Diary of A.L.J. 1939

The work of a curious fellow

This page is a year's entries from the diary of Alice L. Jones, who was my father's mother. She kept a diary from 1909 into the 1970's. I have recovered 7 volumes of her effort and transcribed her very legible handwriting into these web pages. I have not corrected her word usage, abbreviations or spelling. Please send an email to jdj@mcanv.com if you would care to question or comment.

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Diary of Alice L. Jones


Sun. Jan. 1st

Fair and clear. Bill and Vera came up to spend day. Ben and Dad took them home. Merton over in P.M. Ev- went up to Freda’s in eve.

Mon. Jan. 2nd

Mostly cloudy. Everett spent most of day hunting foxes in Topsham with Marsh Metcalf and at the station with Clark. He took Freda to Gardiner in eve. to go back to school. June came in late P.M. Win- up in eve.

Tues. Jan. 3rd

Snowed about 4 in. in late P.M. and eve. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Nettie called to Lewiston. Her mother sick. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. to go to school.

Wed. Jan. 4th

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. They went to Falls to Reynolds's in eve. Win- and I went to Rideout’s and Young’s’s in P.M. Ervin brot June home in eve. Gene Burns killed on Brunswick bridge by car.

Thurs. Jan. 5th

Clear and warmer. Ben and Ev-worked. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. Winnie and I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M. Abe Strout passed away. Mrs. Tom Gillespie died.

Fri. Jan. 6th

Warm, rainy day. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. Ervin brot June home in morn. Ben and Ev- worked.

Sat. Jan. 7th

Clear and warm in morn. then cloudy. Ev- worked. June went to Ervin’s after dinner for week-end. Ben went to Falls and to Abel Grover's detecting. Ev- played at Purgatory.

Sun. Jan. 8th

Nice day, mild. Ev- and I went to church. Bob rode to Litchfield with us. Billy and Johnny spent day here. Ben took them home. Romeo Jean called in P.M. Ev- went to Gardner in eve. Winnie and Mac up in eve. Elmer White drowned at Falls. Went under ice in Wilbur Taylor’s truck.

Mon. Jan. 9th

Fair and mild. June came in morn. Ev- went to Falls in A.M. to get car repaired. Ben and Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s in late P.M. Nettie came home from city in eve.

Tues. Jan. 10

Good day, mild. Ben and Ev- worked. Wm. came up over night. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. June and I went to Nettie’s in P.M.

Wed. Jan. 11

Good day, cooler. Ben and Ev- worked. Wm. rode to town with Ev-. Winnie and Harry came in A.M. Rode back when Ben went to work. Win- sick. June and I went to Rideout’s in P.M. June went with Irvin for night.

Thurs. Jan. 12

Partly cloudy. Ev- worked. June came in morn. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- went to Gardiner. Ben spent day at Falls and Lewiston. Win- here all night.

Fri. Jan. 13

Partly cloudy. Ev- worked. Wm. rode down with him. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Malcolm up in eve.

Sat. Jan. 14

Fair. 60° above. Ev- worked 4 hrs. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. Ben went to Center in A.M.

Sun. Jan. 15

Fair. Ben took Win-, Mac and me to church. Everett went to Gardiner in eve. Win- and Nettie here in P.M.

Mon. Jan. 16

Good day. 8° above Ev- went to Falls in morn. June came in P.M. and went right back to Wheeler’s I went to Stew’s in P.M. Mac up in eve.

Tues. Jan 17

Fair. June came in morn. Ben and Ev- began cutting wood in pasture. June and I took walk over thru the old pasture to Dead River, up thru meadow to Brick House to Stewart’s. Cal took Winnie, Nettie and me to C.M.G. to see Mrs. Darling in eve then we went to call on Mrs. Prince.

Wed. Jan. 18

Fair. June went up to see Mary Small Young in P.M. and went to Wheeler’s in eve. for day or two. Everett went to Gardiner in eve.

Thurs. Jan. 19

Fair, cold. Ben went to Falls in A.M. Stewart’s bot new radio. Ben and Ev- spent eve. (fiddling) at Marshall Metcalf’s in Topsham. Brot his hound dog (Peter) up home to go fox hunting. Ben worked 11.30 to 7.30.

Fri. Jan. 20

Clear, cold. June came in morn. I went to Allen’s and Stewart’s with her in P.M. Ervin over in eve. also Mac and Ralph.

Sat. Jan. 21

6° above, clear. Marsh and Merton here to dinner. They went fox hunting with Ev- . June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. Ben and Ev- went to Purgatory in eve. Played violin, guitar and banjo.

Sun. Jan. 22

28°, 1-2 in. of snow in morn. then rained. Milton Lane here in A.M. Mac brot Win- and Harry, Jr. up in P.M. Everett went to Gardiner in eve. Ben went to W. Bowdoin to telephone.

Mon. Jan. 23

6° below zero, clear and windy. June came in morn. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M. I went to Nettie’s in P.M.

Tues. Jan. 24

Much milder, snowed about 2 in. Ben worked. Ev- went fox hunting in P.M. June came in morn. Ervin and Bud over in eve.

Wed. Jan. 25

6° below, clear. Ben worked. Everett and Merton went fox hunting. Got one fox. Ev- went to work in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s over night.

Thurs. Jan. 26

3° below, clear. June came in morn. and went back in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked I spent the day at Winnie’s Nettie came down in P.M. Ralph called in eve. Ev- and I went up to Rideout’s to call mill. Ev- went to Gardiner.

Fri. Jan. 27

14° below, clear. Ev- worked. June and I went sliding and to Stew’s in P.M. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. also Mac and Bob here. Ben went to take “Peter” home to Marsh’s then to Lewiston.

Sat. Jan. 28

3° above, fair. Win- and Harry, Jr. up in P.M. Winnie and Nettie over in eve. Royce injured while sawing wood with machine. Everett took him up to Dr. Goss’. Ben and Everett went to Purgatory dance. Cal and Dot Carr married in Lewiston by Rev. Percy Vernon then spent eve. at “Silver Slipper” club at Elm House.

Sun. Jan, 29

Partly cloudy, milder. Ben took me to church in A.M. and took Royce up to see Dr. Goss’. Everett went to Topsham to get Marsh’s fox hound “Peter” I took care of Harry in the P.M. while Harry and Win- went to So. Paris to see Geo. Byras at hospital (with Max Kendrick and Mrs.) Everett went to Gardiner in eve.

Mon. Jan. 30

Cold, windy, began snowing in late A.M. Ev- went to W. Bowdoin in A.M. to telephone.

Tues. Jan. 31

Cold, windy, snowed some most all day. About 6 in. altogether. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Wm. came up to spend night.

Wed. Feb. 1st

4° above, clear. Ben and Ev- went fox hunting. Dot Stewart and her mother came after me in P.M. Little Harry had convulsion. June went up to Rideout’s to call Dr. Goss. June came in morn. Rob and I went to Senior play “Moon shy” with Ev- and Freda. We came home with Ervin and June.

Thurs. Feb. 2nd

3° below, snowed lightly most of day. Ev- went to Falls and Topsham in A.M. I went to Stew’s in A.M. and P.M. I rode up to Harold Small’s in P.M. when Ben went to Litchfield. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Feb. 3rd

Much milder, good day. June and I rode to Falls and Topsham in P.M. when Ben took “Peter” home. Ervin over in eve.

Sat. Feb. 4th

Fair. Everett went to Falls in A.M. then to Augusta in A.M. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. then she went to Wheeler’s in late P.M. Ben and Ev- went to Purgatory in eve.

Sun. Feb. 5th

Fair. Ev- spent the day at Small’s. He and Freda rode down to see Mary Small Young and down here in A.M. Win- called in A.M. Ben took me to church.

Mon. Feb. 6th

Fair. June came in morn. and went to Wheeler’s in P.M. We walked over a piece with June then I went down to Stew’s with her. Ben worked. Freda sick with grippe. Ev- went to see her in eve.

Tues. Feb. 7th

Squally most of day. Everett worked and played at Gardiner Masonic Installation in eve. Called to see Freda.

Wed. Feb. 8th

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. Nettie spent P.M. here. June and I went to take Kinto’s birthday cake in late P.M. Ed Buker up to dinner

Thurs. Feb. 9th

Nice day, windy. June and I and Nettie went to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie sick. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. Lester R. came down about 6 P.M. to call Ev- into mill again at 12.30. Ev took Lester home then went to see Freda.

