Diary of A.L.J. 1946

The work of a curious fellow

This page is a year's entries from the diary of Alice L. Jones, who was my father's mother. She kept a diary from 1909 into the 1970's. I have recovered 7 volumes of her effort and transcribed her very legible handwriting into these web pages. I have not corrected her word usage, abbreviations or spelling. Please send an email to jdj@mcanv.com if you would care to question or comment.

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Diary of Alice L. Jones


Tues. Jan. 1st

Cloudy, mild. Ev- went down St. in eve. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Jan. 2nd

Fair. Freda and Ev- went to Lewiston in A.M. He left her at Stew’s on way home and went back for her in late P.M. Sandra and Mayota stayed at Mary Dumas’. Jim stayed at home.

Thurs. Jan 3rd

Fair. I went to Arlene Butcher's in eve. to missionary meeting. Caravan met with us, Mrs. Berkelman, Mrs. Runnells, Mrs. Mayhu and Lorena Buker. Bob Stew- called in eve.

Fri. Jan. 4th

Cloudy, mild. I went down St. and to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie sick with a heart ailment. Bob called in eve.

Sat. Jan. 5th

Partly cloudy. Ev- came home in early P.M. sick.

Sun. Jan. 6th

Cloudy, warm. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Emerson brot his family down to spend the day with Freda while he went smelting at Bowdoinham with Ev- and Bob Stewart. Cecil took Sandra to Sun. school and came after us.

Mon. Jan 7th

Cloudy, few sprinkles, warm. Ev- went smelting in late P.M.

Tues. Jan 8th

Fair, colder. Ev- and Guy Wallingford went smelting all day. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Jan 9th

Beautiful morn., snow and sleet in late P.M. and eve. Gram Small spent the day with us. Ev- and Freda took her to church supper then home. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Thurs. Jan 10

Mostly fair. Freda and Mayota went to Farm Bureau at Lorena Buker’s. Jim and Sandra stayed at Mary Dumas’, Ev- collected them all in P.M. then he, Freda and Jim went smelting at Bowdoinham.

Fri. Jan. 11

Fair, colder. Ev- and Freda and Freda went down St. in eve.

Sat. Jan. 12

Mild, very little damp snow. Winnie called in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to dance at Marr school in eve. Ev- played.

Sun. Jan 13

Cold and windy. Jim, Sandra and I went to Sunday school. I went to church in eve. Ev- and Guy went smelting in late P.M.

Mon. Jan. 14

Fair and cold, far below zero. Ev- played at Forrester’s Installation in eve.

Tues. Jan. 15

Below zero, snowed about 3 in.

Wed. Jan. 16

Fair, 15° below zero in morn.

Thurs. Jan. 17

Milder, mostly fair. Mrs. Freeman from Ridge Rd. spent the day here sewing. She went to Grange supper and installation with Ev- and Freda. I went to Stewart’s, Ruth Tarr’s and Hazel Adams’ in P.M.

Fri. Jan. 18

Fair, slightly warmer. Winnie and Margaret came up in P.M. Everett and Freda went to Bath in P.M.

Sat. Jan 19

Mostly fair, light snow. Ev. played at Marr school house.

Sun. Jan. 20

Clear and cold. Ev- took family to Gramp Small’s to stay overnight. They went by way of Bill’s and took a quarter of beef Bill sold to Gramp Small. Ev- and Guy went smelting in P.M.

Mon. Jan. 21

Snowed 6-8 in. – some hail. Ev- went to Litchfield in early morn. to get the family. I was sick in eve.

Tues. Jan. 22

Mostly fair. Freda took Jim and Sandra down St. in A.M. She and Ev- went smelting in late P.M.

Wed. Jan. 23

Fair. Gramp Small came by bus to dinner and went smelting with Ev- in P.M. Winnie came up in P.M.

Thurs. Jan. 24

Mostly fair. Freda spent day at Court St. Baptist church at Farm Bureau meeting. Jim and Sandra stayed at Mary Dumas’. Ev- went to city after Freda in late P.M. Began snowing in eve.

Fri. Jan. 25

Rain and sleet during night, snowed part of A.M. sloppy – clear and colder at night. Ev- and Jim went to Pejepscot in P.M. to get load of wood for Mr. Peppin.

Sat. Jan. 26

Nice mild day. Ev- and I left at 3.45 A.M. for Bowdoinham to go smelting. Came home before noon. Ev- and Freda went down St. in P.M. Fern took our 3 children out in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Marr school house in eve. Leo came home on 3 mo. vacation from Philippine Is. Went to dance with Freda and Ev- then took truck and went to Litchfield.

Sun. Jan. 27

Nice day. I went to church in morn. and eve. Leo brot his mother, Marian and Ronny down to supper. The Mitchell’s came also.

Mon. Jan. 28

Mostly cloudy. Leo and Lewis Small brot Mrs. Rogers’ car in P.M. for Ev- to use while Leo took Ev-s truck to Mass. to get his furlough papers. Leo took his mother to N.H. and Mrs. Rogers to Natick. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Tues. Jan. 29

Fair, cold, below zero. Ev- and Charlie Pooler went smelting in eve. Freda and Carrie Fowler organized a 4 H club – 19 girls came. I went to prayer meeting and business meeting.

Wed. Jan. 30

Began snowing about noon – about 3 in. fell.

Thurs. Jan. 31

Snowed and hailed lightly, clear in eve. Our new Crosley electric refrigerator was moved in. I went to Laura’s in eve.

Fri. Feb. 1st

Nice mild day. I went down St. and to Win’s in P.M. Everett took family down St. in P.M. then he and Freda went out to supper and spent eve. – Steak supper in Lewiston then to “Auburn” theatre.

Sat. Feb. 2nd

Cloudy, light snow in P.M. and eve. Leo and Gram Small came in eve. to go to dance at Marr school house with Ev- and Freda.

Sun. Feb. 3rd

Cold and windy. I went to church in A.M. and eve. The Mitchells came down to go smelting with Ev-. Winnie and Patty stayed for few days. Leo and Geraldine Ware came to late supper and spent eve.

Mon. Feb. 4th

Fair and cold.

Tues. Feb. 5th

Fair, milder. Royce Allen passed away at 2 A.M. at Togus. Ervin, Doris and June brot Kinto down in P.M. I went to Dr. Plummer’s with her. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Feb. 6th

Began raining in P.M., few snow flakes. Emerson came down in P.M. to take Winnie and Patty home. Ev- Jim and Sandra went to Pejepscot to haul wood for Mr. Peppin. Jim and I went to Stewart’s, Darby's, Chadburn’s and Boyden's on errands in A.M. Leo, Mr. and Mrs. Small came down in late P.M. Got Ev- and Freda and went to Lewiston to steak supper. And later to “Met”. Roads too slippery – they got stranded over by Waterman’s and slept in car all night.

Thurs. Feb. 7th

Fair and mild. I went to Missionary Meeting at Mabel Schultz’s in P.M. Called at Stew’s. All sick but Winnie. Mayota sick. Funeral services for Royce Allen at Dillingham’s.

Fri. Feb. 8th

Nice day. Sandra sick. Ev- went smelting alone in eve.

Sat. Feb. 9th

Cloudy, few flakes of snow in late P.M. I went to Stew’s while Ev- and Jim hauled wood from Pejepscot for Mr. Peppin. Ev- and Mrs. McIntosh started dances at Goddard St. hall. Freda went. Leo brot a load down including Marian. They came back here to feed after the dance.

Sun. Feb. 10

Fair. I went to church in A.M. Ev- and Freda went smelting in late P.M. Marion Millet and Harold called in P.M.

Mon. Feb. 11

Nice day. Freda and Jim went down St. in P.M. Ev- and Freda went down in eve. Howard called in A.M.

Tues. Feb. 12

Nice day. I went to Stewart’s in P.M. Ev- and Jim hauled wood for Mr. Peppin in P.M. I went to prayer meeting. Four H club girls met here in eve.

Wed. Feb. 13

Mild, rainy eve. Ev- and Freda went shopping in P.M. I went to Eastern Star Installation with Laura.

