Stewart’s for the night. Margaret took Winnie and me up to Glenda Logan's in P.M. when she went after Deano. Bessie Lange came in eve.

Sat. Oct. 16

Fair, windy. Harry and Winnie took me home to Orrs Is. in P.M. after being at their house for nearly five weeks. Freda took Winnie and me over to see Mayota’s house. Estelle Smith called in in P.M.

Sun. Oct. 17

Nice day. Everett, Freda and I went to church at Bailey Is. in morn. We went up to Oxford car races in P.M.

Mon. Oct. 18

Fair. Freda and down St. in A.M. and up to Granville’s in P.M. and to Monmouth to see the house he and Shirley bot to renovate. Mayota went to Portland “Hair dresser’s convention” with Sandi and bot Mayota a wig.

Tues. Oct. 19

Nice day. Sandi “set” my hair in A.M. Mayota over all day making dining room curtains. Ernest came over to supper with us also Sandi. Mayota took me to “Land’s End” in eve. then to her house for short visit.

Wed. Oct. 20

Nice day, 71° Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi). Granville here for dinner. Freda went out in A.M. Mayota over (getting ready for a party) with her new “wig”.

Thurs. Oct. 21

Nice, sunny, warm day. Mayota came over to dinner and did up the dishes so Freda and I could go shopping in Brunswick. Winnie called up in eve. to tell me Mrs. Brunt had passed away and that Herb Adams and Lidabelle had been hurt seriously in car accident (at Parkview). Nettie Allen visiting at Stewart’s.

Fri. Oct. 22

Few sprinkles during the day, colder. Everett and his crew (Granville and Brian McGowan) worked up at Freddie Weeks’. Freda went up with Everett. They came home at noon. Everett had a bad cold.

Sat. Oct. 23

Rain during night – dark, wet day. Everett went to Litchfield to finish work at Freddie Weeks’. Freda went with him. They went out in eve.

Sun. Oct. 24

Mostly cloudy, light showers in late P.M. Sandi took charge of the Sunday school at the Bailey Is. church. Everett, Freda and I went to Litchfield Plains church at 9 A.M. service then we went to Doris’ at Danville to take two chairs to Kathryn and Sylvia (no one home) then went to Fish Hatchery at Gray by Poland Spring road then to see Joe and Eva – after having dinner at Cole Farm – then up thru N. Gray, Raymond, Poland and Oxford and home by Lewiston and Auburn. Everett and Freda had a “hymn sing” here in eve. Gramp Small, Chester and family, Orrs and Bailey Is. people (25-30). Mr. Medzarentz had his last Sun. church service here on the Islands.

Mon. Oct. 25

Colder and windy, fair. I went to Bailey Is. with Freda on errands in A.M. Freda went to town with Ethel Linscott and David Johnson, Jr. in P.M.

Tues. Oct. 26

Nice day. Shirley and Delmar, Jr came down with Granville in morn. Shirley and Freda went to Lewiston, etc. shopping all day. Delmar stayed here with Mayota and me. They all stayed here to supper. Ernest came to supper. He and Mayota stayed for evening. He is studying “Plumbing” with Sandi as teacher.

Wed. Oct. 27

Squally, light rain by spells. Quite a snow squall in Brunswick and inland. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi). Freda went to town in A.M. She went with Everett in P.M. to look at a plumbing job. Ernest and Mayota over in eve.

Thurs. Oct. 28

Colder in P.M. – partly cloudy – few flakes of snow and hail in P.M. Freda went to town in A.M. and to Smith’s. Freda and I went to WSCS meeting at Bailey Is. church in eve. I went to store and to Susie Houghton’s in P.M.

Fri. Oct. 29

Ground covered with snow in morn. windy and cold. Sandi picked her last rose buds in P.M. Freda and Everett went to town in P.M. – out to supper. Sandi “set” my hair.

Sat. Oct. 30

Fair, warmer. Gramp Small called in P.M. Freda and Sandi went up to Litchfield Plains church to Halloween party in eve. Turned our clocks back to standard time.

Sun. Oct. 31

Light rain in morn. – cloudy. I went to church. Mr. Drew preached. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. Winnie and Harry came down. Ernest over in P.M.

Mon. Nov. 1st

Mostly fair, heavy wind. I went to Brunswick in P.M. with Freda. Alva York came in eve. to adjust our TV. Mayota working for Frances Johnson home from operation at hospital.

Tues. Nov. 2nd

Sprinkle of snow during night, coldest so far, windy. I went with Freda to WSCS meeting at Marion Hayward’s at 9 A.M. Marion Smith went down with us. Sandi used a tape recorder on Bible stories for part of program. Ernest and Mayota over in eve. Granville not working rest of the week.