Fri. Feb. 10

Fine, frosty snow fell most of day. Ben and Ev- worked. June, Nettie and I went went to Stew’s in P.M.

Sat. Feb. 11

Fair and mild, colder at night. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Everett played at Purgatory. June went to Wheeler’s.

Sun. Feb. 12

Fair. Ben took me to church. Ev- spent P.M. and eve at Freda’s Win-, Harry, Jr. and Mac up in P.M.

Mon. Feb. 13

Good day. June came in A.M. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Tues. Feb. 14

Cloudy. June came in A.M. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went up to Freda’s in eve. Ervin came in eve.

Wed. Feb.15

Rain and sleet part of day. June spent night at Ervin’s. Winnie and Mac came up in eve. Light snow during night.

Thurs. Feb. 16

Cleared away in early morn. June came. She and I went up to Rideout’s in P.M. then she went back to wheeler’s. Ben worked. Ev- worked 3 hrs.

Fri. Feb. 17

8° below, light squall in P.M. June came in A.M. We went to stew’s and Allen’s in P.M. Ev- worked. Ben went down but came home in A.M. Ervin brot Ev- home and stayed to have ham and egg supper.

Sat. Feb. 18

Much milder, fair. Ben took Mrs. Coskery to Falls shopping in A.M. Winnie and Nettie called in P.M. on way home from Young’s and Rideout’s June went to Wheeler’s for wk-end. Ben and Ev- went to Purgatory in eve.

Sun. Feb. 19

Fair in A.M. Snowed about an inch in late P.M. then had sleet rain. Ben took me to church. Ev- went to Litch- in late P.M. to spend eve. Winnie, Harry, Jr. , Nettie and I went up to Susie Small’s in P.M. Mac came up after us.

Mon. Feb. 20

Cloudy, snowed some. June stayed at Wheeler’s. Shorty came over in A.M. after her school books. Ben worked.

Tues. Feb. 21

Cloudy, June came in A.M. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- went to Freda’s in eve. June went to Wheeler’s to spend night to celebrate Ellery’s birthday.

Wed. Feb. 22

Snowed nearly all day- about 3 in. Cal, Win- and Dot came up in eve. Played cards. Wm. here over night Ervin came up with Everett from Falls to supper. Ben and Ev- worked.

Thurs. Feb. 23

Fair. Ben worked. Ev- spent the day at Falls trading his Ford for Chevrolet at Bickford’s. June came in morn. and went to Wheeler’s in late P.M. Our “Neighborhood Sewing Club” had their first meeting at Victoria Young’s – Winnie, Harry, Jr., Dot, June, Nettie and I. Wm. went home in morn. Ev- took Dad to Ctr. In Chevrolet. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve.

Fri. Feb. 24

Snowed very little. Wm. came up in late P.M. He and Ev- went to Purgatory to Basketball game in eve. also Freda.

Sat. Feb. 25

Very nice, mild day. June, Wm., Freda, Everett and I went to State house and airport. Ev-, Dad and Wm. went to Falls in P.M. Ev- Ben, Wm. , Mr. Small and Freda went to Purgatory in eve. Harry and Winnie came up in eve. Ralph called. June went to Wheeler’s for week-end.

Sun. Feb. 26

Little snow then rain. Everett took some of the Small’s to Erland Waterman’s funeral services in P.M. then took Freda to Gardiner.

Mon. Feb. 27

Good day. Wm. went to Falls with Ev- in morn. Ben worked. June came in A.M. and went back in P.M.

Tues. Feb. 28

Cloudy. Winnie and Harry, Jr. came up to dinner. June and I went back down home with her in P.M. and called on Nettie. Snowed very little in P.M. then showery thru the night, very mild. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn.

Wed. Mar. 1st

Beautiful warm day. Ben and Ev- worked. June and I went up to Susie Small’s to “Neighborhood Club” in P.M. present – Win, Dot, Nettie, June, Mrs. Young, Ramona Allen, Miss Pierre, Mrs. Pooler. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. June went to Wheeler’s for night. Very sloppy.

Thurs. Mar. 2nd

Nice day, cooler. Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 3rd

Nice day, 6° above. Ev- worked. Ben and June went to Falls in A.M. June and I called at Stew’s and Allen’s in P.M. Ev- went to Gardiner in Eve. Ervin over in eve.

Sat. Mar. 4th

Milder, cloudy. Ev- went to Topsham in A.M. He had worked 3.30-11.30 so couldn’t play at Purgatory. June went to Wheeler’s for week-end.

Sun. Mar. 5th

Cloudy, warm. Billy spent the day with us. Win- up in P.M. Ev- took me to Stew’s in eve. then went to Gardner. Harry and Win- brot me home. Ben was up til nearly one o’clock digging Charlie Rideout, Steve Small and a Bus load out of ditch.

Mon. Mar. 6th

Warm, rained part of A.M. Ben went to Falls. Ev- took win- and me to “town meeting” Ralph called in P.M. Mac up.

Tues. Mar. 7th

Cold, fair, heavy wind. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M. Ervin over in eve.

Wed. Mar. 8th

2° below, clear. “Neighborhood Club” met here. Jen Wheeler, Mrs. Victoria young, and Nettie came. Served Choc. Doughnuts, Choc. Cake and coffee. June went home with Jen after the club meeting.. Ben and I took Mrs. Young home and called at Rideout’s to telephone. I went to Stew’s in eve. Ben and Ev- worked.

Thurs. Mar. 9th

Snowed most of day. (about an inch) Susie Small came down in A.M. She and I went to Falls with Ev- in P.M. Ben took her home. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. and went to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 10

Windy and Squally in P.M. Snowed about 3 in. June came in morn. She and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Neighbors and friends gave reception for Cal and Dot at Stewart’s. About 35 there. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve to bring Freda to reception and took her back.

Sat. Mar. 11

Zero, fair. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s for week-end. Ev- played at Purgatory.

Sun. Mar. 12

Cloudy. Ben took me to church. Bud and Otis here in P.M. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. Started snowing in late eve. Funeral services for Lou Frost.

Mon. Mar. 13

Snowed and blowed all day. I went to Stew’s on snow shoes in P.M. Snowed about 18-20 in.

Tues. Mar. 14

Mostly clear. Ben and Ev- worked. Winnie, Nettie and I went to Mrs. Coskery’s on errand in P.M. (Nettie lost her shoe in a hole) Ev- went to Gardner in eve.

Wed. Mar. 15

Snowed in eve. June came home in A.M. Ben sick – Ev- worked. Ev- and I went to Litchfield in eve. to Junior prize speaking. Mabel Gowell took 1st money, Malcolm, 2nd , Bernice Farnum, 3rd.

Thurs. Mar. 16

Rained part of day. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. Ev- worked. He went to see Freda in eve.

Fri. Mar. 17

June came in morn. Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Sat. Mar. 18

Fair. Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. He and Ben went to Purgatory in eve. Jim Morrell and Marsh Metcalf got thru playing at Purgatory. Freda and Marion Bubier started for Providence R. I. by bus.

Sun. Mar. 19

Nice day. Ben, Gramp, Ev- and I went to Gray for the day after visiting 2 garages to thaw out frozen brakes.

Mon. Mar. 20

Snowed about an inch. Ev- worked. Mac up in eve.

Tues. Mar. 21

Fair, cold. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June came in morn. Ervin over. Ev- went to Lewiston to meet Freda on bus from Mass. and R.I.

Wed. Mar. 22

Fair, cold. Ben and Ev- worked. Jr. Kendrick took Winnie, Harry, Jr., Nettie, June and me over to Jen Wheeler’s in P.M. to Neighborhood Club meeting. June stayed over.

Thurs. Mar. 23

Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 24

Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. Win- and I went up to Young’s to play cards in eve. Ralph up in eve.

Sat. Mar. 25

Ben and Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s for wk-end. Win and baby up in P.M. Leo, Freda and I went to Purgatory with Ev- in eve. Snowed and rained a little during night. Ev- went up to Rideout’s in P.M.

Sun. Mar. 26

Misty and foggy. Ev- went to Freda’s in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Mon. Mar. 27

Partly fair. Ev- worked, stayed at Frank Allen's.