Thurs. Feb. 14

Drizzily. Farm Bureau met here. Jim and Sandra spent day at Mary Dumas’ Everett took family to Litchfield in late P.M. He came back after supper.

Fri. Feb. 15

Beautiful morn. – snow squall’s and wind in P.M., clear, cold and windy in eve. Ev- went to Bath in late P.M.

Sat. Feb. 16

Clear, cold, 16° below. Leo brot Freda home in A.M. She went to hair dresser’s in P.M. and with Everett to Pine Tree Grange hall to play in eve. Winnie came up in eve.

Sun. Feb. 17

Fair, mild. Ev- and Freda spent day smelting at Bowdoinham then they went to Litchfield to supper and brot children home in eve.

Mon. Feb. 18

Fair, cold. Ev- Freda, Jim and Sandra went to Brunswick in P.M. Ev- took Freda and Mary Tarr to White Cross at Jane Jones’ in eve.

Tues. Feb. 19

Began snowing in eve. Freda, Jim and Sandra went to church in P.M. to help tack a quilt. I went to prayer meeting. A soldier from Brunswick started shooting affair at Shiloh – two men killed, a woman slightly injured.

Wed. Feb.20

Snowed all day, drifted badly – about 2 in.

Thurs. Feb 21

Cold and windy – cleared off in eve. 4° below in eve. Men from Brunswick Hardware put in our new gas-oil stove. Ev- and Freda went to Pine Tree School to play after school drama.

Fri. Feb. 22

Fair. Jim spent day at Stew’s. Freda, Sandra and Mayota went down to call while Ev- hauled wood for Mr. Peppin. I went to church in eve. to Baptist Youth Fellowship of Andro. Asso. Ellery Jones came up to work on hot water system.

Sat. Feb. 23

Snowed about an inch. Mayota taken sick during night. Had Dr. Plummer in A.M. Winnie and children up in P.M. also Gram Small, Leo, Marian and Ronny. Ev-, Jim and Sandra went to Brunswick in P.M. Ev- played at P.T.A. at Goddard St. hall.

Sun. Feb. 24

Mild, snowed lightly most of day. Dr. Plummer up to see Mayota in A.M. I went to church in eve.

Mon. Feb. 25

Fair, cold. Dr. Plummer called in A.M. Mayota sick with pneumonia. Winnie called in eve. Ev- took me and Mary Tarr to Lorena Buker’s in eve. to Ever Ready class meeting.

Tues. Feb. 26

Harold Allen arrived in Lewiston at 1 A.M. Discharged from U.S. military service. I took Jim and Sandra to Stew’s in P.M. 4 H club met here.

Wed. Feb. 27

About 2 in. of snow came during night.

Thurs. Feb. 28

1 ½ in. of snow then a little sleet came during night. I took Jim and Sandra out on sled in P.M. Ev- hauled wood for Peppin. Harold and Mildred called in eve. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Fri. Mar. 1st

Mild and fair. Sandra sick. Jim went to Bath in P.M. with Ev-. then to barber.

Sat. Mar. 2nd

Mostly cloudy, light rain in eve. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange Hall. Freda sick in eve.

Sun. Mar. 3rd

Showery in A.M. –Fair in late P.M. Ev- took me to Sun. school then went to Bowdoinham smelting. I went to church in eve.

Mon. Mar. 4th

Lovely warm day. I went down St. to Dr. Reid’s and to Mrs. Darby’s in P.M. Freda sent Sandra to Stew’s by Ev- in early morn. to spend day. She went up to Mary Young’s with Winnie while Cal went to Bowdoin town meeting. Ev- and Jim hauled wood for Mr. Peppin. Mayota sick with vomiting like Freda and Sandra.

Tues. Mar. 5th

Mild, partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to Bowdoinham to bring smelt shack home. Carol took care Jim and Sandra for 2 hrs. in P.M. I went to Laura’s in P.M.

Wed. Mar. 6th

Mild, mostly cloudy. Freda and Sandra went down St. in P.M.

Thurs. Mar. 7th

Mild, showery. I went to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Feltham’s in P.M. Called at Stewart’s. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”. (?) Chester came home from U.S. services.

Fri. Mar. 8th

Lovely, mild day. I went to Dr. Reid’s in A.M. and to World Day of Prayer at Methodist church in P.M. Leo and Mrs. Small came down in P.M. Winnie came up in eve.

Sat. Mar. 9th

Showery. Mr. and Mrs. Small, baby, Chester, Marian, Leo and girlfriend called in eve. on way to Pine Tree Grange hall dance. Ev- and Freda went to play.

Sun. Mar. 10

Fair, colder, windy. I went to church in A.M. Ev- took family up to Gramp Small’s to supper.

Mon. Mar. 11

Fair. I was taken sick with bad tonsillitis.

Tues. Mar. 12

Light snow during night, mostly cloudy. Dr. Plummer came up in eve. to see me. Gave me sulfur drug and put me to bed for 2 days. 4 H club met here.

Wed. Mar. 13

Partly cloudy. Winnie and Margaret came up in P.M. Ev- and Freda went down St.

Thurs. Mar. 14

Fair. I got up. Bill called in A.M. Chester and family called to get a late dinner. He found work at Bona Fide mill at Lisbon. They hunted rents in P.M. Nettie and Esther Darling called in P.M. Ev- and Freda went down St.

Fri. Mar. 15

Fair. Jennie Wheeler called in A.M. I went to Dr. Reid’s in A.M. Ev- called for me at noon. Ev-, Freda, Jim and Sandra went to Lewiston in P.M.

Sat. Mar. 16

Warm, clear day. Chet and Marian called in A.M. Freda took Jim and Sandra to “Met” in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Brunswick to supper then went to Pine Tree Grange hall to play.

Sun. Mar. 17

Beautiful day. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson from Orr’s Is. came up to supper. Florence Allen sick with infected hand (caused by scarlet fever) Had nurse to give her penicillin.

Mon. Mar. 18

Lovely day. Marian came in early morn. Chester started work at Lisbon. He stayed here at night. Mr. and Mrs. Small, baby, Leo, Marian and Ronny came in eve. Ev- and Chet went over to see Milton Small’s old place in eve. Ev- took Freda and Laura down St. in P.M.

Tues. Mar. 19

Lovely day. Ev-, Freda, Jim and Sandra went down St. and over to dump. In P.M. Chester came up to supper. Marian and Donny came in eve. to take him home. I went to Gram Smith’s in eve. Florence Allen taken to hospital.

Wed. Mar. 20

Lovely day. Jimmy and Sandra went to Leo Stein’s to play in A.M.

Thurs. Mar. 21

Lovely day. I got my new upper false teeth at Dr. Reid’s in P.M. Called Dr. Plummer for Mayota. (threatened with scarlet fever) Ev-, Jim and Sandra went to Topsham (Marsh’s) for groceries.

Fri. Mar. 22

Nice day, cooler. Ev- played at Marr school house for wedding reception for Kenneth Tarr and Josephine Fowler.

Sat. Mar. 23

Lovely day, much colder. Ev- didn’t work at mill in P.M. He played at Lisbon Grange hall in eve.

Sun. Mar. 24

Nice day. All quiet on the western front.

Mon. Mar. 25

Light rain most of day. Dr. Plummer called in eve.

Tues. Mar. 26

Nice day. Sandra on sick list. Chester and Marion bot Sleeper place at Lisbon.

Wed. Mar. 27

Nice day, heavy wind. Mr. and Mrs. Small, baby, Ronny, Leo called in P.M. Ev-, Freda and Jim went to dump then Ev- and Freda went to ride.

Thurs. Mar. 28

Grand warm day. Winnie made door yard call in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 29

Fair, very warm, 100°+ in sun. Leo brot Gram Small, Mrs. Rogers, Ronny and baby June down in P.M. Ev-, Freda, Jim and Sandra went to ride up to Chester’s place at Lisbon.

Sat. Mar. 30

Nice day, much cooler. Duncan Pike, health officer tagged us for scarlet fever in P.M. Freda moved up to her bedroom with Sandra and Mayota for duration of scarlet fever.