Wed. Nov. 3rd

Nice day, warmer. Everett and Freda went to town in A.M. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working at Sandi’s).

Thurs. Nov. 4th

Fair and heavy winds, 64°. Several bad fires in this part of the state. Everett and Freda were away all day. Came back in early eve. Ernest and Mayota over in eve.

Fri. Nov. 5th

Nice day. Freda took care of David Johnson, Jr. while Mayota went to town. after dinner she took him home for his nap. Everett and Freda went out in eve.

Sat. Nov. 6th

Partly cloudy, very mild 50° - 60°. Freda went to town in A.M. and out to a meeting in P.M. Sandi and I went to “Cumberland Theater” in eve. – Love and Kisses with Ricky Nelson, Jack Kelly, etc.

Sun. Nov. 7th

Light rain in P.M. Everett left in A.M. for his annual hunting trip to Wesley, Maine (Washington county). I went to church (Mr. Drew speaker). Bill and Sue came down after me in P.M. to make them a visit.

Mon. Nov. 8th

Dark day, few sprinkles in P.M. Bill went over to Howard Goss’s in P.M. Sue and I went to Falls with him in P.M. Bill, Sue and I went over to Vera’s in eve. (she was gone).

Tues. Nov. 9th

Fair, cooler. We went to Sabattus in P.M. – down by Litchfield Cor. to see Phyllis Rowe (not home) then to Mary Young’s (no one at home – Mary in CMG hospital) then we called to see Sadie Garland. We went to Sheppard’s in eve. Electric power went off in N.Y. – Penn – Mass – N.J. and 4 others and part of Canada about 5.30 P.M.

Wed. Nov 10

17° above, nice day. I went to Myrt’s in A.M. We went up to cemetery up by Erlon Ricker’s place in Litchfield Cor. With Bert and Myrtle Sheppard in P.M.

Thurs. Nov 11

Few sprinkles in P.M. and eve. Sue sick. Harvey and Shirley Calderwood called in P.M. Bill and I went down to Stewart’s in late P.M. Alexander Anderson came up in eve. to play cribbage.

Fri. Nov. 12

Dark, cloudy day, mild. Bill, Sue and I went to Lewiston in P.M. to foot Dr.’s and to Aunt Belle’s The Calderwoods came back to Sue’s for the night. Bill and Harvey took me to Mary Young’s in late P.M. to stay while Lewis went to Cornville hunting for a week.

Sat. Nov. 13

Heavy rain nearly all day, first big rain for month’s Faye and children called also Alberta and Shirley with baby. May Everard came up in P.M. and took us over to cemetery. Susie Small taken to CMG hospital by ambulance in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 14

Nice day. Faye took Mary and me to church. Joe brot us home. Evelyn called in P.M. also Bradley and his wife Evelyn and 3 of 4 others. Grace Coombs spent P.M. with us. Shirley and Joe and children came in eve.

Mon. Nov. 15

Good day. Betty small called also Faye, Alberta, Shirley, Winnie and Harry and Deano Stewart. Mary and I went to CMG to see Susie in eve. with Alberta. Susie in hospital for examination. Gene, Jr. staying at Mary’s mornings and after school in P.M.

Tues. Nov. 16

Snow in early morn. the rain. Shirley and children called also Evelyn and Patty. Bradley and

Evelyn called in P.M. Gertrude Rowe at CMG with heart attack.

Wed. Nov. 17

Mild, showery and black, thunder. Faye, Patty, Evelyn, May Rideout, Bill and Sue and Jr. Small's family called during day also Betty Small (Jr. and family moving to Harold’s from S. Carolina). Susie came home from CMG in P.M. May Everard and Mrs. Cunningham came up in eve. Few flakes of snow in eve.

Thurs. Nov. 18

Windy, squally and much colder. Patty, Evelyn, Jr.’s 3 children, Betty Small, Marlene and her two children called in A.M. Shirley and her two took Mary and me up to Susie’s in A.M. Marlene went calling then took Mary and me up to call on Tillie Coombs while she went to Faye’s. Brad, his wife and 2 children here to supper. Faye called in eve.

Fri. Nov. 19

Nice day. Evelyn called in A.M. and Betty Small. Shirley and children over to dinner. Lewis and Mac Dunn came home from hunting trip to Cornville in P.M. Brad and family called in late P.M. Jr. and Ethel, etc. called in eve.