Tues. Mar. 28

Ben and Ev- worked. They came home at night. June came home. June and I went sliding on crust over to Nettie’s in the early eve. then Otis West and Frances B. came over. Winnie, Mac, and Ervin came and we played “63” after Ev- and Frances played for us. Fair and cool.

Wed. Mar. 29

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Nettie, June and I went up to Rideout’s in P.M.

Thurs. Mar. 30

Nettie, June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie was up to Susie Small’s helping them. Most of the family sick. Wet. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 31

June came in morn. Winnie and Dot came up in eve. to play “63”. Ralph called in eve.

Sat. Apr. 1st

Mostly fair. Ben and Ev- came home from Falls in A.M. and went to Purgatory in eve. June went to Wheeler’s in P.M. after supper. Mrs. Coskery down in P.M.

Sun. Apr. 2nd

Snowed about 5 in. during day and night. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- home with cold.

Mon. Apr. 3rd

Light squall in P.M. Ben and Ev- went back to Falls to stay in P.M. I went to Stew’s. Dwight Webber had leg taken off at hospital. Fell on saw at mill.

Tues. Apr. 4th

Light squalls. June came home. Win- and I went up to Coskery’s after supper.

Wed. Apr. 5th

Squalls in A.M. then fair. Had Club at Nettie’s. 7 there, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Rideout, Ramona Allen, Jen Wheeler, Winnie, June and I. June went home with Jen.

Thurs. Apr. 6th

Cold, rainy in late P.M. June came in morn. and went back in P.M. to Ervin’s. Win- up in P.M. then June, Nettie and I went down there. My right arm nearly useless.

Fri. Apr. 7th

Few snow flakes. June came. Ervin over in eve.

Sat. Apr. 8th

Squally. Ben and Ev- came in A.M. Ev- had to go back to work at 3.30 P.M. Nettie and Win went up to celebrate Mrs. Young’s birthday (56). June went to Wheeler’s after supper.

Sun. Apr. 9th

Squally. Ev- came up in A.M. then went to Litchfield Win- here in A.M. She and Nettie went to Small’s in P.M.

Mon. Apr. 10

2 in. of snow in eve. fair. In A.M. Harry S began cutting wood for us down in pasture. Ed Buker here to dinner.

Tues. Apr. 11

Misty and rain in P.M. and eve. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve.

Wed. Apr. 12

Snowed some most of day. June went to Wheeler’s after supper.

Thurs. Apr. 13

Fair, ground frozen hard. Ben went to Falls in morn. Kinto spent day with us. We went to Stew’s and Allen’s.

Fri. Apr. 14

Fair. Nettie and I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Sat. Apr. 15

June came in A.M. I went to Stew’s with Nettie and Royce in eve. June stayed home and had no company.

Sun. Apr. 16

Fair, ground frozen so Ben went to Falls in early morn. and brot Everett, Wm and Howard up. Bill and Howard spent day. Ev- stayed overnight. June went to Wheeler’s in A.M. Merton here to dinner.

Mon. Apr. 17

Ben took Ev- down to Abel Grover’s in morn. where Ev- left his car. Ben went to Falls in P.M. on foot. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Tues. Apr. 18

Showery. I went to Nettie’s in P.M. to mend.

Wed. Apr. 19

Showery in P.M. Had sewing club at Stewart’s. Sarah Rideout called in morn. on way to Win’s. She stayed there all night (rainy). Mrs. Young, Ramona, Nettie and I. Ev- came up in A.M. Went back after supper. Geo. Card rode down with him. June went to work for Pardus. Stayed at Ervin’s night.

Thurs. Apr. 20

Nice day, much warmer. Ev- came up in A.M. and went back after supper. Jen Wheeler came over in P.M. We went over to Nettie’s in P.M. to see Winnie and Sade Rideout. Ralph called in eve.

Fri. Apr. 21

Nice warm day. win- up in A.M. I went to Lester’s in late P.M. on errand with Win- and Net-. Ben and Ev came up in late P.M. and went right back after supper in the Dodge.

Sat. Apr. 22

Rained in A.M. Clear in P.M. June came in A.M. Harry and Mac called in A.M. during rain. Cutting wood for us. Win- up in eve. June and I walked home with her. Ben and Everett went to last dance at Union Hall Purgatory, given by Clare Linton and Jesse Lewis.

Sun. Apr. 23

Fair. Ben and Ev- came in morn. Ev- went to Freda’s in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s in A.M. Bud called in late P.M. I went to Stew’s after supper.

Mon. Apr. 24

Ev- came from Frank Allen’s in A.M. He and Ben took our brush from house and burned it. Cold.

Tues. Apr. 25

Mostly cloudy, cold. Ev- went to Falls to work in A.M. Ben went in P.M. Win-, Nettie and I went up to Rideout’s in eve.

Wed. Apr. 26

Cold and cloudy. I went to Allen’s and Stew’s in P.M.

Thurs. Apr. 27

Cold, misty, rainy in late P.M. Everett came up to dinner. June finished up year of night school at Acme Business School.

Fri. Apr. 28

Clear and warm. Kinto came down to spend day. Ralph called in morn.

Sat. Apr. 29

Clear and warm. June came in morn. Ev- came up to dinner and rode to his car down in woods when Royce and Nettie went to town. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Linton and Lewis started dances at Tacoma. Ben and Ev- worked.

Sun. Apr. 30

Mostly fair. Ben and Ev- came up in morn. from Frank Allen’s. Ev- went to Freda’s in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s in A.M.

Mon. May 1st

Fair. Win- up in A.M. Ben and Ev- worked on driveway with Ralph’s oxen. Ev- went to Junior prom.

Tues. May 2nd

Fair. Ev- worked.

Wed. May 3rd

Fair. Ev- worked and took Ben to work in eve. (His Dodge at garage for repairs) then went to Litchfield. I went to Club meeting at Ramona Allen’s in P.M. June came home in eve. 7 at club meeting.

Thurs. May 4th

Light April showers. Kinto called on way to Stew’s. Ben and Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s in morn.

Fri. May 5th

Light showers. Ben and Ev- worked.

Sat. May 6th

Fair. Ev- worked. He went up to Freda’s in eve. F. sick.

Sun. May 7th

Fair. Ev- and I went to church then up to Small’s to see Freda. Ben, Dad, June and I went to Brick house in P.M. June came in morn. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M. Ev- went to Freda’s in P.M.

Mon. May 8th

Nice day. Mrs. Spent day here. We went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- and Dad went to W. Bowdoin in A.M. and P.M. to call up the mill. Ben and I went to Lester’s in eve. to get harrow, foggy.

Tues. May 9th

Foggy and light showers. Kinto spent day here. Ben worked. Ev-, Dad and I went to Center in A.M. to get insurance renewed, then to Topsham and home by Falls. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve to get fertilizer.

Wed. May 10

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June came home to spend night. Win- and baby up in eve.

Thurs. May 11

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s in morn. I went to Stew’s in P.M. and up to Coskery’s in eve. with Winnie.

Fri. May 12

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went up after Freda in P.M. to come spend the wk-end.

Sat. May 13

Fair, frost. Ev- worked 3.30 – 11.30 P.M. June came in morn. Freda, June and I went may flowering and to Stew’s in P.M. Ervin came in eve. Ben took Freda and me to Falls to pictures then we went to mill to wait for Everett.

Sun. May 14

Fair, frost. Billy and Bobby called in morn. They went over to Wheeler’s when Ervin came for June. Everett took Freda, Dad, Ben and me to Orr’s Is. (Also Bailey’s) to Small cottage for picnic lunch then to Gray to State Bird Farm and Ella’s. Ev- took Freda home in eve.

Mon. May 15

Fair, cool, frost. Ben and Ev- plowed and used oxen on wood, etc. Ev- went to W. Bowdoin in P.M. to call mill.

Tues. May 16

Fair, frost. Ben worked. Mrs. Sparram called in eve. Ev- and Dad went to Ed Buker’s in A.M. to get fishing license. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Wed. May 17

Clear, frost. Ev- went to mill (no work) Ben worked. I went to Susie Small’s to last meeting of club with Winnie, Nettie, Sade and Mrs. Young in P.M. Mrs. Hat Allen and Ramona, Glenys Ham also Mrs. Hotham and 2 children there. Malcolm came after us with car. The king and Queen of England on visit in Canada. First time to ever come here.