Sun. Mar. 31

Clear and much cooler Ev- cleaned out septic tank. Ellery Jones used his cleaning rod. Jimmy broken out at noon with scarlet fever.

Mon. Apr. 1st

Mostly clear - 10° above in morn. Harry Stewart, Jr. sick with scarlet fever. Em and Cecil bot Walter Spear’s farm on Ridge. Ev- went to Charlie Pooler’s in eve to wage-scale meeting. Mr. Darby called.

Tues. Apr. 2nd

About 4 in. Of snow on ground in morn., little rain, cloudy rest of day.

Wed. Apr. 3rd

Mostly cloudy, few flakes of snow during night and A.M. I went to Lisbon in late P.M. when Ev- took wall board to Chester’s place. Ev- went to “Met” in eve. Freda taken with scarlet fever.

Thurs. Apr. 4th

Cloudy, few flakes of snow and showery. Ev- began taking meals out at noon at Martha Beal’s. Leo called to leave bacon and hams.

Fri. Apr. 5th

Cloudy. Dr. came to see Freda in P.M. – bad throat.

Sat. Apr. 6th

Showery in P.M. Ev- went to Lisbon Grange hall in eve. He hurt his hand at mill so couldn’t play.

Sun. Apr. 7th

Colder, mostly fair. Ev- had day off. Harry Stewart, Sr. called in A.M.

Mon. Apr. 8th

Mostly fair. Chet and Marian called in early eve, Walter Keith’s camp at Higgins Cor. burned in eve. (Burned 3 yrs. Ago)

Tues. Apr. 9th

Rain with few flakes of snow most all day. Leo, Gram Small, baby, and Ronny called in P.M. Heavy snow fall and drifted roads at Eastport, etc.

Wed. Apr. 10

Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles. Freda and I papered and cleaned kitchen cupboards.

Thurs. Apr. 11

Cold, cloudy, few flakes of snow. Mr. and Mrs. Small, baby June, Leo, Ronny called in late P.M. Marian and Chester called in early evening.

Fri. Apr. 12

Clear and cold. Chester and Marion called to get Ev-‘s truck to move to Lisbon.

Sat. Apr. 13

Mostly fair, cold, few flakes of snow. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange.

Sun. Apr. 14

Clear, cool in P.M. Ev- went to Lewiston in P.M. to hunt for mill help.

Mon. Apr. 15


Tues Apr. 16

Clear, cold, heavy wind. Ev- went out in eve.

Wed. Apr. 17

Fair. Aunt Edith and Lewis Small called in A.M. on her way to work for Harry Roberts. Cecil called in P.M. Called Dr. Plummer for Dad about 11.30 P.M.

Thurs. Apr. 18

Partly cloudy, heavy wind and cold. Duncan Pike let us out of quarantine in A.M. Ev- and family (except Mayota) went to Brunswick and to Lisbon to Chester’s in late P.M. Dr. called in to see Dad in A.M.

Fri. Apr. 19

Fair, windy, cold Emerson called at noon. Ev- and Freda went on 2 little rides. I went to Nazarene church Holy week service.

Sat. Apr. 20

Showery, windy, cold. Freda took Jim and Sandra to “Met” in P.M. Ev- brot them home. After supper, Ev- and Freda went to see Stanley Tarr. (sick) In the eve. they went to Pine Tree Grange to play. Leo called in eve.

Sun. Apr. 21

Fair, windy, cold. Ev. took family to Litchfield for the day. The Stewarts called in P.M. I went to church pageant in eve.

Mon. Apr. 22

Fair, milder. Freda went to hair dresser’s and down St. in P.M. Left Jim at Mary Dumas’. Ev- went to Orr’s Is. in late P.M. I went to Everready class meeting in eve. at Della Ordway’s

Tues. Apr. 23

Fair, milder. Cecil, Winnie and Meredith came down to dinner. Cecil took Winnie to Dr.’s in Lewiston in P.M. and got their truck from garage. She came back in early eve. to get Meredith. Freda had 4 H club meeting in eve. Some of the boys that play with Ev- and their wives, also Marsh, Carrie and Jackie spent the eve. here. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Apr. 24

Showery in A.M. Ev- went to dentist’s in P.M. I spent P.M. at Stewart’s and had supper. Mrs. Small, baby and Leo called in A.M. Larry hurt slightly in car accident with Dot down St.

Thurs. Apr. 25

Fair A.M., cloudy P.M. Jim, and Sandra went down to Harry Roberts’ in A.M. to see Aunt Edith. Freda and Jim went to Lewiston in P.M. She and Sandra went to Marian Millet’s in eve. Ev- went to union meeting. Cecil and girls called in P.M.

Fri. Apr. 26

Rainy day. Freda and Ev- went to Chester’s and Gramp Small’s in eve.

Sat. Apr. 27

Showery. Ev- and Freda went to Pine Tree hall to play. Snowed late in eve.

Sun. Apr. 28

Partly cloudy. Ev- went to Orr’s Is. to help Freeman Bartlett bring home the boat he bot of Ev-. Ev- and family went to ride in early eve. Went on fast time. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Jim and Sandra went to Sun. school. I called at Stewart’s in eve.

Mon. Apr. 29

Showery in P.M. Mrs. Small and Leo came in A.M. Leo and girlfriend called in P.M.

Tues. Apr. 30

Partly cloudy. Freda and Jim went down St. in P.M. Winnie and Margaret came up in P.M. Ev- Jim and Sandra went to Gray to bring Ella home in late P.M. I went to fellowship supper and annual election of officers.

Wed. May 1st

Fair, warmer. Ev- and Freda went to Chester’s in eve. with other relatives to give them a housewarming.

Thurs. May 2nd

Fair, cold. Vera took Ella, Dad and me to Bill’s in eve. to celebrate Bill’s 50th birthday. Ella went to Winnie’s in P.M. while I went to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Darby’s

Fri. May 3rd

Fair, milder. Ella went home on bus in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to ride in eve. Freda and I went to surprise party for Winnie at Dot’s in eve.

Sat. May 4th

Fair. Ev- and family went to Topsham in P.M. Aunt Edith, Marian and Ronny called. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange hall.

Sun. May 5th

Rainy day. I went to church in A.M. Ev- and Freda went to ride in P.M. and to church in eve.

Mon. May 6th

Showery in P.M. (thunder) Ev- took Freda and children up to Spear place to help Em and Cecil move in. Ev- went up to take their supper and bring them home.

Tues. May 7th

Ervin took Jen, Kinto and me to clinic at C.M.G. hospital to have Kinto examined. Freda and Laura went down St. in P.M. I went to prayer meeting. Freda had 4H club.

Wed. May 8th

Showery. Jim, Sandra and I went to Stewart’s in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”. Marian Allen called in eve. Mildred Carr and Albert Conley married.

Thurs. May 9th

Showery in P.M. Freda and Jim went to Farm Bureau. Ev- took them. Biff Morgan started digging out our septic tank ditch and grading for us. Win- and Nettie called in P.M. Cecil and children came back with Freda from F.B. and stayed to supper. Gram and Gramp Small, baby and Mrs. Rogers here to supper. Ev-, Freda and Jim went to Cecil’s and Chester’s in eve.

Fri. May 10

Fair. I went to Sabattus to Androscoggin Asso. meeting with Mildred and Harold.

Sat. May 11

Rainy most of day. I went to Stew’s in A.M. to help Winnie pack up to move back to farm. All but Mayota went down St. in P.M. Marian and her neighbor and their youngsters called in P.M. Chester and family and Donna Severy came down to supper then went to Pine Tree Grange hall to dance when Ev- and Freda went.

Sun. May 12

Showery. Ev- took family to Gram Small’s to church in morn. I went to Sun. school and eve. service.

Mon. May 13

Fair, windy. Ev- and Freda went to P.T.A. meeting at Community House in eve.

Tues. May 14

Partly cloudy. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. May 15

Showery. Freda spent day in city. Ev- went up after work and they spent eve. Jim and Sandra spent day at Mary Dumas’.