Sat. Nov. 20

Partly cloudy. Lewis took me over to Sue’s in morn. to stay a few days. Bill went to Falls in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 21

Light snow fall during night – misty, foggy day. We went to church in A.M. and up to Greene to Wm’s in P.M.

Mon. Nov. 22

Dark, misty day, mild. Bill, Sue, Joan and I went to Falls in A.M. Bill, Sue and I went over to June’s, Doris’s and Vera’s in P.M. (car trouble – apparently a broken spring).

Tues. Nov. 23

Misty, light rain and few snow flakes. Lisbon Falls fire department came to Sue’s about noon hunting for fire at Wagg’s. I went to Lola’s and Myrt’s in A.M. Freda came up after me in P.M.

Wed. Nov. 24

Mostly cloudy, clearing late in day. Freda and Mayota went to town in A.M. Ruth Wilson here to dinner (working for Sandra) Everett, Freda and I went to town in eve. Mayota had dinner with us.

Thurs. Nov. 25

Good day. Mayota and Ernest had dinner with us and left for the camp at Aurora hunting for wk-end. Gramp Small had dinner with us then Sandra, Gramp Small and I went to Rockport for a ride with Everett and Freda. Everett went hunting in early morn.

Fri. Nov. 26

Light rain during night. – nice warm day. I walked to post office in P.M. then Freda and I went with Everett to Granville’s then to Leo’s to fix his pump. We stayed to supper at Leo’s. Sandra set my hair in A.M.

Sat. Nov. 27

Heavy rain most of day, snow in northern part of state. Everett went hunting in Litchfield then he and Freda went to town. Had supper out. Sandra tended Library in P.M. Susie Houghton away for wk-end.

Sun. Nov. 28

Nice day. Everett, Freda and I went to Litchfield Plains church. They were taken in as members (by letter from Orr’s Is. Methodist).

Mon. Nov. 29

A little snow during night and early morn. – colder in P.M. Freda and Mayota went to town in P.M. Earland Morrison started work for “Soil Conservation Service” for the Auburn office.

Tues. Nov. 30

Nice day - 30°. Mayota did her washing here in morn. and stayed to dinner. Everett and Freda went away in P.M. and came home in evening. Harriett Johnson called from N.Y.

Wed. Dec. 1st

Nice day, colder. Freda and Sandra spent most of day at Portland. Ruth Wilson worked at Sandra’s.

Thurs. Dec. 2nd

Mostly fair, mild. Freda went to Litchfield in A.M. – Grampa Small’s birthday (79). I rode to Bath and Brunswick with Everett in P.M. Freda went to girls club meeting in Portland in eve.

Fri. Dec. 3rd

Mostly fair, very mild. I went to Brunswick in late P.M. with Everett. Everett went hunting in A.M. at Litchfield.

Sat. Dec. 4th

Rainy in A.M. Everett went hunting in Litchfield. He took Freda and Mayota along to paper rooms for Gertrude Rowe (She’s in CMG with heart trouble). Sandra and I went to Christmas sale at church in P.M. “Gemini” 7 was launched at 2.30 P.M. Working on road up by Orrs – Great Is. bridge.

Sun. Dec. 5th

Nice day, mild. Freda went to Litchfield to church. I went down here. Sandi went to Portland in P.M. to “wig” demon.

Mon. Dec. 6th

Very light snowfall in A.M. – dark and cloudy P.M. Everett and Freda went to Litchfield. Sandi went away part of day. She set my hair in P.M. Gertrude Rowe home from CMG where she went Nov. 15 for heart attack.

Tues. Dec. 7th

Nice day. Freda and I went to WSCS meeting in our church in A.M. Mrs. Sylvester of Brunswick showed slides of her travels thru this country, Hawaii and several foreign countries. I went shopping in eve. with Mayota in Brunswick while Ernest was taking “plumber” lessons from Sandra.

Wed. Dec. 8th

Partly cloudy. Ruth Wilson had dinner here (working for Sandi), Mayota here to dinner. Everett, Freda and Mayota went to town in P.M. Orrs Island bridge closed part of each day while they are enlarging the cut through the stone.

Thurs. Dec. 9th

Partly cloudy. Mayota came to wash clothes in early morn. Freda went to Litchfield and shopping in P.M.

Fri. Dec. 10

Mostly fair, mild. Everett took me over to Mayota’s after dinner to help her recover a chair. Ernest and Mayota brot me home after supper when they went shopping.

Sat. Dec. 11

Partly cloudy. Everett went roaming in P.M. Freda and I watched football game in Florida - U of M against East Northern Carolina. Maine 0 to N.C. 31. Gov. Reed attended.