Thurs. May 18

Fair. Ben worked. I spent P.M. at Winnie’s Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Fri. May 19

Ben worked. Everett took Freda to Gardiner to spend wk-end taking care of Constance Gardiner. Win-, Mac and Bob came up in eve. Few sprinkles.

Sat. May 20

June came in morn. Ben and Ev- planted. They went to Tacoma dance hall in eve. (run by Lewis and Linton) Fair.

Sun. May 21

Cloudy, few sprinkles. Everett and I went to church. He went to Gardiner in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. and to Brick house with Ben and Dad to take the oxen home.

Mon. May 22

Rainy day. Ev- went to mill – no work so he spent A.M. in Topsham. Ralph and Ev- up in eve.

Tues. May 23

Cloudy. Ev- went to mill – no work. Ben worked. Sara Rideout down in P.M. to buy my ringer. Kinto called on way to Stew’s. Win- called in P.M. She and Dot came up in eve. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Wed. May 24

Clear and sunny. Ben out of work (machine broke)

Thurs. May 25

Fair. I spent P.M. at Stew’s after riding to Falls with Ev- and Dad. Ev- went to school play at Grange Hall in eve. June called in eve while Ervin went to Meacham’s with boys.

Fri. May 26

Good day. Eve- took Freda to Gardiner in P.M. Ben worked. Ev- and I went up to Stew’s in eve.

Sat. May 27

Fair. Ralph, Everett Small, Harry Stewart and Ev- sawed our wood. Mac helped in P.M. June came in morn. All done work at Pardur’s in Durham. Ervin over.

Sun. May 28

Fair. Ev- took Freda and me to Memorial service at No. Litchfield in A.M. Brot Freda home with us. Bill and Vera came up to spend day. Everett took them home then he and Freda went to Small’s cottage. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Mon. May 29

Fair part of day, misty morn. Ben and Ev- went fishing at Bradley pond. Ben and I went over to Clara Allen’s in eve. June came in A.M. Ervin over.

Tues. May 30

Nice day. June went to Wheeler’s in A.M. Dad, Ben, Ev-, Bill and I went to Auburn Cemetery. Called at John Garcelou’s also Uncle Howard’s He had gone deep sea fishing. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Wed. May 31

Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. Mrs. Darling and Nettie spent P.M. with us. Kinto called on way to Stew’s Fair. Ervin over.

Thurs. June 1st

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. Mrs. Darling spent day at Stewart’s. Nettie, June and I went down in P.M. Everett took Winnie and me to Eighth Grade graduation at Litchfield Grange Hall then took Mr. Small and Freda to Gardiner. British submarine sunk in Irish Sea.

Fri. June 2nd

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. and to see Mrs. Lambert and Bill in eve. with Win- and Nettie. Ervin over.

Sat. June 3rd

Nice day. June and I went up to see Mrs. Lambert in P.M. June went away in eve. for week-end Ev- worked 3-11 P.M. Ben worked. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy arrived at Stew’s.

Sun. June 4th

Fair in P.M., rain in A.M. Ev- and I went up to get Freda to go to Cor. to Baccalaureate. They brot me home then went to ride.

Mon. June 5th

Fair. June came in morn. Ben went to mill – no work. Ev- worked. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ervin over in eve.

Tues. June 6th

Fair. Sara Rideout down in morn. to deliver messages from Mill. Ev- June and I took her home. Ev- went to mill – no work till 3.30 P.M. He went up to Freda’s in A.M. He and Ben went to work in P.M. Winnie and Ida P. up in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s for night. Nettie and I went to Rideout’s in eve. on errand.

Wed. June 7th

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. She went out to ride with Ervin in eve. Freda and Mrs. Lamberther mother called on errand at noon with folks from N.H. I went to Ralph’s station in P.M. with Mr. Purdy, Winnie and baby.

Thurs. June 8th

Few sprinkles. Dad and I went to Academy graduation at Cong. Church with Ervin, June and Nettie. Fair eve. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went to Freda’s in A.M. After graduation in eve. she went to Rochester, N.H. for vacation. June went to Wheeler’s for night.

Fri. June 9th

Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. June came with Ervin’s car in morn. She and I went up to Susie Small’s to see Mary in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. The Purdy’s went back to Mass in morn.

Sat. June 10

Partly cloudy. Ev- worked 4 hrs. He and Ben went to Tacoma fishing in A.M. 3 pickerel, 1 black bass. Win- up in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s for week-end.

Sun. June 11

Sprinkle in morn. then fair. Ben and I went to Gray in early morn. to get Ella and children. We went to Stew’s in eve.

Mon. June 12

Fair. Ev- worked 4 hrs. in A.M. June came in A.M. Ev- took Ella and children, June and me to Delmar Small’s in P.M. then to Buker Pond fishing. Ervin over.

Tues. June 13

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Ervin over.

Wed. June 14

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Rain in morn. Ev- brot Bill, Vera and Howard up to spend eve. Royce and Ev- Small came over in eve. Merton came over with Ervin to play. June went to Wheeler’s for night. Cat- and Doris went to Billy’s. Winnie and boys up in eve.

Thurs. June 15

Perfect day. Ben and Ev- worked. The Neighborhood Club had picnic on Jim Rideout’s hill. Ella and Roy went with us. Ev- took Ella, Roy and me to Greene in eve. to see Fulsom’s Billy and Rose home. Freda’s mother, Leo, Cecil and children down in P.M.

Fri. June 16

Fair. Ev- worked. Cat and Doris came home from Falls. Edna went to work for Gene McIntosh about this time from Geo. Sprague’s.

Sat. June 17

Light rain in morn., fair P.M. Ev- worked. Ben took us all to Brunswick and Falls in A.M.

Sun. June 18

Perfect day. Ev- left at 5.30 A.M. with Mr. Mrs. Small, Granville and Alice Bilodeau for Rochester, N.H. to bring Freda home. Ben took us to church at Ctr. in P.M. Ella, kids and I walked to Wheeler’s in eve. Rode back with Ervin and June.

Mon. June 19

Nice day. Ev- worked. June went to work in Durham at Padur’s again. Ella and kids and I went to Stewart’s in eve.

Tues. June 20

Partly cloudy. Ben and Ev- worked. Ella and children went to Billy’s to spend day. Girls stopped over night.

Wed. June 21

Nice day, warmest for year. Ben and Ev- worked. Funeral services for Frank Allen at the house. Ben brot Alice Keegan and uncle Israel up from Frank’s to spend eve. Ben and I took them home and stayed over night.

Thurs. June 22

Fair. Ben and I left Greene about 4.45 for home (before breakfast) Ev- worked. June came over with Ervin’s car in eve. for call.

Fri. June 23

Wet day. Ben and Ev. worked. Mr. Watson and Whitney came in P.M. to lay linoleum in dining room. Ev- went to Litchfield in A.M.

Sat. June 24

Wet day, light showers. Ev- spent day at Brunswick and Lisbon Falls getting car repaired. Ella, children and I went to Allen’s and Stew’s in P.M. Ev- went to Litch- in eve. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve.

Sun. June 25

Showery. Ben started at 5.45 for Gray with Ella and children. Ralph called in morn. Everett took Freda, Mr. and Mrs. Small to Reed’s Cor., Phillips- to wedding of Robert Holcomb and Miss Bangs. Ev- Small took Winnie and Cal to Haverhill to May Ward’s June went to Wheeler’s in A.M.

Mon. June 26

Mostly cloudy. Ev- worked half day. Ben Dad and I went to Litchfield in eve. then later Bob, Mac, Ben and I went.

Tues. June 27

Partly cloudy. Kinto called on way to Stew’s. Ev- and Ben went to mill – no work. I went strawberrying with Allen’s in eve.

Wed. June 28

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. I went strawberrying with Nettie in P.M. June and Ervin over in eve.

Thurs. June 29

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went to Wheeler’s in eve then to Freda’s. I went to Falls and Brunswick with Ben in morn. Dad and I went to Stew’s in eve. I went berrying with Nettie in P.M.

Fri. June 30

Showery in morn. Ben and Ev- worked. June and Ervin over in eve.

Sat. July 1st

Fair. Ben went to Falls and Brunswick after roofing. Ev- worked. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Sun. July 2nd

Fair, cool. Ev-, Mac, Bob and I went to church. Ev- spent P.M. and eve. at Freda’s I went to Mrs. William’s in P.M. with Stewart’s

Mon. July 3rd

Fair. June came in A.M. Ev- worked 4 hrs.