Thurs. May 16

Mostly cloudy. Freda, Jim and Sandra went down St. and to Legion rummage sale and hung maybasket to Aunt Edith. Ev-, Freda and Sandra Aunt E.’s and got ice for Stanley in eve.

Fri. May 17

Showery in late P.M. Freda and Jim went to Brunswick with Marian and Ronny in P.M. Ev-, Freda, Jim and Sandra went to “Met” in eve.

Sat. May 18

Cold, rainy part of day Freda and Ev- went to Pine Tree Grange to play in eve. They all went down St. in late P.M.

Sun. May 19

Fair, warmer. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Ev- took Guy Wallingford to Livermore. All the family but Mayota went up to Mitchell’s in late P.M.

Mon. May 20

Partly cloudy. Freda and Sandra went to Brunswick with Marian and Ronny in late P.M. Ev- Jim and Gramp went to Mrs. Reynolds. Then to dump. Freda entertained The White Cross in eve. (5 here) Ev- went out in eve.

Tues. May 21

Showery. Freda and Carrie entertained the 4 H club at Deering school in late P.M. I went to Berean Bap. Church in Brunswick in eve. with a crowd from our church to hear Mr. Brownville, former pastor or Tremont Temple.

Wed. May 22

Niece day. Aunt Edith here to dinner and supper. Freda went to hair dresser’s and shopping in P.M. She and Ev- took her home in eve. then went to dance at Tacoma.

Thurs. May 23

Beautiful day. Railroad services (except for necessities) stopped (for strike) at 5 P.M. I left at 6 A.M. for Gray with Calvin by way of Portland. Ella and I went up to Eva’s in P.M. Doris home over night. The Morrison’s hung her a maybasket. Ev- sold his Ford truck to Paul Marquis.

Fri. May 24

Lovely day. I went to Mrs. Ellingwood’s with Ella in morn. to help paper. Doris and I left on 11 A.M. bus. I spent P.M. at Aunt Maebel's. Came home in late P.M. Em and Cecil left girls here while they went to pictures in Lewiston.

Sat. May 25

Nice warm day, showery eve. Ev- and Freda played at P.T.A. dance at Goddard St. hall.

Sun. May 26

Showery. I went to church in A.M. to Brunswick in eve to hear Dr. Brownville again. Freda went to Methodist with 4H girls. Cecil and girls went to Sun. school.

Mon. May 27

Showery. Freda and Sandra went down St. in A.M.

Tues. May 28

Showery. Marian and Ronny spent day here. I spent P.M. at Ruth’s and Hazel’s. Had supper at Ruth’s. Addie Allen there. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. May 29

Mostly fair. Freda Jim and Mayota spent day at Gram Small’s with Marian and Ronny. Sandra stayed at Mary Dumas’ Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Thurs. May 30

Lovely day. Freda took children to parade. Mrs. Coombs from Lisbon, who lost three sons in World War II, unveiled the monument by Grammar school on School St. St. Cecilia band and our own band played. Merton, Bill, Amy and Larry came down in morn. in Clyde Sheen’s car and took Dad and me to parade then to Auburn to Ma’s grave and to Uncle Howard’s – to Bowdoin Ctr. and to Bill’s to dinner. Then Bill Booker took us to Lewey Taylor’s grave at Sabattus then brot us home.

Fri. May 31

Nice day. Freda, Marian and Jim shopper in A.M. Winnie, Harry and Margaret called in P.M. Cal took Winnie and me to hospital in eve. to see Susie Small.

Sat. June 1st

Rainy day. Freda and Ev. went to city in eve.

Sun. June 2nd

Cloudy and cold. I went to Methodist church to Baccalaureate and to our church to Sun. school and eve. service. Ev- and family went up to Mitchell’s when they took their children home from Sun. school. Em and Cecil here to dinner.

Mon. June 3rd

Fair. Freda and Ev- went to Litchfield in eve. with Chet and Marian. The Ever ready class met here in eve. Jane Jones resigning from High school faculty so we gave her an electric lamp.

Tues. June 4th

Showery in A.M. Freda, Marian, Laura went to Lewiston in P.M. Jim and Sandra went to Mary Dumas’. I went to prayer meeting. 4H club met here.

Wed. June 5th

Showery in A.M. Marian left Ronny here in P.M. and to supper.

Thurs. June 6th

Mostly cloudy. Cecil took Freda and children up to her house to spent the day. I went down St. in A.M. Entertained the Missionary Society in P.M. I went to Mary Tarr’s on errand in eve.

Fri. June 7th

Much warmer, showery in early eve. Freda went to hair dresser’s in A.M. Jim and Sandra at Mary Dumas’. Ev- and Freda went to Tacoma in eve. to play for Academy reception. Winnie went to Haverhill to visit May Ward while Cal and Dot visited Margaret Gott in Danvers. Harry, Jr. and Margaret here to supper. Harry, Sr. called for them after work.

Sat. June 8th

Thunder in early morn. – heavy thunder shower in eve. Freda went to mill in P.M. to wait for Ev-. Cal took her down St. in P.M. Em’s family took Ev- Freda and Jim to Bailey’s Is. to picnic supper.

Sun. June 9th

Nice day. I was called out of church by June. She and Ervin took me to their house. Aunt Alice had paralytic shock. Called Dr. Spear.

Mon. June 10

Lovely day. Vera down in A.M.

Tues. June 11

Nice day. Dr. spear came up in P.M.

Wed. June 12

Fair. Ervin and June brot me home in A.M. I went to Greene in P.M.

Thurs. June 13

Mostly fair, shower in P.M. cold night. Edith Boyden passed away.

Fri. June 14

Nice day. I came home in P.M.

Sat. June 15

Fair. Freda, Jim and Sandra went down St. in A.M. Freda and Jim went to Litchfield with Hilda and in P.M. Ev- and Freda went away with Mitchell’s in eve. Amy and Vera went to Mass.

Sun. June 16

Fair. Bobby and Gerry brot Bill, Howard and Larry down in A.M. I went to Sun. school Mr. and Mrs. Small, baby, Mrs. Rogers, Emerson and family had supper here. All but Mrs. Rogers and I went to Children’s day program at church. We took care of June and Mayota and cleaned up “the mess”.

Mon. June 17

Fair. Jim, Sandra and I went down to Millet’s and Ruth Tarr’s thru the woods in P.M. Arthur Beal arrived from California.

Tues. June 18

Showery in morn. Winnie and children called on us in A.M. I went to funeral services for Edith Boyden with Laura in P.M. and to prayer meeting in eve.

Wed. June 19

Lovely day. Marian and Ronny came in A.M. to wash. Freda and Ev- went to Lewiston in P.M. then spent eve. out (?)

Thurs. June 20

Fair. I took three children for walk in P.M. over to Ray Allen’s and Harriet’s. Ray was rushed to hospital in P.M. and operated on for hernia.

Fri. June 21

Showery. Freda and Sandra went round to Ray’s milk customers in A.M. collecting money to help him. Ev- and Freda went to Grange card party in eve.

Sat. June 22

Mostly cloudy. Marian and Ronny here to iron in A.M. Freda, Jim and Sandra went to “Met” in P.M.

Sun. June 23

Beautiful day. Chester’s family and Everett’s all spent the day in Litchfield. Mrs. Small and Leo called in eve. Bobby, Bill and Amy called in eve.

Mon. June 24

Lovely day.

Tues. June 25

Fair, hot. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. June 26

Fair, hot. Freda, Jim and Sandra went to Gram Small’s with Marian and Ronny to dinner then back to Marian’s and down St. shopping in late P.M. Bobby, Gerry and Howard called in eve.

Thurs. June 27

Hot, thunder shower in P.M.. Marian Millet, Corris and baby came up in P.M. Ev- Freda and Jim went to Chester’s to supper.

Fri. June 28

Fair and hot. Cecil and children came down to take Freda down St. shopping then came back to supper. Ev- and Freda went home with her. Beulah Spencer Wheaton and twin boys called on me in A.M.