Sun. Dec. 12

Mostly cloudy, colder. Everett and Freda went to church in Litchfield. I went down here. Everett, Freda and I went to Merrill Kimball’s fur house in Waterford in P.M. and had supper at “Claire’s” in Brunswick on way home. Ernest and Mayota called in eve. Sandi took Phyllis Johnson to Mechanic Falls where she is teaching.

Mon. Dec. 13

Snowed 5 or 6 in. – first snow of any consequence – then rained in P.M. Freda and Mayota went to town in A.M. Had dinner there. Everett took Freda to Portland in P.M. to take 5 P.M. bus for N. Carolina.

Tues. Dec. 14

Frozen mist fell most of day. Everett went to Bath in P.M. Ernest over for plumbing lesson in eve.

Wed. Dec. 15

Dark and light snowfall most of A.M. Ruth Wilson worked at Sandi’s. I went to town with Everett in eve. Sandi went to Bath “Y” for “Ballet” exercises in eve. Sandi invited Ernest and me to supper.

Thurs. Dec. 16

Dark day, few snow flakes. Everett and Brian McGowan finished tearing off our long front piazza and burning it up (except a few little pieces). Mild weather.

Fri. Dec. 17

Dark, cloudy day, mild. Sandi went to town in P.M. Everett went to town in eve. Clara West in CMG hospital – been there a month – diabetes and other ailments.

Sat. Dec. 18

Mostly clear and sunny. Sandra went to town in P.M. also Everett. Bill and Sue came in early P.M. Gramp Small and Elsie Libby came in P.M. also Chester and Marian.

Sun. Dec. 19

Sunny in morn. snow squalls in P.M. and eve. Everett went to church at Litchfield. Sandi and I went to our church. Mayota and Ernest called in A.M. and P.M.

Mon. Dec. 20

Clear, cold day. Sandi “set” my hair in P.M. Everett, Otie, Ernest and I went to town in eve.

Tues. Dec. 21

Nice day, a little milder. Everett and Brian worked up in Litchfield. Mayota came over to wash in early morn. Everett and I went over Mayota’s to supper. Sandi went to town in eve. Mr. Van Order passed away while on his way to post office.

Wed. Dec. 22

Nice mild day. I went down to Marion and Estelle Smith’s in morn. Sandi went to town in A.M. to have her hair done. Everett town in P.M. then I went to take Everett and Sandi to 5 P.M. Bus with Mayota (for Chapel Hill, N. Car.). Ruth Wilson worked for Sandi. I went to Mayota’s for supper and to stay the night till Everett gets home from N. Car.

Thurs. Dec. 23

Cloudy in morn. then fair and mild. Mayota and I worked over home lining Freda’s cupboards in A.M. Granville called in at Mayota’s in late P.M. to get table Freda had borrowed from Shirley.

Fri. Dec. 24

Very mild, a little clear sky then heavy rain showers in P.M. Ernest, Mayota and I went to town in A.M. to have our and Ernest’s car put in condition for winter at Bodwell’s. Had dinner at Claire’s. I cooked at home in P.M.

Sat. Dec. 25

Mild, rainy P.M. We went to Hillman’s II to their coffee and tree and then to our tree at Mayota’s. Faye and Walter Steinman there part of day. I went over home in P.M. Ernest and Mayota went to town to theatre in eve. Everett Goss passed away (58 yrs.).

Sun. Dec. 26

2-3 in. of snow during night, colder and windy. Ernest, Mayota and I went to church. Sharon had a baby girl, Amy Ellen about 9.56 A.M. Jim called me in P.M. I was over home getting ready for Everett and Freda to arrive. Everett and Freda left Chapel Hill in P.M. for Maine. Ernest and Mayota went out to supper and for evening.

Mon. Dec. 27

Fair. Mayota and I went to Portland to meet Everett and Freda on 8.40 A.M. Bus from N. Carolina.

Tues. Dec. 28

Mostly fair. Everett and Freda went to Litchfield in A.M. Mayota came over to have dinner with me.

Wed. Dec. 29

Cloudy. Everett worked in Litchfield all day. Mayota took Freda to town with her in A.M. Had dinner out.

Thurs. Dec. 30

Cloudy. Everett and Freda went to Falls in P.M. Ernest and Mayota called in eve.

Fri. Dec. 31

Very mild, partly cloudy. Mayota over to do her hair at “salon”. Bill and Sue came down in P.M. I watched the old year out (at “Times Square”, N.Y.) with Guy Lombardo’s band.

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