Tues. July 4th

Hot day. Ev- went to Litchfield June went away with Ervin in morn. Ev- Small took Royce, Nettie and Winnie to Auburn celebration.

Wed. July 5th

Fair, hot, muggy. Kinto called in P.M. Nettie over all P.M. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve. June came in morn. Ervin took her to her grandmother’s in eve to surprise party for Otis. Ben and Ev- worked. 11.30 – 7 A.M.

Thurs. July 6th

Fair and hot. I went up to Rideout’s with Stewart’s in eve. then Ev- went to Stew’s. Ben and Ev- worked.

Fri. July 7th

Fair and hot. Ervin took June out in eve. Ben and Ev- worked.

Sat. July 8th

Fair and hot. Ev went to Litchfield in eve. June went with Ervin for week-end. Ev- worked. Ben, Dad and I went to Litchfield in eve.

Sun. July 9th

Fair. Ev- went from mill in morn to Orr’s Is. Brot Freda and her Dad up in P.M. then took them home. I went to Stew’s in eve.

Mon. July 10

Light thunder storm in A.M. – fair in P.M. June came in morn. Win- up in P.M. Ev- worked. Ben began haying.

Tues. July 11

Nice day, cooler. Mrs. Lambert down in P.M. Kinto called. Ben and Ev- went to work at mill. No work for Ben. Mac worked for us. Ev- June and I went up to Freda’s in P.M. on errand. Ev- went up in eve. June spent night at Ervin’s.

Wed. July 12

Good day. Ev- worked. June came in morn. I went to Stew’s in eve. Ervin over.

Thurs. July 13

Beautiful day. June worked for Ralph in P.M. haying. Ev- had no work so went to Lewiston to get new number plates for car and went to Freda’s in eve. Ervin over noon and night. I went up to Susie Small’s in eve. with Stew’s.

Fri. July 14

Distant thunder storm in morn. fair in P.M. Ervin over. Win- up in eve. Dad, Ev- and I went to Litchfield in eve. June went to Wheeler’s for week-end.

Sat. July 15

Fair. Ev- worked. He and Freda went to Lewiston in eve. to pictures. I went up to see Mrs. Lambert in eve. Win- and Nettie there.

Sun. July 16

Fair, cool. Ev- and I went to church. Brot Freda home with us. I went to Rideouts in P.M. while Ev- and Freda went up to see Mary Small Young then they went up to Freda’s. I went to Litchfield with Win- and boys in eve. to Mud Pond and Small’s and Mac called at Dr.’s.

Mon. July 17

Mostly fair, 2 little April showers. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M.. She worked for Ralph. Ervin over in eve.

Tues. July 18

Good day. Ben and Ev- worked. June for Ralph. And went to Wheeler’s for night.

Wed. July 19

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- and I went to Harry Edgecomb’s in A.M. to pick strawberries. June spent day at Falls.

Thurs. July 20

Good day, 2 or 3 thunder showers in succession in early eve. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- and I went to Falls then to Lewiston. The neighbors gave me a little surprise party in P.M. Winnie, Harry, Jr. Nettie, Kinto, Mrs. Lambert and Nettie Campbell. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve.

Fri. July 21

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Ervin over. Mac worked here.

Sat. July 22

Fair. Ev- worked 4 hrs. June went away in eve. with Ervin for wk-end. Ben, Mac and Ev- finished our haying. (on Rideout place) I went to Stew’s while Ben helped Ralph in haying in eve. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Sun. July 23

Fair. Billy came up. We took him back as far as Will Dunn’s and he went from there home on his bicycle. Merton over to dinner. Otis called in P.M. Ev- went to Litch- in P.M.

Mon. July 24

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M. Ervin over in eve.

Tues. July 25

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. June spent night at Wheeler’s. Ev- went to Litch- in eve. June and I went up to Mrs. Lambert’s in P.M.

Wed. July 26

Fair. Ben worked. Ev- went deep sea fishing with Litch- crowd. June and I spent P.M. at Stewart’s.

Thurs. July 27

Much needed rain. Ben and Ev- worked. June spent night at Wheeler’s.

Fri. July 28

Foggy and muggy. Ben and Ev- worked. I rode up to Mrs. Young’s in eve. with Stew’s. Ervin and Merton over.

Sat. July 29

Cloudy, muggy. Ev- worked. Ben, Dad, June and I went to Harry Edgecomb’s in P.M. June went to Wheeler’s for wk-end.

Sun. July 30

Cloudy, muggy. Ev- took Mac, Bob and me to church on way to Freda’s. Ev- went to Small’s in P.M. Nettie and I walked to Rideout’s in P.M. She rode home with Royce’s mother. Luke Young taken to Brunswick hospital at 2 A.M.

Mon. July 31

Showery. Ev- worked. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Mr. Young came home from hospital.

Tues. Aug 1st

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June went to Falls with Ev- in P.M. and spent night at Ervin’s. Win- up in P.M. to get some skirts fitted then we went up to Mrs. Lambert’s. Ev- went to Freda’s in A.M. Had dinner.

Wed. Aug. 2nd

Good day. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M. Ervin over in P.M. Ben and I went to see Mr. Young in eve. He was taken to C.M.G. Hospital in late eve.

Thurs. Aug. 3rd

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- and Dad went to Topsham and Falls in A.M. Ervin over in eve.

Fri. Aug. 4th

Thunder shower in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. June went home with Ervin for wk-end. Ev- and Freda went fishing in A.M. at Tacoma Lake.

Sat. Aug. 5th

Fair, hot. Ben and Ev- worked 4 hrs. Ev- went to Topsham in A.M. Dad went to Bill’s in morn. with Ben. Came home directly after dinner. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve. I went to Brunswick with Bob, Winnie, Ralph and Ev- Small in eve. and from there to Bath Carnival.

Sun. Aug. 6th

Ev- went to Litchfield about 4 A.M. Ben and Royce went down to Charlie Dumas’ in morn. to get a load of lumber for Ben. Ev- Small took Royce and Net- to Rumford and up country. Ev- Wentworth called in P.M. Nice day.

Mon. Aug. 7th

Fair. Ev- worked. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Ben, Ev- and I went to Marsh Metcalf’s in eve. Bob Stewart taken sick in P.M.

Tues. Aug. 8th

Fair. Ev- worked. Ben went to Falls in P.M. (no work.) Max Kendrick took Robert to C.M.G. Hospital in early morn. to be operated on for acute appendicitis. Mrs. Lambert, Kinto, June and I spent P.M. at Stew’s. Ev- went to Litch- in eve. Distant thunder shower.

Wed. Aug. 9th

Muggy, mostly fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Dad and I went to Mrs. Buker’s in eve. with June and Ervin.

Thurs. Aug. 10

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June spent night at Ervin’s Ev- went to Litch- Grange to dance.

Fri. Aug. 11

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. Ervin didn’t come in eve. June and Nettie picked blueberries on Jim Rideout’s hill for Wallace Rideout.

Sat. Aug. 12

Fair. June and Nettie went with Ervin in eve. for wk-end. Ev- worked 4 hrs. Ben was off roaming around after berries with car. Ev- took Winnie and me to hospital in eve. to see Bob then out to Doris Parker’s to Litch- plains to bring Freda home with us for night. Win- and I called on Mrs. Hodgkins.

Sun. Aug. 13

Foggy most of A.M. Thunder shower in eve. Ben spent day on Jack Byrnes hill picking berries. Ev- and Freda and Mr. Small took two New York ladies to Orr’s Is. to spend the day. Mrs. Young spent the night here.

Mon. Aug. 14

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in morn. She and Nettie picked blueberries for Wallace Ride- in P.M. Win- up in P.M. Ervin over.

Tues. Aug. 15

Fair. Ben and Ev worked. June spent night at Ervin’s. Mrs. Lambert down in P.M. then I went up there. Went to Stew’s in eve. and up to Young’s and Rideout’s with them.

Wed. Aug. 16

Fair, thunder shower in early eve. Ev- took dinner at Freda’s. June stayed with Marian Stetson. Ervin over in eve. Ben and Ev- worked.

Thurs. Aug. 17

Good day. Ben and Ev- worked. Ervin over in eve.

Fri. Aug. 18

Good day.

Sat. Aug. 19

Nice day. Ev- worked. Ben and Ev- went to Tacoma dance and Ev- went to Pow-Wow at Tucker’s in eve. June went away with Ervin for wk-end.