Sat. June 29

Clear hot day. Freda and Cecil went shopping in A.M. Carol took care of the six kids here. Ray Allen came home from C.M.G. hospital.

Sun. June 30

Fair. Ev- and Em took their families and Marion Millet to Orr’s Is. for week’s vacation. Em and Ev- came home in eve. I went to Sunday school and eve. service. Only four came so it was postponed.

Mon. July 1st

Fair. Em and Ev- went to Orr’s Is. in eve.

Tues. July 2nd

Rain in A.M. then fair and cooler. I went to prayer meeting. Mac and Joy and Candace called in eve. Aunt Alice died at nursing home in Pittston.

Wed. July 3rd

Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. I went down St. to meet Vera in A.M. Went over to see Ray in P.M. and to Ruth’s in eve. Ev- and Em. Went to Orr’s Is. Em’s family and Marian Millet came home.

Thurs. July 4th

Beautiful day. Johnny took Dad and me up to Bill’s to spend the day and brot us home in the eve. Called at Emery’s. Ev- went to “Met”.

Fri. July 5th

Beautiful day. Johnny took me and Bill to Kinto’s funeral services at West Bowdoin church. Ev- went to Orr’s Is. for wk-end.

Sat. July 6th

Lovely day. I went down St. in P.M. Called at Mrs. Darby’s and Ruth’s. Uncle Howard and Jim called in P.M. with fish.

Sun. July 7th

Lovely day. Hazel Adams called. Em, Cecil and girls brot Ev- and family home from Orr’s Is. in P.M. Called Dr. Spear for Dad in P.M., cold in bronchial tubes and fever. Freda went to Mary Tarr’s in eve. Bill Booker brot Bill down to see Dad in eve.

Mon. July 8th

Good day. Mr. and Mrs. Small and baby June came down in eve. They took Ev- and Freda over to Durham. Amy and Bobby called in eve.

Tues. July 9th

Misty, wet day. Freda, Mayota and Cecil went shopping to Topsham in P.M. 4H Club met here in eve.

Wed. July 10

Partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”

Thurs. July 11

Mostly fair. Cecil called in P.M. Took Freda and Jim to Mrs. Yeaton’s to Farm Bureau. Carol took Sandra and Mayota in stroller. They came back for supper. Everett went up to party to supper to Freda and Jim and Stayed for entertainment. Chet and family brot them home at 9 P.M. The Ricker boy came with them to play.

Fri. July 12

Partly cloudy, few sprinkles. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”. Freda went down St. in A.M. Bobby brot Bill, Larry and Howard down in eve.

Sat. July 13

Beautiful day. Mr. and Mrs. Small called in late P.M. on way to Chet’s to supper. They came back in eve. and took Freda and children home with them for the night.

Sun. July 14

Nice day. The Wilson’s from Orr’s Is. called in P.M. The Small’s and Mrs. Rogers brot Freda and children home in P.M.

Mon. July 15

Beautiful day, light shower in early morn. Miss Wyeth passed away.

Tues. July 16

Lovely day. Winnie called in P.M. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. July 17

Nice day. I took the 3 children out in P.M. Freda took Jim and Sandra to walk in eve. Ev- worked. Gram and Gramp Small, baby and Aunt Edith called in eve.

Thurs. July 18

Lovely day. Freda, Jim and Sandra went shopping in morn. Marian and Ronny came back with them to dinner and to do her washing in P.M. Freda went to Grange in eve.

Fri. July 19

Nice day, hot. Bill, Amy, Howard, Larry and Isaac Allen called in P.M. Ev, Freda, Cecil and Em went to pictures at city and had supper later.

Sat. July 20

Nice day, hot, very dry, cool breeze in eve. Ev- got thru work at noon. Em and family took Ev and family and Marian Millet to Orr’s Is. for Week’s vacation in eve. Mr. and Mrs. Small and baby came down to see them off. Called Dr. Plummer to see Dad in P.M. Mrs. Anderson called in A.M.

Sun. July 21

Cool, rainy day.

Mon. July 22


Tues. July 23

Rainy day.

Wed. July 24


Thurs. July 25

Mostly fair. Ev- and Freda went to Litchfield for “Mystery Ride”.

Fri. July 26

Lovely, cool day. Ev and Freda called in A.M. on their way to Orr’s Is. from Litchfield with Phil, Gertrude and family.

Sat. July 27

Light shower in A.M. Catherine Mc- sick with Jaundice.

Sun. July 28

Beautiful day, Em and Cecil brot Sandra and Mayota and Marian Millet home from Orr’s Is. Jim and Freda came later with Gram and Gramp Small, Aunt Edith, Chet, Marian and Ronny. Carol Smith went to Wayoka Girl’s Camp in Oxford for 2 weeks.

Mon. July 29

Fair. Freda went to mill in eve to meet Everett.

Tues. July 30

Hot, mostly fair, light shower in P.M. Jim and I went to Gray in morn. Harry met us. Doris came home in P.M. We went up to Dry Mills store in eve.

Wed. July 31

Light showers. Jim and I came to Lewiston with Harry and came home after shopping. Winnie called in eve.

Thurs. Aug. 1st

Light showers. Freda and Jim spent day at Chester’s blueberrying and sewing. Jen, June and children called in late P.M. Ev- and Ted Steele went fishing in eve.

Fri. Aug. 2nd

Rainy day. Gramp and Gram Small and baby here to dinner. The Mitchell girls stayed here in P.M. and eve. while Em and Cecil went riding.

Sat. Aug. 3rd

Fair in late P.M. Cecil took Freda down St. in A.M. Freda, Jim and Sandra went to Orr’s Is. in A.m. with Frieda Curtis to arrange for Grange outing later in day. Everett went down later.

Sun. Aug. 4th

Nice day. I went to S. school. Ralph called in P.M.

Mon. Aug. 5th

Light shower in morn. and in P.M. Jim and Sandra went to Daily Vacation Bible school at Nazarene church in A.M.

Tues. Aug. 6th

Nice day. Jim and Sandra went to D.V.B. school. Cecil called in P.M. I went to prayer meeting at Nazarene church.

Wed. Aug. 7th

Rainy day. Harry Mc. Brot Ella, Doris, Roy, Cat- and Lenny over to spend the day. Vera and 3 children brot Bill and Amy down in P.M. Jim and Sandra went to D.V.B. school.

Thurs. Aug. 8th

Lovely day. Jim and Sandra went to D.V.B. school. Freda went down St. in A.M. Em, Cecil and children took all of us (except Ev-) to Chester’s to go blueberrying and have picnic supper. Ev- went to Lewiston in late P.M. Came to Chet’s for supper.

Fri. Aug. 9th

Nice day. Jim and Sandra went to D.V.B. school. Freda went to hairdresser’s in A.M. Freda took Jim and Sandra to Dr. Reid’s in P.M. to have first work done on their teeth. Ev- and Freda took them to Nazarene church to exhibition of children’s work in eve. Harry Stewart, Sr. and Jr. called in P.M.

Sat. Aug. 10

Began raining in P.M., distant thunder shower in eve. Ev- and family took 5.30 bus for Litchfield.

Sun. Aug. 11

Beautiful day. Gram and Gramp Small and baby brot Ev- and family home in early eve. They stayed for lunch.

Mon. Aug. 12

Light showers in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Tues. Aug. 13

Few sprinkles in P.M. Miss Barton (H.D.A) met officers of Farm Bureau here in P.M. (Freda, Lorena Buker and Carrie Fowler) I went to prayer meeting at Nazarene church.

Wed. Aug 14

Rainy day. Chet’s family, the Mitchells. Gram and Gramp Small, baby, Aunt Edith and Albert Clark spent eve. here – music, ice cream and cake.

Thurs. Aug. 15

Nice day. Freda and Jim went up to Mitchell’s with Nib, Laura and Carol to pick string beans to can. After supper I took the three children to party for Jewel Band on Mr. Darby’s lawn. Ev- and Freda went to Marshall Metcalf’s in eve with Elwood Prosser.