Sun. Aug. 20

Cloudy, heavy wind and rain in eve. Ev- and I went to church at Plains then to Orr’s Is. for outing at Delmar Small’s cottage. In the party for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Small and family, Alice Billodeau, Marian Bubier and her father, and Emerson Mitchell. Some went home in eve.

Mon. Aug. 21

Foggy Ev- worked.

Tues. Aug. 22

Foggy, cleared in eve. Mr. Small took me to Bailey’s Is. to see Mrs. Prince. I went sailing in eve. with Chester, Marian, Ev- and Freda. On returning home we found Ev- Small, Ralph, Winnie, Mac, Bob and Harry, Jr. at the cottage. Ev- worked. Mr. and Mrs. S____, Leo and Albert went home in late P.M.

Wed. Aug. 23

Nice day. Ev- worked. We went to Charlie Currier’s in P.M. to see Cecil then sailing. Part of Small’s family came back in early eve. also Aunt Edith. Ev- brot Freda and me up home in eve. to stay.

Thurs. Aug. 24

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Freda went to Falls with Ben in morn. and to Island with Everett. Dad went to Geo. Gillespie’s in eve. with Ervin and June. Win- up. Howard came home with Ben.

Fri. Aug. 25

Cloudy, few sprinkles. June, Howard and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. The party at Small’s cottage broke up and Ev- came home.

Sat. Aug. 26

Fair. Howard went home in morn. Ben and Ev- worked 4 hrs. each. Ralph in slight accident at Falls. June went away in eve. for wk-end. Edna went to work for Mr. Danse.

Sun. Aug. 27

Perfect day. Ev- and Freda spent day at Aero Rendezvous at Augusta. Ben and I went to Union services at North Church in morn. Pauline Nute preached. Ralph took Winnie and Mac to Haverhill. They brot Mr. Ward home with them. Mary Small’s first baby born.

Mon. Aug. 28

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June came in A.M. I called at Stew’s in P.M. Ervin over. Ev- went to Rideout’s in eve. to call Freda.

Tues. Aug. 29

Partly cloudy. Everett and Freda took Dad and me to Gray in eve. for visit. Ben and Ev- worked.

Wed. Aug. 30

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. We went to Goff’s and Sawyer’s in P.M.

Thurs. Aug. 31

Fair. We went to Aunt Hat’s in eve. Ben and Ev- worked.

Fri. Sept. 1st

Fair. We went on a picnic to Crystal Lake. Ruth and Alta Goff went with us. Harry left in morn. to go an a week-end trip with Mildred Berry. Girls went to Foster’s Cor. in eve. Germany broke out undeclared war on Poland.

Sat. Sept 2nd

Fair. Joe, Eva and Jane over in P.M.

Sun. Sept.3rd

Fair. Ben came in early morn. We came home after dinner. England and France declared war on Germany. Winnie and Mr. Ward up in P.M. Ev- and Freda came down in P.M. June and Ervin over in P.M.

Mon. Sept 4th

Fair. Ben and Ev- dug taters. Dad and Ev- went to Stew’s to get war news.

Tues. Sept. 5th

Rainy part of day. June came in morn. I went to Stew’s in eve. June and Ervin over in P.M.

Wed. Sept. 6th

Nice day. Ben and Ev- worked. June and I went up to Young’s and Rideout’s in P.M. Ervin over. Everett took Dad up to Russell Black’s to sell his old hens then to Granville Small’s to buy 13 pullets.

Thurs. Sept. 7th

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked Ervin and Bud over in eve.

Fri. Sept. 8th

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked. Ervin over in eve. Everett went to Litchfield in A.M. Win- and Mr. Ward up in A.M. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Sat. Sept. 9th

Fair. Ev- worked. June went with Ervin for wk-end. Dot and Cal had baby daughter, Carol Ann, at St. Marie’s. Win-, May Ward and Mr. Pettigrew called in eve.

Sun. Sept. 10

Thunder storm in late P.M. Ben layed up with muscular rheumatism. Everett and Freda went to Lewiston to W C O U station and to Marsh Metcalf’s and called here in late P.M. He took Freda to Gardiner in eve. to go to work for Mrs. Trafton. Canada declared war on Germany.

Mon. Sept 11

Fair and cool. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Ev-, Dad and June went to Falls in A.M. Ev- went to work at 11.30 P.M. Called Dr. Goss for Ben.

Tues. Sept. 12

Fair. June spent night at Wheeler’s. Ev- worked. He went to Marsh Metcalf’s in eve. to practice for radio.

Wed. Sept 13

Fair. June came over in morn. Ervin over in eve. Winnie up in eve. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. Ev- worked.

Thurs. Sept. 14

Fair. June spent night at Wheeler’s. I went to Stew’s on errand in P.M. Ev- worked.

Fri. Sept. 15

Fair and very hot. Ev- worked. Marsh Metcalf, Wife and Jacky came up in eve. to practice for radio program. Ervin over. Win- up. Royce over in eve.

Sat. Sept. 16

Fair and hot. Mac dug taters for us. June went away for wk-end with Ervin. Ev- went to Freda’s.

Sun. Sept. 17

Partly cloudy and much cooler. The Stewart’s came up in A.M. also Mrs. Young. Freda and Ev- called on their way to Marsh Metcalf’s. Ev- and Marsh played piano and violin in eve. over W C O U, Lewiston. Royce and Nettie took our car and took us to Stewart’s to hear them. Otis over in P.M.

Mon. Sept. 18.

Clear, cool day. Harry Stew- helped Ev- finish digging potatoes. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve.

Tues. Sept. 19

First light frost, clear. June went away in eve for visit to Ervin’s Ev- worked. Mr. Young called. Win- Coffin came up in P.M. to see Ben and cut wood. Ev- and I went up to Herman Wright’s in eve on errand.

Wed. Sept. 20

Nice day. Bill spent day with us. Win- up in P.M. Ev- worked. He went to Gardiner in eve.

Thurs. Sept. 21

Nice day. June came in A.M. Ev- worked. Ev- and I went to Litchfield in eve. Ervin didn’t come over. Mr. Young and Harry Stew- called on Ben.

Fri. Sept. 22

Nice day. Ervin, Bud and Shorty over in eve. June and I went up to Young’s in A.M. after apples.

Sat. Sept. 23

Fair. Ev- worked. June went with Ervin in eve. for wk-end. John, Mrs. Coskery called in P.M. and eve. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve.

Sun. Sept. 24

Good day. Ev- went to Union services at Plains church in A.M. and to Harry Edgecomb’s in P.M. He took Freda to Gardiner in eve. I went to Stew’s in late P.M.

Mon. Sept. 25

Partly cloudy. Ev- went to Falls in A.M. Had little party in eve. for Everett – Marsh and his wife, Winnie, Mac, Bob, Royce, Nettie, Ervin Merton and Ralph. June came in morn.

Tues. Sept. 26

Showery. Ev- worked. June spent night at Wheeler’s.

Wed. Sept. 27

Rainy day. Ev- worked. June came in morn. Ev- went to Gardiner in A.M.

Thurs. Sept. 28

Fair. Ev- worked. He went to Falls and Topsham in A.M. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. June spent night at Wheeler’s.

Fri. Sept 29

Cloudy. Ev- worked. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Kinto called.

Sat. Sept. 30

Partly cloudy, warm. Ev- took Dad and Ben to Litchfield to see Dr. Goss in P.M. then took Dad and me to Falls. He went to Freda’s in eve. Merton came over with Ervin’s car in late P.M. to get June.

Sun. Oct. 1st

Light showers. Mrs. Rideout came down in P.M. also Winnie and boys called. Ev- went to Freda’s in P.M. They came down to supper. Ev-‘s lights burned out and Ben’s battery run down so he got Mac to take them to Gardiner.

Mon. Oct. 2nd

Partly cloudy. Ev- went duck hunting on Bradley Pond with Harry Edgecomb. (Got one duck) June came in A.M. and went to Wheeler’s for night. Started her second year of night school at Acme Business College in Lewiston.

Tues. Oct. 3rd

Fair. Ev- went duck hunting with Howard Attwood, got five ducks. Kinto called on way to Stew’s. The Purdy’s arrived at Stew’s. June came in morn. Ervin called in eve. (on way to Portland) Ev- worked.

Wed. Oct. 4th

Fair. Ev- took June and Dad to Litchfield Fair in A.M. and went after them at night. Ervin and Merton came over in eve. to take June to Wheeler’s for night. Ev- worked. Ralph and Harry Edgecomb called in morn.

Thurs. Oct 5th

Clear and very warm. Ev- and Dad went to Topsham to bring home Ev-‘s funny boat. Billy spent the day with us. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- worked. June spent night with Ervin.

Fri. Oct. 6th

Pleasant, warm day. Ev- worked. June came in A.M. Heaviest thunder shower of season in early eve. Winnie and Ida called in P.M. while June and I were over in field pulling beans. Ervin didn’t come in eve. Ev- took Ben and Dad to Litchfield to see Dr. Goss.

Sat. Oct. 7th

Fair. Ev- worked. June went with Ervin for week-end. Elmer Williams married to Mrs. Coolen.

Sun. Oct. 8th

Fair. Small’s all called in A.M. to get Ev- to go to Harpswell for picnic lunch. Ev- brot Freda down to supper then took her to Gardiner.

Mon. Oct. 9th

June came in morn. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M. to spend night. Ev- worked 4 hrs. Mrs. Coskery called in A.M.

Tues. Oct 10

Partly cloudy. June came in morn. Winnie, Nettie, June, Harry and I walked up to Rideout’s in P.M. Ervin over. Ralph called. Ev- worked.

Wed. Oct. 11

Beautiful day. Ralph took Ben, Winnie and me to Fair at Topsham. Ev- came after us at night. June spent night at Wheeler’s. Ev-went to Gardiner in eve. Ev- worked.

Thurs. Oct. 12

Mostly cloudy. Kinto called on her way to and from Stewart’s to spend day. Ev- went to Topsham to get car changed for cold weather in P.M. June spent night at Ervin’s. Ev- worked.

Fri. Oct. 13

Nice clear day. Ervin over in eve. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. Ev- worked.

Sat. Oct. 14

Mostly cloudy, shower in early P.M. then cleared up cold. June went with Ervin for wk-end. He took June and Edna to Buker’s in eve. Ev- went to Orr’s Is. with Smalls for night. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M. to see Dot and baby Carol. Ralph called in eve. Ev- worked.

Sun. Oct. 15

Clear and cold. I went to Stew’s in A.M.. Everett and Freda came down for supper then took Winnie and me up to Small’s to party announcing the engagement of Ev- and Freda. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Given, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tucker and daughter., Mary chase, Mrs. Rogers. First heavy frost to kill flowers.

Mon. Oct. 16

Fair, 25°. Ev- went duck hunting with Roy card in A.M. He worked in P.M. June came in morn. and went back to Wheeler’s in P.M. for night. Ben, Dad and I went down to Brick house in P.M. to see Gene Purinton thrash.

Tues. Oct. 17

Few sprinkles then cleared off cold and windy. June came in morn. Ervin didn’t come. Ev- worked. Stewart’s up in eve. Kinto down in morn.

Wed. Oct. 18

Fair. Dad went to Bath with Harry Stewart and Ed Buker to get Harry’s final citizenship papers. Win and Mac up in eve. June went to Wheeler’s with Ervin for night. Ev- went to Gardiner in A.M. Ev- worked.

Thurs. Oct. 19

Good day. June went to Falls in P.M. when Ev- went to work. She spent night at Wheeler’s. I helped Win- put on border in living room in P.M. Chas. White and wife came up in eve. to see Ben.

Fri. Oct. 20

Fair. June came in morn. Ervin over in eve. Ev- worked.

Sat. Oct. 21

Partly cloudy. Ev- went bird hunting on Dead River. He took Ben and me to Falls in P.M. I had tooth out at Dr. Reed’s Ev- went to Small’s and Mitchell’s husking in eve. June went to Wheeler’s for wk-end.

Sun. Oct. 22

Thunder in night and in P.M. also rain and hail. I went to Ella’s in A.M. with Smalls. They (also Everett) took Mrs. Small, Cecil and (Albert) State boy to Rochester, N.H. They called for me in late P.M. I went up to school house with Ella and children in P.M. to hear Miss Wyeth and Miss Clark. Ev- and Freda took supper with us then he took her to Gardiner. Ralph called in morn.

Mon. Oct. 23

Partly cloudy, cold, windy, snow squalls in eve. Ev- worked. June went to Wheeler’s for night. I went to Stewart’s in late P.M. Funeral services for Henry Woodard.

Tues. Oct. 24

Fair, windy, cold. Ben, Ev- and Dad went to Litchfield in A.M. Mac and Win- up in P.M. Ervin over in eve. Ev- worked.

Wed. Oct. 25

Fair, milder. Ben drove car, first time since Sept. 9. Ervin took June over home for the night. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve. then went to mill to work.

Thurs. Oct. 26

First rainy day for a long time. Ev- spent day hunting wild geese down to Merrymeeting Bay. Worked at night. Ervin took June home for night. Robert took Winnie, Harry, Jr, Mrs. Darling, Nettie and me over to Wheeler’s in P.M.

Fri. Oct. 27

Cloudy. Dad, Ben, June and I went to Falls in P.M. Ev- worked. Ervin didn’t come over in eve.

Sat. Oct. 28

Rained in A.M. then cleared off colder. June went with Ervin for wk-end. Win- up in P.M. I went down there in P.M. Ev- went to Freda’s in eve.

Sun. Oct. 29

Fair. Ev- went up after Freda in A.M. then they went down to Archie Ayer’s. After dinner Ben took Winnie, Nettie, Mrs. Darling and me to rededication of Bowdoin Ctr. church in P.M. then Marsh Metcalf and Jackie came up. Ev- and Freda went to Small’s for supper then he took her to Gardiner.

Mon. Oct. 30

Cloudy. Bill spent day here. Ev- worked. June spent night at Wheeler’s

Tues. Oct. 31

Heavy wind and rain. Ev- worked. He took Ben and Dad to Dr.’s in eve. then I went to Stew’s with Ev-.

Wed. Nov. 1st

Nice clear day. Mrs. Lambert down in P.M. then June and I walked up with her. Mr. Young called in P.M. Ev- worked. He went to Gardiner in eve. June went home with Ervin for the night.

Thurs. Nov. 2nd

Nice day. Ev- worked. Ben, Dad and I took June to Wheeler’s to spend night. Jen caught her hand in wringer. Kinto called.

Fri. Nov. 3rd

Nice day Winnie up in P.M. Ben painted our bedroom. Ev- worked Ervin and June over in eve. then she went back to Wheeler’s

Sat. Nov. 4th

Nice day. Marsh Metcalf and Roy Woodward spent the day here hunting with Ev-. He went to Freda’s in eve.

Sun. Nov. 5th

Dark day, light showers in P.M. Heavy wind and rain in eve. Ben took me to church. Ev- went up in P.M. and brot Freda and Granville down. They set traps in P.M. Ev- took then home in eve.

Mon. Nov. 6th

Partly cloudy. Billy came up to dinner. Ev- worked. Ben went to Falls in P.M. I went to Stew’s.

Tues. Nov. 7th

Nice day. Ev- at home hunting. Winnie and Harry, Jr. and I went over to Landry’s and Jean’s in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman and Beverly came down in P.M. Stopped to supper and had “sing” in eve.

Wed. Nov. 8th

Nice mild day. Ev- worked. Nettie and Win- called on their way to Mrs. Lambert’s Royce and Ev- Small went up country looking for work. Ev- went to Gardiner in A.M.

Thurs. Nov. 9th

Clear, cold, windy. Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Fri. Nov. 10

Partly cloudy, milder. Ev- worked. Ben and Ev- banked the house.

Sat. Nov. 11

Nice day. Ev- worked then went to Gardiner at 11.30 P.M. to bring Freda out home. Winnie, Harry, Jr. and I went up to Young’s and Rideout’s in P.M. Winnie and I went to Litch- Grange Hall with Mac and Bob in eve. Ben and Dad went to Litch- Cor. in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 12

Nice day. I went to church with Win-, Mac and Bob. Wm. H. spent the day with us. Marsh Metcalf came in early P.M. Clarkie called. Ev- went to Small’s after dinner.

Mon. Nov. 13

Fair. Ev- worked. Mr. Watson here in A.M.