Fri. Aug. 16

Mostly cloudy. Gramp Small and Albert came in early P.M. to take Freda and children up to Aunt Edith’s for visit and to attend Litchfield Academy Reunion.

Sat. Aug. 17

Mostly cloudy, muggy. Ev- went to Litchfield in P.M.

Sun. Aug. 18

Beautiful day. Gramp Small and family brot Ev- and his family home in eve.

Mon. Aug. 19

Began raining in late P.M. Bill and Vera called in P.M. Cecil came down to take Ev- and family (except Mayota) up to Em’s to pick string beans to can for the Mitchell’s.

Tues. Aug. 20

Nice day. Freda and Jim went to Ernest Carr’s with Dot and Larry in P.M. to pick blackberries then up to Mitchell’s to pick string beans for Dot to can. In the eve. Freda went to Pownal with her mother and father to take Albert Clark back. I went to prayer meeting at Nazarene church. Bob Stewart called.

Wed. Aug. 21

Partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Thurs. Aug. 22

Partly cloudy. Ev- and Gramp Small went deep sea fishing with Mr. Harris from Orr’s Is. Freda and Jim went to Dr. Spear’s in P.M. for examination and vaccination.

Fri. Aug. 23

Rainy day.

Sat. Aug. 24

Distant thunder shower (2 hrs.) in early morn. clear in P.M. Freda went to mill with Ev- in eve.

Sun. Aug. 25

Mostly cloudy and foggy. I went to church. Jim and Sandra went to Sun. school. Freda and children went to mill in P.M. Gram and Gramp Small, June, Chet and family, Win Bubier and Kate and Minerva Card called in eve. Ev- and Freda went to ride with Chet and family.

Mon. Aug. 26

Wet, rainy eve. Freda and Jim and Jim went down went down St in P.M. Cecil and girls called in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Chet’s to supper then to Pine Tree Grange hall to play for Alumni dance.

Tues. Aug. 27

Mostly cloudy, showery. Em and Cecil brot girls down in morn. Gram and Gramp Small and baby came to dinner and took the Mitchell girls home with them. Cecil had 8 lb. boy born at 3 P.M. at C.M.G. hospital. (Granville Wayne) Freda had 4H club in eve.

Wed. Aug. 28

Rain during night, mostly fair. Freda went down St. in P.M. to meet Ev- to go shopping.

Thurs. Aug. 29

Heavy thunder shower in late P.M. wind, hail, heavy rain. Emerson came to dinner. I went to Stewart’s to spend night. Guy Butterfield called.

Fri. Aug. 30

Clear, cool day. Freda and Jim went to Lewiston in P.M. They had dinner at Olga Kent's. Ev- met them later and they went to hospital to see Cecil.

Sat. Aug. 31

Nice cool day. Em came to dinner. Gram and Gramp Small, June, and 3 Mitchell girls called in eve.

Sun. Sept. 1st

Clear and cool. I went to church. Sandra went to Sun. school. Ev- and Freda went to mill then down St. to supper in eve. Ev- dug on sewer ditch all day.

Mon. Sept 2nd

Cloudy. Freda and Ev- went to “Met” in eve.

Tues. Sept. 3rd

Nice day, cool. Freda went to school with Jimmy (his first day) She went to Lewiston in P.M.

Wed. Sept 4th

Beautiful day. Had buffet lunch at night, Gram and Gramp Small, June, Emerson and 3 children. Ev- and Freda went to Ken McKenzie show at Legion hall in eve.

Thurs. Sept. 5th

Lovely day. I went to Missionary meeting at Della Ordway’s in P.M. and to Gram Smith’s in eve.

Fri. Sept. 6th

Nice day. Em and Winnie went to hospital to bring Cecil and Granville Wayne home. They came here to dinner. I went down St. with Jim after school for haircut. Freda and Sandra went up to Deering school house with Carrie Fowler in late P.M. to 4H club meeting.

Sat. Sept. 7th

Light showers. Bill here to dinner. Ev- brot Eben home to supper and spent eve. Chet and family came in eve.

Sun. Sept. 8th

Cloudy. I went to church. Jim and Sandra went to Sun. school. Chet’s family came down and took Ev- and family up to their house to supper then broth them home.

Mon. Sept. 9th

Misty, showery day. Doris Mc. Spent the day with Marian and Ronny came down in P.M. to iron. She took Freda down St. in P.M. Gram and Gramp Small, June, Mrs. Rogers and Meredith came down in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to “Met” in eve.

Tues. Sept. 10

Rainy day, thunder showers, clear and warm in eve. Bill Amy, baby and Bill Booker called in P.M. I went to prayer meeting. Ray took Ruth, Mamie Wentworth and me up to Levi Ross’ to get milk and home by Lisbon.

Wed. Sept. 11

Good day. Marian and Ronny came in morn. Took Freda over to Edith Boyden’s place to buy fruit jars etc. Mary Tarr called in A.M. Ev- went to Brunswick with Lindy Bradford to practice in eve. Freda went to 4H club meeting at Deering school with Carrie Fowler.

Thurs. Sept. 12

Cool and clear. Freda and Sandra went to hair dresser’s in A.M. Eben came up in eve.

Fri. Sept. 13

Nice day, first light frost Ev- went with Lindy Bradford to Gray to play at Pennell Institute.

Sat. Sept 14

Nice day. Em took Freda and children to his house in morn. Cecil brot them home in P.M. Ev- and Freda went out to supper and spent the eve.

Sun. Sept. 15

Nice day. I went to church, Jim and Sandra to Sun. school. Ev- dug on sewer ditch most of day. Gramp and Gram Small, baby and Mrs. Rogers called in late P.M.

Mon. Sept. 16

Lovely warm day. Freda went down St. in morn. and to David Marstellar's in eve. to White Cross meeting. Ev- went to P.T.A. meeting to play.

Tues. Sept. 17

Clear and hot. Ev- went to Brunswick in eve. to practice. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Sept. 18

Lovely day. I spent the day at Court St. Baptist church at Andr- Missionary meeting. Ev- and Freda went out in eve.

Thurs. Sept 19

Clear and hot. Ev- played in eve. down below Bath (6 miles)

Fri. Sept. 20

Nice day – hot. Ev-, Freda and Mayota went to Topsham with Cecil and baby in P.M. then Ev- and Freda went down St. with truck. Ev- played at Gray in eve.

Sat. Sept. 21

Fair. I went to Gray in P.M. for week-end.

Sun. Sept. 22

Rainy day. We postponed our trip. Went to church at Gray Cor. in A.M. and at Dry Mills in P.M. Joe’s family came down in eve.

Mon. Sept. 23

Cloudy, showery in eve. I came home from Gray in A.M. Freda went down St. in P.M. Mary Tarr and I went to Everready class meeting at Arleen Butcher’s.

Tues. Sept. 24

Foggy and misty. Ev- and Freda spent eve at Marshall Metcalf’s. Bill, Merton and Johnny called in P.M.

Wed. Sept. 25

Partly clear. Howard called in A.M. Freda and Sandra went down St. in P.M. Ev- went to Topsham to take his ditch digger home in late P.M.

Thurs. Sept. 26

Fair, warm. Cecil and children called in A.M. Ev- took his hired men to Topsham. I went to teacher’s meeting at Mr. Kinney’s in eve. with Mary Tarr.

Fri. Sept. 27

Nice warm day. The Farm Bureau met here. Eben up in eve.

Sat. Sept. 28

Nice day. Jim and Sandra went to Sun. school picnic back of Jim Farrar’s. Freda went to hair dresser’s in P.M. and down St. in eve.

Sun. Sept. 29

Partly cloudy. I went to church. Jim and Sandra went to S. school. Mary Tarr called in P.M. Gramp and Gram Small and baby took Freda, Sandra and Mayota to Litchfield in eve. to stay over Litchfield Fair. Ev- spent eve at mill.

Mon. Sept. 30

Rainy day. Distant thunder.

Tues. Oct. 1st

Cleared away in A.M., cold and windy. Bill booker, Bill, Amy and baby (Ricky) came to take Dad to Fair. Eben helped Ev- dig ditch and stayed to supper. I went to church.