Tues. Nov. 14

Fair, cold, windy. Ben went to Litch- in A.M. Ev- worked.

Wed. Nov. 15

Fair. Win- and Harry, Jr. up in A.M. Everett went to Gardiner in eve. He and Freda went to see Mr. Watson about furniture.

Thurs. Nov. 16

Nice, mild day. Ben had Ralph’s oxen to haul wood., brush etc. Win- and Harry, Jr. called in A.M. on way to Rideout’s to spend day. I went up in P.M.

Fri. Nov. 17

Fair. We moved furniture from our bedroom to big open room upstairs. John Jack called in P.M.

Sat. Nov. 18

Nice, mild day. Ev- went to Gardiner in P.M. to get Freda then they went to Lewiston to buy their sink and came back here to spend night. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 19

Clear, mid day. I went to church with Freda and Ev- in A.M. After dinner they went to Litchfield. Win- and harry, Jr. up in P.M.

Mon. Nov. 20

Clear, nice day. Ben and Ev- went hunting in Litchfield. Montgomery Ward delivered Ev-‘s sink. Mr. Watson delivered Ev-‘s linoleum, breakfast set and our bedspring in eve.

Tues. Nov. 21

Partly cloudy. Ev- worked. Ben and I went upstairs to sleep.

Wed. Nov. 22

Snowed about ½ in. in P.M. Cleared in eve. Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Win- up in eve. Mr. Watson delivered E’s kitchen cabinet and mattress in eve. Ev- went to Gardiner in eve.

Thurs. Nov. 23

Some states observed this as Thanksgiving to please Franklin Roosevelt’s whims. Ev- worked.

Fri. Nov. 24

Nice day. Ev- worked.

Sat. Nov. 25

Nice day. Ev- worked. He and Dad went to Small’s after work and brot Freda down to supper. Ev- and Freda went to Brunswick in eve. shopping. Ben went to Falls in A.M. Spent most of day. Royce hauled a load of gravel from Abel’s for us in P.M. I went up to Young’s and Rideout’s in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 26

Clear, mild day. Ben took Winnie, Bob and me to church in A.M. Merton came over to dinner. I went up to Young’s in P.M. with Harry, Sr. Harry, Jr. Winnie and Bob. Ev- brot Mr. and Mrs. Small, Freda and Cecil down in P.M. to look over his domains then took Freda to Gardiner.

Mon. Nov. 27

Nice day. Ben started work again for U. S. Gypsum after sick absence of eleven weeks. Ev- worked.

Tues. Nov. 28

Nice mild day. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in late P.M. Lester Ride- down in P.M. June over in P.M.

Wed. Nov. 29

Beautiful, warm clear day. Win- up in A.M. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went to Gardiner in A.M.

Thurs. Nov. 30

Clear, warm day. Dad, Ben, Ev- and I went to Gray in early morn. Ben stayed over for visit. Ev- took Freda to Gardiner in eve. Kinto spent day at Stewart’s.

Fri. Dec. 1st

Clear, warm day, 83°. Kinto down in P.M.

Sat. Dec. 2nd

Misty, rained during night. Dad, Ev- and I went to Falls and Brunswick in A.M. Ev- brot Freda down to spend night. She finished work at Gardiner for Mrs. Trafton.

Sun. Dec. 3rd

Showery, rainy night. Dad, Ev- Freda and I went to Gray to bring Ben home. Frost coming out. Freda stayed all night.

Mon. Dec. 4th

Cleared away. Ev- took Freda home in morn. Win- and Harry up in P.M. Ev- had sick spell with stomach. Ben worked.

Tues. Dec. 5th

Fair, cooler. Ev- went to Freda’s in eve. Did not work. Ben worked.

Wed. Dec. 6th

Fair, mild. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Stew’s in P.M.

Thurs. Dec. 7th

Partly cloudy, mild. I went to Nettie’s in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- and I went to Stew’s in eve.

Fri. Dec. 8th

Fair. Ben and Ev- worked Ev- took Winnie and Nettie to Junior play “Pleased to meet ‘cha’” up to Grange Hall. He brot Freda down for night.

Sat. Dec. 9th

Partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to Gray for the day to make dress for Catherine. Winnie and I went as far as Lewiston to do our Xmas shopping. We went to “Strand” in P.M. and came home with Ev- and Freda in eve. She stayed here over night.

Sun. Dec. 10

Cloudy. Royce and Malcolm called in A.M. Merton and Ralph called in early eve. Ev- and Freda went to church then to Small’s. Began snowing in eve.

Mon. Dec. 11

Cloudy, mild, squally about 1-2 in. of snow on ground. Ben and Ev- worked. Mr. Watson brot Ev-s stove in late P.M. Built up fire in eve.

Tues. Dec. 12

12° above, clear, cold. Ben and Ev- worked. Royce began work for Ralph on Lester Curtis’ lot. Ralph brot him home at noon – hurt his ribs. Ev- took Winnie and me up to Mrs. Bowman’s in eve to shower for Freda.

Wed. Dec. 13

Fair. Ben stayed at home (not well) Ev- worked. He went to Freda’s in eve. Snowed about 2 in. in eve.

Thurs. Dec. 14

Good day. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ben and Ev- worked. Herb Small died.

Fri. Dec. 15

Fair, mild. Ben and Ev- worked. Winnie and I went to Young’s and Rideout’s in P.M.

Sat. Dec. 16

Cloudy, few spits of snow in P.M. Ev- went up to bring Freda sown in morn. Granville brot down a load of her things in A.M. I went to Ed Buker’s for license and to Brunswick with Ev- and Freda in P.M. Called at Marsh Metcalf’s. Freda stayed over night.

Sun. Dec. 17

Cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to church in P.M. then he took her home and spent the eve. I went to Nettie’s in late P.M. Great deal of sickness.

Mon. Dec. 18

Partly cloudy. Ben and Ev- worked. Mac brot Winnie and Harry, Jr. up in P.M. All sick up to Small’s with colds.

Tues. Dec. 19

Partly cloudy. Ben and Ev- worked. Bob sick with tonsillitis.

Wed. Dec. 20

Rain in P.M. freezing as it fell. Ben and Ev- worked. Ev- went to Freda’s in A.M. Mac up in A.M.

Thurs. Dec. 21

Ben and Ev- worked. I went over to Clara Allen’s and Wheeler’s in P.M. with Winnie and Mac and Harry, Jr. Mild and fair. Bill, Bud, Ev- Small and Basil Small called in eve.

Fri. Dec. 22

Fair. I went up to Rideout’s to telephone to Alice Keegan when Ev- went up to Freda’s in A.M. Raymond Lane and Grace Williams married. Ben and Everett worked.

Sat. Dec. 23

Fair. Ev- and I went to Falls in A.M. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.

Sun. Dec. 24

Fair, colder. Ev- went to Gray in morn. and brot Ella and children over. He and Cat- went to Freda’s in P.M. to practice for wedding. We had our Xmas tree in eve. Ella and I, Doris and Roy went to Allen’s and Stewart’s in P.M. then Ella and I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s. Ralph called in eve.

Mon. Dec. 25

Clear and cold. Ev- and Cat- went up to Small’s after dinner. Leo came down later to take Ella, Doris and me up. Freda and Ev- married at 4 P.M. by Rev. Harry Bowman. Chester and Marian brot Ella and me back home and after supper they took Ben and me back to Small’s to reception. Ev- and Freda brot us home.

Tues. Dec. 26

Clear, cold and windy. Ben took Freda and Ev- to Small’s to pack their things. Granville brot them down in his truck. Ben came home and took Ella and children home to Gray. Winnie and boys up in P.M. I called at Allen’s and Stewart’s in P.M. Ben worked.

Wed. Dec. 27

Clear and cold, zero. Ben and Ev- worked. I went to Falls in P.M. with Freda and Everett. Alec Hall’s farm in Durham burned. $8,000 - $10,000 loss. $3500 insurance.

Thurs. Dec. 28

Clear and cold. Ben and Ev- worked. June came over in P.M.

Fri. Dec. 29

Clear, milder. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Mac up in eve. He was first person to call on Freda and Everett.

Sat. Dec. 30

Snowed about 4 in. during night. Ev- worked. I went to Stewart’s in eve. with Freda and Everett.

Sun. Dec. 31

Mostly cloudy, snowed lightly in P.M. Ben took Freda and me to church in A.M. They went up to Small’s to supper.

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