Wed. Oct. 2nd

Cold and windy. Mr. and Mrs. Small and baby brot Freda and children home in late P.M. They had supper with us.

Thurs. Oct. 3rd

Nice warm day. I went to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Darby’s Freda went down St. in A.M. Ev- Freda and Jim went to supper at Grange hall. Ev- brot Jim home. They stayed for entertainment later.

Fri. Oct. 4th

Lovely warm day. Freda took children to clinic for vaccinations and inoculations. Ev- went to fish and game Asso. meeting in eve.

Sat. Oct. 5th

Very clear warm day. Ev- went to Wayne and Canton duck hunting and to Lisbon Grange hall to play in eve. I went down St. in P.M. Jen, June and children called in P.M.

Sun. Oct. 6th

Beautiful day. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Philip Rowe and family called in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Small, Gramp and Small, June and the Stewart family.

Mon. Oct. 7th

Lovely warm day. Jim sick. Gramp Small came to work on septic tank.

Tues. Oct. 8th

Lovely day, cooler. Mr. Small and John McConnell here working on our sewerage system. Cecil took Freda and Sandra down St. in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”. Bill, Amy, Rickey, Bobby, Gerry, baby, Merton, Ray, Vera and Clyde Sheen came down in eve. to celebrate Dad’s birthday. (87)

Wed. Oct. 9th

Much colder. Marian and Ronny here to wash. In A.M. Cecil and girls brot truck down in P.M. for Ev-, Freda and Jim to go to Topsham Fair in eve. They came home at 8 P.M. sick. Sandra and Mayota taken sick while they were gone. Mr. Small and Mr. McConnell here to work.

Thurs. Oct. 10

Lovely day, milder. Gramp Small and McConnell here to work. Called Dr. Spear for Jim’s throat in P.M. Ev- sick at home.

Fri. Oct. 11

Lovely day. Mr. Small and McConnell here to work. Mrs. Small and Leo called in P.M.

Sat. Oct. 12

Mostly cloudy. Nettie Allen called in P.M. to get her electric sewing machine. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange hall.

Sun. Oct. 13

Lovely day. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Sandra sick. Mary Tarr called in P.M. Gramp and Gram Small, Leo, Chester’s family and the Mitchell’s here to supper and spent eve. Eben Carlson here, also.

Mon. Oct. 14

Lovely day. Merton came down in P.M. Took Gramp and me to Uncle Howard’s then took us to Bill’s for a few days.

Tues. Oct. 15

Beautiful day. Bill Booker came in A.M. He took Amy and me to ride in P.M. up over Oak Hill to S. Monmouth, out to Purgatory, West Gardiner, up by Heald’s, down by Delmar Small’s to cemetery, to Litchfield Cor. (called to see Dr. Goss) and home by Wagg road.

Wed. Oct. 16

Lovely day. Vera took Dad and me to Wheeler’s in A.M. and June took us back to Bill’s. I went to Vera’s and Clara's in P.M. Merton brot us home in eve.

Thurs. Oct. 17

Mostly cloudy, rainy in eve. Freda and Sandra went to Farm Bureau at Mary Tarr’s

Fri. Oct. 18

Rainy day. Gramp and Gram Small came down ant took Freda and children home with them.

Sat. Oct. 19

Clear and windy. Cecil brot Freda and children home in P.M. Ev- went duck hunting in morn. Ray and Vera called in A.M. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange hall in eve.

Sun. Oct. 20

In went to church. Jim and Sandra went to Sun. school. The Stewarts called in P.M. and took me up to the farm for few days. Milton Knox and ______________ married in our church at 4 P.M.

Mon. Oct. 21

Nice day. Harry took Winnie and me up to Susie Small’s in P.M. We called at May Rideout’s and Sade Rideout’s on way home.

Tues. Oct. 22

Lovely day. I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M. while Winnie called at Mary Morin’s then we walked down to Dad’s old place.

Wed. Oct. 23

Lovely day. I came home with Harry in P.M. Ella and Roy came in P.M.. Ev-, Freda and Roy went to “Met”.

Thurs. Oct. 24

Nice day. Ella and I went to And. Asso. meeting at Court St. Baptist church with Ray, Florence and Lillian Guenther. Ev- went to Eben’s in eve.

Fri. Oct. 25

Foggy most of day. Ella, Roy and I went down St. in P.M. Ev- went duck hunting in early morn. Ev, Freda, Roy and Jim went to “Met”. Gram Small and Leo called in late P.M.

Sat. Oct. 26

Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles in P.M. Freda went to Bus with Ella and Roy. Had new light put in kitchen. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange Hall.

Sun. Oct. 27

Beautiful warm day. Sandra and I went to S. school. I went to church in eve.

Mon. Oct. 28

Nice day. Freda and Sandra went to hair dresser’s in A.M. then down St. Ev- went to Canton hunting. I went to Anna Marstellar's in eve. to Ever Ready class meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Stone called in eve.

Tues. Oct. 29

Fair. I went to prayer meeting.

Wed. Oct. 30

Mrs. Stone came up in early morn. (6.30 A.M.) to help Freda make corn balls and get ready for children’s Hallow’en party at Grange Hall. Jim and Sandra went. Ev- and Freda had supper at hall and spent eve.

Thurs. Oct. 31

Warm and fair. Freda took all children to clinic for inoculations. I went to Greene in P.M.

Fri. Nov. 1st

Fair. Mrs. Hanscom called in P.M.

Sat. Nov. 2nd

Rain, snow, sleet. I came home from Greene in P.M. Ev- played at Pint Tree Grange Hall.

Sun. Nov. 3rd

Misty, wet day. I went to church in A.M. Gramp and Gram Small and baby called in P.M. Ev- and Freda walked down St. in eve. Leo and Evelyn Small called in P.M.

Mon. Nov. 4th

Mostly cloudy, clearing in eve. Ev- went to Canton hunting. He and Freda went to Eben’s in eve. to celebrate Mrs. Reynolds’ (55) birthday . Sandra and I went down St. in A.M.

Tues. Nov. 5th

Cold and windy. I went to Margaret Russell Morrell’s on Ridge Rd. in eve. to Stanley Demonstration party.

Wed. Nov. 6th

Cold and windy. I went to Mrs. Darby’s in A.M. to get “used cards” ready to send to Missions. Freda went down St. in P.M. with Cecil. Met Ev- and went out to supper. Cecil took Jim up to her house to supper.

Thurs. Nov. 7th

Beautiful, mild day. I went to Missionary Meeting at Lillian Guenther’s. Gramp, Gram Small and baby here to supper.

Fri. Nov. 8th

Misty, drizzily day. Em brot Patty and Meredith down in P.M. to stay til midnight.

Sat. Nov. 9th

Cloudy. Cecil took Ev- and family up to her house to supper. Ev- and Freda brot children home then had Em’s truck to go to Pine Tree Grange Hall to play.

Sun. Nov. 10

Cloudy. I went to church. Jim and Sandra went to S. school. Gramp, Gram Small and Aunt Edith called in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson from Orr’s Is. came up to supper and spend eve. Eben came up to supper and spent eve.

Mon. Nov. 11

Rained part of day. Everett and Freda went to “Met”.

Tues. Nov. 12

Partly cloudy, mild.

Wed. Nov. 13

Beautiful, clear, mild day. Marian and Ronny came down to wash in P.M. Cecil took Freda down St. in P.M. The Stewart’s called in eve.

Thurs. Nov. 14

Dark, light rain in P.M. Freda spent day at Lewiston and at Olga Kent’s. Ev- went up after work and came home in eve. with her. Sandra stayed at Mary Dumas’. Mary Tarr called in eve.

Fri. Nov. 15

Mostly cloudy. Freda and Sandra went to visit school in A.M. and down St. Jen, June and children called in P.M. Everett and Freda went to Eben Carlson’s in eve.

Sat. Nov. 16

Nice day. Mrs. Andrews called in A.M. Ev- and Freda went to Pine Tree Grange hall to play.

Sun. Nov. 17

Cloudy, mild. I called Dr. Plummer for Dad at 1 A.M. Ev- took the family to Mitchell’s at 6 A.M. to stay taking care of Mitchell children while Ev-, Em, Cecil, Don and Margaret Severy went up above Rangeley hunting for a week. Dr. Plummer came again at noon. Bill, Amy, Merton and Beatrice Sheene called.

Mon. Nov. 18

Lovely day. Dad had Dr. again. Mary Tarr called in A.M. Bill, Amy, Merton and Johnny came in eve. Eben’s wife, Jennie, arrived from Germany.

Tues. Nov. 19

Nice day. Dr. called to see Dad.

Wed. Nov. 20

Nice day. Dr. Called. Hazel Adams called in P.M. Ella came in P.M. for few days. Bill Booker brot Bill, Amy, baby, Vera, her three children and Wm. down in P.M.

Thurs. Nov. 21

Dark and cloudy. Ella and Jimmie went down St. in late P.M. Dr. called. Merton, Johnny, Bill, Amy and baby came in eve.

Fri. Nov. 22

Rained most of day. Howard and Harry Stew- called in P.M. Dr. came. Marion, Ronny, Donna Severy and Sandra came down in P.M. to take Jimmie up to Mitchell’s for wk-end.

Sat. Nov. 23

Partly cloudy, few flakes of snow, colder. Ella went home on 9.30 bus. Dr. Called. June and Jen called. The Stewart’s moved back into Mockler’s house on Free St.

Sun. Nov. 24

Partly cloudy, first real cold. Ev- and family came about 7 A.M. (Got to Mitchell’s from up-country about midnight) They left Sandra and after breakfast went back to Mitchell’s to cut up the four deer they brot home.

Mon. Nov. 25

Fair and warm. Cecil took Freda and Jim down St. in P.M. to shop. I went to Mary Tarr’s in eve. to Ever Ready class meeting. Freda and Jim went to Stew’s on errand in P.M. The Stewarts came up in eve. also Mr. Darby.

Tues. Nov. 26

Partly cloudy, warm. Freda went down St. in A.M. Eben and Jennie Carlson came up to supper.

Wed. Nov. 27

Nice day. Dad came down stairs to dinner after being in bed for 10 days. Freda and children went to mill to walk in P.M. She went back with Ev- at 5.30 and spent eve. I went to Vera Walker’s and Stew’s in late P.M.

Thurs. Nov. 28

Mostly cloudy. Everett worked at mill, mild.

Fri. Nov. 29

Partly cloudy. Dr. called to see Dad.

Sat. Nov. 30

Fair. Gramp and Gram Small came down in P.M. Took Freda, Jim and Sandra down St. Brot Sandra home in short time. Ev- met the rest and came home in late P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Pine Tree Grange in eve.

Sun. Dec. 1st

Light snow in night. I went to Sun. school. Ev- and family went to Gramp Small’s in P.M. to celebrate his birthday.

Mon. Dec. 2nd

Sowed about an inch during night and A.M. then turned cold and windy. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Tues. Dec. 3rd

Fair. Marion and Ronny came to wash. In A.M. Winnie and Margaret called in P.M. Freda went to Lewiston in P.M.

Wed. Dec. 4th

Partly cloudy. Cecil took Freda down St. in P.M.

Thurs. Dec. 5th

Light snow in P.M. clearing off cold in eve. I went to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Knox’s in P.M. Everett and Freda gave reception for Eben Carlson and Jennie. They were married in Germany.

Fri. Dec. 6th

Fair. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to “Met”.

Sat. Dec. 7th

Fair. Freda took Jim and Sandra to Lewiston in A.M. to see mechanical Santa Claus at Peck’s. Ev- and I went to Federated church at Lisbon in eve. to see “The Old Peabody Pew”. Chet and Marion brot us home.

Sun. Dec. 8th

Mostly cloudy. Jim, Sandra and I went to S. school. I went to eve. service. Cecil down in eve.

Mon. Dec. 9th

Rained most of day. Freda went to hair dresser’s in A.M. She and Ev- went to reception at Litchfield Grange hall for Lila Allen and Lewis Small. Ev- played. Uncle Bert passed away about 6.45 P.M. very suddenly.

Tues. Dec. 10

Rainy in P.M. I went down St. in P.M.

Wed. Dec. 11

Mostly fair.

Thurs. Dec. 12

Light showers in late P.M. I went to funeral services for uncle Bert at Plummer and Merrill’s with Freda Curtis. Ev- took Jim to dentist’s

Fri. Dec. 13

Cleared away colder in late P.M. Gramp and Gram Small took Freda and children up to their Christmas Tree at Pine Tree school then they came back here to supper. Ev- played at K of P hall in Brunswick. Bill, Amy, Vera and Merton called in eve.

Sat. Dec. 14

Fair, colder. I went down St. in late P.M. Ev- played at Pine Tree Grange.

Sun. Dec. 15

Fair. I went to S. school with Jim and Sandra and to eve service. Phil Rowe and family came down to dinner. They took Ev- and family up to Mitchell’s and Chester’s in P.M.

Mon. Dec. 16

Fair, cold. I went to meeting of White Cross and Ever Ready class at Mrs. Kinney’s

Tues. Dec. 17

Dark, rainy part of day.

Wed. Dec. 18

Mild, mostly cloudy. Freda went dawn St. in P.M. Cecil brot her back at night. Sandra and I went to Stewart’s in A.M. on errand. Eben came up in eve.

Thurs. Dec. 19

Fair and colder. Marion and Ronny came in A.M. to wash. Freda, Jin and Sandra went down to Eben’s in P.M. then to rehearsal at church.

Fri. Dec. 20

Cloudy, began snowing in eve. Freda and Sandra went to Jim’s school in A.M. to hear their program. Marion taken sick. I went down St in P.M. Freda and Ev- went down St. to supper, then to senior play. Bill, Amy, Merton and Bob came down in eve. (mild)

Sat. Dec. 21

Snowed about 6 in. then rained. I rode down St. with Cecil in A.M. Gramp and Gram Small and Leo came down to supper. They took Ev- and family (except for Mayota) to primary exercises and tree at the church, then Mr. Small stayed here to take care of their baby and the rest went to Pine Tree Grange hall.

Sun. Dec. 22

Mostly fair, squally at noon. Had our Xmas tree in morn. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Called at Stew’s in A.M. Harry, Jr. sick with Jaundice. Chet came down in P.M. Took Ev- and family up to his house for supper. Aunt Edith there taking care of Marion. Stella Blethen passed away at Jen Wheeler’s.

Mon. Dec. 23

Mostly fair, light snow in eve. Ev- and Freda went to Lewiston in eve.

Tues. Dec. 24

Fair. Chester and Ronny and Aunt Edith took Ev- and family to Gramp Small’s to spend Xmas. Bill and Merton called. Winnie came up in eve.

Wed. Dec. 25

Beautiful day. Raymond Curtis and Uncle Guy called in P.M. Leo and Gram Small brot Ev- and family home in P.M. after spending P.M. at Chester’s.

Thurs. Dec. 26

Squally in A.M. Freda and Jim went to Lewiston in A.M. 4° below in eve.

Fri. Dec. 27

Fair, 5° below. Cecil brot our new Silvertone radio in late P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Walter Spear’s in eve. to party for Wesley. (Home from service.)

Sat. Dec. 28

Snowed and blew all day. Below zero all day. Chester came to dinner and took Freda down St.

Sun. Dec. 29

Snowed lightly most of day, sleet in eve. I went to church in A.M.

Mon. Dec. 30

Fair, colder at night. Nib sick. Ev- took Nib’s car and took Freda, Laura and Jim down St. in late P.M. School began after Xmas vacation.

Tues. Dec. 31

Mostly cloudy, clear at night. I called at Mrs. Feltham’s, Della Ordway’s and had supper at Stewart’s, then Winnie walked up with me to see Cal’s baby (sick with pneumonia) then spent the eve. with us. Freda and Ev- served refreshments.

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